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Posts posted by kevlar557

  1. I just bought a Samsung SpinPoint 250 GB SATA hard drive last night from Micro Center. The windows installation disk will not detect it. I have a Abit VT-7 mobo, which does support SATA. I used the included driver floppy to boot with the installation disk, but it refuses to recgonize it. I'm going to try to flash the BIOS, but I wanted to know if ya'll had any other ideas.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Topic title is very important. Try naming it with more effort.

  2. Well, I filed a claim at the local police station yesterday, so they will go to the school monday, and procure the security tapes. Hopefully there will be viable evidence on the tapes to find who did this. I will update once I find out more information.P.S. This is kind of a non-vent, but I was really impressed with the way the cops acted towards me. They even stayed after hours so I could file a report.

  3. Well, I'll tell you the story. I drove to shcool that day, and everything was fine with the car, except the struts. Now, mind you, I usually always check my tire pressure pressure, oil etc... every friday. Now, if there was a problem with my tires, I would have seen it when doing these checks. So, some guy took my regular spot that I park in, so I had to move a couple spaces over, but there were plenty of other spaces available. After I was in school for a few hours, I looked outside, and it was freezing raining. After school, I went out to my car, and drove off. As soon as I pulled out, I felt a really bad vibration in the front end. At first, I thought it was some ice built up in the wheel. But after a while, I suspected something was up, because I rode the brakes a few times to melt the ice, and it did nothing. So, I get home, put the car up on the jack, and check the wheels. I went to get underneath the car to look under the passender side, using the front wheel for balance. When I pushed it, it went back like an inch. when I looked at all of the lugs on that tire, they were all loose, almost loose enough to come off in another 15-20 miles. Don't worry miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG, you can get the first rights to my story :) I'm sure it will become a NY times best seller.

  4. I had one of the worst possible things possible happen to me today. I parked my car in the school parking lot today, and sometime during the day, someone came out and loosened the wheel lugs on the front passenger wheel. Now, it was snowy, and the roads were extremely icy. If my wheel were to come off, I could have easily been killed, by hitting a car, tree, or I could have killed someone else. I can't do anything about it until monday, because I need security camera footage from the parking lot to find out who it is. I absolutely hate people that do this kind of ****. Well, that's my vent for the day.

  5. Warning: fopen(/home/kevlar55/public_html/Settings.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/kevlar55/public_html/Sources/Admin.php on line 1098
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    Connection Problems
    Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.

    This is the error message I get everytime I try to access my website. Although it says it is trying to contact SMF, It has been uninstalled. Please Help!

    Notice from rejected:
    Changes codes to quotes and removed credit.

  6. Guess what. You are more vunerlable when you have a broadband internet connection. Why you ask. You are constantly connected to the internet, which means that you have a very large timeframe for you to get attacked. With dial-up, you can only get attacked when you are connected to an ISP. With hi-speed, you can get attacked whenever your computer is on, and your network connection is operational.

  7. Itis both legal, and possible to do this. I've done it on my computer quite a few times. When you call to activate windows, enter all of the info over the phone, and they will probally not activate it. What they usually do, is transfer you to a person, and just explain the situation. Make sure to have your product key handy. after about 15 minutes, yu can get them to give you the activation key. Good luck!

  8. I've had nothing but trouble with my western digital hard drives. First, my good 80 gig Caviar just started acting up, its giving me weird noises, and my computer freezes every 5 minutes, but unfreezes after 30 seconds. I can hear it spin up, slow down, spin up, slow down, over and over again. All of my games and personal stuff is on here, and I can't afford a new HD right now. Second, my 30 gig Caviar just died last week, no reason what so ever. I've tried it in 3 different computers, and it id a dud. Lastly, my little 7 gig Caviar is giving me troubles when using my little windows 95 box. it works sometimes, other times it doesn't. I'm definately going to go out and buy a few samsung hard drives from micro center in a couple weeks.

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