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Posts posted by kevlar557

  1. Well, I can only think of one more thing to try. Reformating your hard drive. It cures all ails, and conditions lol. I can only think that the windows sounds have been deleted in some way. Try placing your own sound in place of the windows default sounds. If it still does not work, try reinstalling windows.

  2. He was aksing if the sound was onboard the motherboard, or if you have an internal sound card, like a sound blaster audigy, or something like that. What OS do you have? this could be a contributing factor. Try going into the sound ettings, and make sure you have a sound scheme selected.

  3. I don't think the world would be able to live without computers. Our soceity has grown too dependant on computers. My parents took my computer away for a month. For the first week and half, I was pulling my hair out, trying to figure out something to do. I eventually got used to it, and I've cut back on my computer usage drastically. If you consider the fact that almost everything has some sort of computer in it these days, we would easily fall into some kind of depression. Car keys, toasters, alarm clocks, nuclear power plants, even my pen has a computer chip inside it. If all of the computers seased to exisit at one moment, it would be chaos.

  4. There will never be a winner in this topic. Intel and AMD are good at certain things. From my recent studies, Intel is more of a multimedia processor. ie: video editing, audio compiling etc... AMD is more of a gaming processor. I'm still debating on what kind of processor I should get for my next computer, but I'll figure it out when I decide what I want to do with it.

  5. I think source is going to be a lot better within the next few months (at least I hope) They have been releasing a lot of big patches lately, and introducing more useless features. I love source, when I can play it. Steam is probally the best idea in a while, but was implamented in the worst way. Valve really needs to get their act together with all of these bugs in their applications. As I said in a earlier topic:

    I feel like a beta tester, not a gamer.

    Enough of my ranting. I still like 1.6 over source for now. Within the next couple of months, I will probally be playing source more than 1.6

  6. I'm trying to set up a small home network between two computers. I have SUsE linux on one computer, and XP pro on the other. I believe I have the hardware end sorted out, but I am having much trouble with the set-up of the network devices. on the linux machine, it is asking for an IP address for the computer. I don't know what I should put, can someone clue me in? On the XP machine, it is trying to renew my IP address, but it will not renew it. It than says that it has "Little or No Connectivity". I can't hook the computers up to a brodband internet to get the IP's, because I only have dial-up. I really need help with this, cuz I need this network for a LAN party in a couple weeks.

  7. I do not get an error message when I open the .exe file. It shows the loading splash screen, but when it is finished loading, the splash screen closes and nothing happens. Nothing regarding adobe is in the process list when I check it. I also closed all diagnostic applications before I installed premier.

  8. Yesterday, I downloaded the trial version of Premier Pro 1.5. I installed it on my master hard drive, but it will not load. I get the splash screen that says that it is loading the files, but it will not startup. I tried everything on the Adobe website, but to no avail. I really need this program, because I have to turn a movie into my T.V. Production teacher be the end of the month. Can somebody please help me?

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