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Posts posted by kevlar557

  1. The crossfire setup is not like SLI. From what I've read, crossfire seperates more that one section of the screen, unlike SLI that divides it in half. Also, there is no such card is the X550. It is not a mater of games not being able to run SLI or Crossfire, it is the OS beiong able to support it, which just about all do.

  2. Ok, I just realised that I forgot a few things.1. We are both in the drama club at my school, and we were in the same play last year. One of the days before practice, I casually asked her if she would like to go and get a bite to eat. She said yes, and that I should meet her at her locker after school. Well, the end of the day came along, and she never showed up at her locker. I had a friend who said that she was looking for me, but I also told her that it took a while to get to the other end of the school(freaking little 7th graders). Anyway, I didn't really know how to take this, so I just left well enough alone.2.SHe is more of the quiet type, meaning that she isn't very talkative when trying to start a conversation, as am I. It's really hard for me to start a conversation, and keep it going at the same time.OoOo, did I also mention that she is a cheerleader, and that people constantly hit on her any time of the day?Thanks in advance!

  3. I really hate all of the people that think video games train kids to kill. In the colombine school shootings, they said that the kids played video games, which is why they committed the crime. I'm not saying that they are wrong or right, but if you look at the statistics, as video game sales increase at a substancial rate, the number of violent crimes are starting to decrease. I want to put a story on my school's website about people's reactions to this. I would be interisted for some feedback about this from all of you out there. I figured that we have a pretty disperse group of folk on this website, I would love to hear everybody's reaction to these video games. Personally, from looking at the statisistics (computer gaming monthy has a story on this), I'm standing by my opinion that video games are not completely corrupting our minds, and turing us into zombies. I am also saying that some people do not have the mentality to realise that these are games, and do what they see in the games. From research, I've figured that the amount of these people are about one in every 5 million.

  4. Ok, this girl moved to our school a while back, and she has been one of the "popular" kids in our school. Back last year, we started talking a little bit, and know each well. I would really like to ask her out, but there is a few things that will hinder my success.

    1. A couple knew that I liked her last year, and they told other people, and it goes into the "rumor machine", and now, everyone says that I was obsessed with her, including a few of her friends, so she probally thinks I'm a freak, or a stalker.

    2. I'm not really the most out-going type. I'm rather shy, and I don't have that much experience with women, except Here, which if you read it, you'll understand why. But, I really don't what to say, or even how to approach her.

    3. She is one of the more popular people in the school. I'm a geeky school computer tech that doesn't even get paid, and that doesn't have a drivers license. I'm also not looking like Tom Cruise, or one of those carpenters on those fix-em-up shows.

    I would really like to ask her out, but I'm clueless right now, which is why I'm asking for help from all of the experts out there on Xisto's forms.

  5. Most distros are ment for the Power User, meaning that a computer newb won't have a clue what to do. I've had a computer since the DOS-SHELL's and I still cannot figure out how to use linux. But, without linux, our lives on the internet would be very diffucult. Most web serversout there run some kind of linux distro, because it is a no BS operating system. They even have cell phones that use linux! If you are a hardcore gamer, or a plain guy that just knows how to use a basic computer, before getting a distro, do some studying first. Learn the basics of linux so you know how to use it. It takes practice to learn how to use linux. People went through the same thing after windows came out. They didn't know how things worked, and they took classes, bought books, etc... To sum it up, give linux a chance. It will be worth you while.

  6. I hope that the earth isn't trying to destroy its self, I just spent a few hunderd dollars on landscaping :P . But seriously, there has been a lot of natural disasters since the tsunami. We here in the U.S. have got hit with hurricanes like no others, there has been a few earthquakes here in Ohio, which is very rare. Or, it could be aliens trying to annihilate us :huh: .

  7. I just got a E-mail form pinnacle systems today saying that November 1st will be the release date for version 10, and upgrades are available now for preorder. I hope that version 10 will be much better that version 9, because i don't want to pay another 70 bucks for somethinbg that is just about the same as the one before it.

