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Posts posted by kevlar557

  1. Personally, I would by a desktop over a laptop any day. The last I knew, you can not get ATI X800's for a laptop.:) But, like everyone else said, it all depends on what you are using it for. Laptops are great for doing business stuff, like presentations. Laptops are also good for airplanes. I wouldn't be able to get my desktop in the overhead compartment very easily. But, if you are doing gaming, or other system demanding applications, the desktop is your best bet. My only gripe about laptops, is that they dont have cool windows or blinkey lights.

  2. My nick isn't that complicated, but it may take a while to explain. *starts to brew a pot of coffee*Back in the good old days, I used to rock at Counter Strike. Now mind you, this was before steam came around. I was at a friend's birthday party, where we were having a CS LAN. We all brought our computers, and after 5 hours of wiring later, we started a 16 on 16 slaughter fest on cs_747. The host decided to put a 4 hour limit on the map, without a max kill. By the end of the night, people were calling me kevlar, because I was only killed 50 times or so. I had 557 kills, so I made my name kevlar557.

  3. You guys are all yuppies. The High School i attend, the techies and i are at war, along with my comrades. I feel that blocking e-mail and games is unreasonable, especially when they give us our own account for e-mail. I like my own.


    First of all, I am related to a developer at Novell, and from what i've heard from him and found myself, novell is full of holes. Apache is pretty tight though, why i use it. Windows 2000 NT is also pretty lousy.


    The blocker on Novell? It can be set as transparent, but no one set it like that does which is why Firefox off a USB drive works. They have to delete it off my server space once in a while. :D


    And the teacher in charge should monitor the students. RC is cruel. Any cruel admin should have there system spoofed, and they're hard disks partitioned to a million 4 kb tables. Any student who reads this, read up on Novell and understand what you are dealing with. Tell IE not to use the fricken proxy.


    First of all, the school itself usually does not block the websites. All of the schools in Ohio have a program called Bess to block websites, that is implimented by the department of education at all of the main servers for each county. The school admins have just about no control over this.


    You should be happy that you get your own e-mail address. No one at our school gets their own e-mail address. If you really want to use your own e-mail, get a gmail account, and log in through http secure.


    If you don't like the techs at your school, try going a month without them. I guarantee that you will have a new found respect for them after kids start to screw with the computers and they won't work, and there is no one to fix them. I am one out of four techs at my school, and I have to replace computer's daily, because kids steal stuff out of them. We keep about 5 dozen boxes keyboard keys, because kids pop them out, and throw them at people. You should try to type an essay with only half of a keyboard. If you really want to use firefox on your computer, you should talk to the admin and see if he could put it on the computers at your school. This is what I did, and now IE has been removed from all of the computers, and replaced with firefox.


    If some kid is looking up porn through a proxy, or a student is trying to put a virus on the network, wouldn't you like to know? If every schiool had a teacher to monitor the computers at our school, we would have to hire about 20 more teachers to do the same job as one person at a admin console with the remote control software. If your school's hard disks are really partitioned to a million 4 kb tables, that is a hell of a lot of students. :D

  4. With the rising prices of gasoline(or petrol), I believe that many of these ideas will be introduced quicker than we think. Personally, I would go for a hydrogen car, because they give off almost no pollution. With electric cars, you need to hook it up to an electrical source. As far as I know, much of the world's electricity is still produced by burning coal or oil, which still pollutes the environment. Is biodiesel the cars that run off of cooking oil. If it is, I would also use that. I would love the smell of french fries whenever I walk down the street :D

  5. #1: Firefox. I've tried opera, netscape and many others, but firefox is my favorite. I like it so much, I pressured the network admin at my school to put it on all of the machines in the school. He did that, and he even disabled IE on all of the computers.#2: Getright. For those massive files that take yoears to download, getright is the bomb. With the accelerated downloading, I'm finally up to 20% on downloading 3dmark05 after a week :D #3:Winamp. I've had winamp from version 2 all the way to 5. You can't beat the features, skins and plug-ins. Did I mention the price and size?#4: Frontpage 2003. The only microsoft program I usually use. I still don't really know how to use it, but I'm slowly learning. It's relatively easy to make a basic site, but some of the features can be confusing#5: Alchohol 120%. The gamer's best friend. Alchohol allows you to copy cd's to your hard drive, and mount them on a virtual drive. It also allows you to make copies of cd's, even with the encoding. Of course, I do not do this, or would recommend anyone doing this, because in certain circumstances, it is agansed the law. :D

  6. Does anyone know is CS:S is compatable with a 7.1 surround system setup? I am planning on getting a new sound card and speakers. When I go to get it, I was going to look at getting a 7.1 instead of 5.1, but if CS:S is 7.1 compatable, I will just spend the little bit of extra money to get 7.1's.

  7. I'm looking at getting a new heatsink+fan for my 9800 pro 256. I've heard that they generate gobs of heat, because the bulk of memory is on the top of the board. I don't know if this is true, so that would be my first question. My second question would be, If it does generate a lot of heat, what is a good heatsink+fan? I've been looking at some of the zalman heatsinks, but I know there are others that are probally just as good. Any suggestions?

