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Posts posted by kevlar557

  1. I'm hoping to get a panasonic toughbook to take to school. Lucky for me, I'm the stuent computer tech, so I know everything on how to use the network. As far as it getting stolen, I believe that many people respect me at the school, and they wouldn't take it. For the others, they know I'm in with the staff, and that if I report it stolen, I will get it back. The staff will search book bags, and everything. I'm so lucky...

  2. I'm finally getting broadband internet at my house after 5 years :rolleyes: . I need to set up a network, but I don't know what kind of router/switch to buy. I'm going to have a network printer, satellite dish, and 2 computers hooked up to it. Any ideas what kind to buy?Also, I need a print server for a HP DeskJet 940. I have no clue where to start on looking. Anyone have a good one, and would like to share what kind it is?

  3. Ok, here it goes.Well, first of all, I just got my license a few months ago, but I cannot get a job because it interferes with all of my after-school activities. So, I have next to nothing for gas money. It used to be that I could save up my change from lunch money back in the day, and be able to fill up a 5 gallon gas can, and be able to mow the lawn. I can't even afford to fill up the gas can after saving the same amount for twice as long. Back before George Bush took the U.S. Presidency, I remember that gas prices were about 99 cents per gallon. That is about 1/3 of what it is today.I don't understand how in 5 years, the economy can change from a booming economy, with unemployment at a all time low, to a resession, going into a depression. Now, in the past, hasen't wars boosted the economy? WWI, WWII, Korea, etc... had all boosted the economy in one way or another. America is in a war right now, and everything is going down the tubes(except gas prices and Bush's bank balance). I really don't understand it. Can someone explain this oddity?

  4. You know what's really funny? When you go to fix someone's computer, and everything is pirated, and yet they insist that it is all legal, or, "Well... I have this friend...and... yea". I laugh everytime that happens to me. I just walk out, and say that I'll fix their computer when they actually buy the software. Well, I don't have many clients anymore. :(

  5. God, I know exactly what you mean. A few days ago, I was going to Micro Center to return a $120 hard drive that I didn't need, when all of a sudden, I hear a really loud pop from my car speakers. Come to find out, I just blew my front door speakers. So, after I returned the hard drive, I had to go to best buy and buy $140 dollar speakers. <rant> <--! This my related rant-->I hate it that I have to buy the best of the best for anything. The best clothes, the best parts for my car, the best speakers, etc... They are so expensive, that I can't even afford gas any more. Is there some kind of therapy that is offered to make people save money? :blink: </rant>

  6. The best thing you can possibly do for a computer is to go out and buy a good UPS (Uninterruptable Power Source). Basically, it is a battery hooked up to your computer. The good thing is, is that if you have a power surge, it will put the load on the battery, instead of your computer. Anyway, we had a Brand-New 24-port 3COM switch go bad because of a power surge today at school. It really sucks, because it was like a $400 dollar switch.

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