  8. The hottest place that I've ever been to would have to be San Pedro Sula, Honduras. The average high for their summer is 115 degrees. I was doing mission work with my church, and we were building buildings, and repairing old ones. My back was so sunburned by the end of the 2 weeks that I couldn't lift my carry-on baggage into the overhead compartment on the airplane for the flight home

  9. Trading My Half-Life 2 for low digit CS 1.6 steam id (3-5 digits). Please put your steam ids in here and post your offers


    1. I never asked people to post their steam ids in here


    2. I'm with the steam system for 2 years and as for counter-strike 1.6 steam ids, the exist from number 2 to 8, so I have no idea why you whining about 12 digit steam ids. By the way if you want to look really stupid I can post a screenshot taken from the console showing my friend's steam id with 4 digits. (Just let me know)


    I'm looking at my Counter Strike case, and the ID has 13 digits and letters, so what now? :ph34r:


    Listen, I really don't care about anything that you're saying. I think arguing over the inetrnet is a waste of time, and hosting credits, so how about we believe what we want to, and just forget about this?

  10. Listen for saying that you might get in a lot of trouble so watch mouth before talking. rom the way you talk I can tell that you hav no idea what we are talking in here + you sound like a moron sying what you say. Read it again it doesn't make any sense please stop posting in this thread. By the way for those who think 1.6 will get shutdown - not even 98% of compettitive cs is still 1.6... What now?


    Dude, I hope you wern't talking to me. First, you said that my post doesn't make any sense. You should be looking at your own post. Your punctuation is awful, and your spelling skills leave much to be desired. I can't even try to decypher what the bulk of ^you're post^ actually means. You also say that I have no idea what you're talking about in this forum. You're absolutely right. From reading some of your posts, I can't understand the point of them. And finally, I will post in this thread for however long I feel like, until I get bored,I break the rules and get banned, or it is closed. It is what I signed up for when I joined Trap.

  11. OUCH!!!! thats all i have to say, imagine that this girl was cheating on 3 guys, which tells you something LABEL=(put text in here), but yeah if you she was talking about a second person i would have ended it that very moment you read it not giving here the satisfaction of breaking up with you.


    but yeah i would put that up in the top saddest relationships ever. hey be cruel and tell the man she got engage to was cheating on him with 2 other guys, and give him good conving details too. talk about revenge tasting sweet. :ph34r::D


    She actually called me as I was just about ready to call her and tell her it was over. The funny thing is, is that her fiancee broke up with her after I told him what was going on, and she got married about 2 weeks after that to another man. After talking to the guys she was dating at the same time as me, I found out that she was actually dating 5 guys off and on. And did I also mention she is only 16 years old?

  12. Ok this has to be the most sad relationship ever. I met this girl through my church(1st mistake), and we really hit it off well. we hung out for a couple weeks, and I asked her out (2nd mistake). It was going pretty well for the first few weeks, than it was coming up on valentines day. She had a web blog witch she wanted me to read every day(1st indicator of insecurity). I started reading it around this time and she was talking about having two loves, and she had to end it, so they wouldn't have to get hurt. I was lucky enough to have not bought a gift yet(1st smart thing I did in this "relationship"). she broke up with me 2 days before valentines day. But the worst part is, is that she got engaged on valentines day. Whats even worse, It wasn't either of us that she was talking about on her blog.

  13. You are an idiot for a couple reasons.

    1. You think people are stupid enough to just post their ID's on here, where everyone and their brother can see it and use it, which will get the whole game ID, and the steam players banned.

    2. As of 2000, you cannot disable ID's to switch your version of a game to another person.

    3. There is no place where you can check who has been banned from what I know of steam. Now mind you, I've been playing the entire half-life series since before steam even came out, and I have not found a ban list.

    4.There is no 3-5 digit ID. There never has been in the history of the half-life series. The lowest amount of digits and letters was 12, and that was back when half-life first came out.


    I'd advise everybody reading this to never post game ID's in a public place, yet alone give it to someone before getting some kind of payment.

  14. I don't think there is anything wrong with wearing classic rock band's t-shirts. I personally love classic rock. I do blare it on my really loud car stereo. But, its better than all of the wiggers playing rap with their lincons with 15in subwoofers, blowing out peoples eardrums. The people I consider posers are those who only listen to punk rock, and think that everything else is stupid. Those people should be the ones to get slapped, because they have no taste in music, and they think theirs is the only way to go.

  15. I only like 3 green day songs after listening to most of their albums. I hate all of the people in my school that are always wearing green day shirts, and that is all they talk about. There is even a kid who has the "grenade" off the american idiot album tatooed on his arm!!Most of the people in my grade have no respect for the founding fathers of rock. I.E. - Queen, judas priest, STYX, the eagles, the doors, etc... I would like to just take all of those kids and slap them with a old Bob Segar album across the face, but I shouldn't waste a good album on them. :ph34r:

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