  8. I've had sp2 since i built my current computer. I like the fact that it will alert you if your anti-virus, or firewall has been turned off. I haven't really noticed much more resourse usage than sp1( i had to run my copmputer with sp1 for about 1 month because I couldn't find my sp2 disk afetr a format). It did fix a lot of security holes, but i still use my 2 firewalls just in case. I would recommend sp2 to anyone doing a format, or just building their computer. For those who are chuggin' along great with sp1 and feel safe, dont waste time to get sp2. You can get the sp2 cd shipped free in the U.S. from microsoft.com

  9. One time, many moons ago on tech tv, they had an segment on making an cantenna. They used a coffee can, and some other parts to make a long-range antenna. I read a review on line, and they made a lan with 2 of them. It had a range of over 2 miles with 802.11g. I had the article on my computer, but it got lost after my last format.

  10. I'm very surprised that mods were illegal. One of the top posted topics on the steam fourms are the garrys mod screen shots, and other things to do with garrys mod. Wouldn't you think that if it was illegal, that they would prohibit the posting of that topic? :)

  11. As a former Novell network administrator, I can tell you that although you have a degree of power, you shouldn't get carried away with it. Yeah, it can be fun to watch someone's surfing or takeover their mouse and keyboard, but by doing that more for fun than out of necessity, you make the complainers point for them. If their complaining gets loud enough someone might take your admin privileges away.


    I'm sure you're not being a jerk and messing with people all the time. And sometimes you have to try a bunch of things with new technology so you can learn its limitations. Just remember, in your position, you're supposed to be the "good cop." You're the one they call when something breaks and they need to get it running again. You should get to know your ethical code because you will often be responsible for dealing with users doing unethical things. You're sort of like Spider-Man - part cop, part vigilante, part everyday nice guy. That's what it takes to be in charge of a network and keep your users confident that you are not taking advantage of them.


    As for the users, tell them if they were at home they could do whatever they want with fewer prying eyes. But on the school network it is your job to keep bad people from doing bad things so you have to watch out for everybody and keep track of what everyone is doing... ethically. :)


    I completely agree with ther fact that we should not get carried away with our power, which I usually don't What we do not allow at our school is porn, games, and anything that is not within reasonable limits of being at school. We have a rather strict url blocker, but as most blockers are, they cannot block everything. That is where we come in. Although I myself cannot use the remote control software, my computer teacher/network admin can. So, if we don't have anything to work on, we monitor the computer labs and library. If we find someone doing something that is not school appropriate, we lock out the controls, and exit firefox for them. My opinion is, that if you don't want people looking over your sholder, you are probally doing something that is able to be considered as not school apropriate

  12. Our high school just got the new version of Novell ZenWorks, and it has some awesome features. I'm a computer tech at the school, so I get to use many of these features. I think one of the more scary features is the remote control. The admin can control any computer on the network. He can turn them on, log them in, and even lock the local mouse and keyboard. It's really fun to spy on people in the library and computer labs, and lock people's workstation controls, although I have had this happen to me. Many people in my school believe that it is an invasion of privacy. I would like your opinions on this, and I plan on presenting them to the complainers. Thanks

  13. I'm looking at buying a mp3 player with over 10 gigs of space. I've looked at the dell dj, and the ipod. I need it to be able to store files on it, and be ale to accept all of my current mp3's Is there any other good mp3 players that arn't too expensive, yet functional?

  14. I have some huge zalman monstrosity, which the name is too long to remember. It is absolutely sweet. It works with almost any processor, and it keeps my overclocked cpu at a cozy 29.2 while playing half-life 2. If you want to cool your computer, gather your pennies and go to a computer store to buy a heatsink. Don't rely on software to cool your computer. The last I knew, 1's and 0's don't dissipate heat very well.

  15. Everybody says that if you want to overlclock your cpu, go for a AMD. Why exactly are AMD's better for ovelclocking that the P4? I have my P4 ovelclocked from 2.6 to 3.1 without any increase in voltage, or any tweaking; and it has worked great (no bsod or anything) for 3 months. Is my processor a freak of nature or something, because everybody says that you can't ovelclock a P4 to over 300 megahertz over stock speed.By the way, my vote goes for the P4.

  16. I went to the mac store and I looked at the mac mini. It's a cool little computer, but like others have said, they will be almost impossible to upgrade. I like OSX, but as far as I know, HL2 hasn't come out on the mac yet. And even if it did, the mac mini probally couldn't run it. I'll stick with my Windows XP for now. I just poured 500 bucks into it, and I'd hate to part with it.(hugs computer) :P

  17. I have played all of the cs's, and so far, 1.6 is the best. css is excellent, but the shot boxes are poorly set up. Also, the kill information from 1.6 should be put into css. Many of the good features from 1.6 were left out in css. I would still recommend css, because the graphics are sweet, and many of the problems will be fixed in later updates. (I hope...)

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