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About Thelaw

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    The One That Takes Your Life Away At The End Of Everything Begin
  • Birthday 03/08/1986

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    Hockey, socom2, video games, anything thats good in the hood yo.
  1. Well accuallty i have something to tell you, the question was are we living in a game. what if this wasn't a game, but reletivity it looks as if it is or was. Now the facts consider what if this game was being ran by a different race... like aliens. than your Online gaming wouldn't be available. and glitching is very possible. Birth defects, chemical reactions, etc. Not the ordinary kind but yes things that arent supposed to happen in out minds that is. What if i told you there was a new world order that controlled everything, and were are sacrifices for its pitiful game? would you believe me, probably not. But rationally this is most likely true, but can we prove it? No we can't and thats the sad part of this philosophy.
  2. This is an interesting question. I have no clue on how to do this, since mostly everything in your pc makes noise. and really computer tables with a cabinet door stop it lol. But hardware wise, you would probably need a soundless fan, and a cooler that is silent. Newegg might have it, I haven't check since i am not really interested in going to gte parts for my pc becuase it barely makes noise lol. But very interesting topic, sorry i cant help much!
  3. well the fact remains when the sun burns out, All living organisms will die anyways. The time is a big issue, and money will not matter when the time comes. It will be a desperate matter that the whole world will have to goto space. It will be a space station that produces air, and heat, and light. FOr trees, and other things. The world will be using most battery powered things. and electronic refreshers. This will be a serious matter later one. The sun is supposed to burn our in 300000 years anyways from what scientist said, So we will be dead and long gone lol. Only thing im worried about is if the earth will recleanse itself in my life time. Becuase were supposed to all die from fire. WWIII... lol. Becuase before it was water. Now fire. Well i really was excited seeing this post, this reminds me of a anime series i watched, BLUE GENDER, and a game i played XenoSaga.
  4. Originally posted at Byethost by: James (he wanted me to post it not copy and paste) My Opinion: Xisto is a great host period! Byethost is good too, except the 5mb file limit period lol. Dont want people hating me!
  5. I also need to connect to my past. If i don't, than i don't know why im alive. My progress in life is undetermined, i can wake up any day and forget where i was, where i am, what im doing, If i dont have any connection or speculaton of why i live, than i would cease to exist. This world has many different edges to it, Life is more of a game of Strength, Wisdom, Balance, Intelligence, Its mostly just like a rpg system in a more reliable world. but this is real Progression in this world buys you everything depending on how you choose to work, and co-exist. If you are of no quality traits than you will progress no where. Undertsand? I bet you guys don't lol
  6. This is a very good browser, excpet they dont use that pesky little local stetings folder no more. you know how you could get in to IE6 folder. I still havent found where everything goes. It probably goes into a hidden folder... HEHE! not like people wont find it. i like how when you delete histroy and stuff it accuallty deletes it this time. The multiple browsers in one, so it doesnt consume the start bar LOL. Its goign smootly. Just Microsoft in my opinion still sucks at alot of things lol. This was a good thing, they should be proud lol
  7. I can't see why anyone wants to socialize in a bathroom anyway, most public restrooms are very dirty and occasionally nasty. I only goto the restroom in public if nessecary. I think girls goto the bathroom together to talk about men, and to clean themselves up or to do some type of test. to see if the guy will notice lol, Yes im a guy! But thinking on that line makes it seem very possible. Just my opinion anyways...
  8. Im going to blow away the big loads of fireworks that my cousin got, he spent 1500 dollars on fireworks alone. I was shocked when he did that, just to throw around money lol. But i live next to a beach, well its partially mine so i'll be there, and im going to hook up wiht some friends and blow that 1500 follars away lol!
  9. Another great sub category to this would be, Nightvision and how it induces our eyes to see in the dark through a green laser optical window. Infrared allows us to see other heated objects this was used in the movie predator and probably other movies. Rifle Scopes allows us to see up to 2x-16x away from where we are in a little crosshaired window to shoot your enemy. This is great technology that is made by the military and gun people. I dont understand how we can see things with the help of programs, objects, and not by our own will. Or for that most see through anything lol! I could have some fun with that.
  10. hmm this is rather interesting and brave of microsoft to make something on their own... joking, but anyways i'll have a look at this nicely improved file type for images. I wonder what kind of virus people could make from this. Windows could of just released a source for new hackers like that old Jpeg script... that Windows XP SP2 stopped.
  11. hmm, i cant install Live messenger or MSn 7.5, i have to use the less promising Windows Messenger that comes with Windows XP lol. So maybe this will work? Hope it sure does, thanks for the info, and if anyone has an idea of why i freeze when i login with the MSn 7.5 or 8.0 tell me please lol. Because its very annoying!
  12. I would say that this is a horrible site. The specs on this god awful thing is outdated and flat rate cheaply made and unprofessional site. They probably used a web template, and got this crap, i bet they dont even own a business. They probably live an a apartment and host this stuff.. sarcastic about the apartment. But yeah i had a friend tyr this out. He said its good for personally sites, Not a company!
  13. i cant see robots being capable of learning. And this isnt no Japanese anime or the terminator where the robot dont blow up. If you get a missle say good bye. There is no strong alloy metal that will not be blown up. Come on people. Robots will never take us...
  14. When i saw this topic i thought of ebola, aids/hiv, sars, and other level 4 diseases. I remember a movie called something and it had Dustin Hoffman in it. And they were battling a dieseases that transferred into a cold... airborne. Anything is possible, Aids was started form monekys, and genetically mutated to transfer to other living creatures like humans. It started in Africa. Than theres the West Nile with miqusticos and crows etc. And that once the body has the virus deeated once it shouldnt come back in.... well it does... a mutated one. remeber aids scientits said they stopped it... but it mutated to another form. and colds mutate daily. Colds/Flu is a leading killer, if they dont get a cure for it. Vaccine is a permanent cure of the illness in that conditioned state. Also remember Cancer... so many different types of it. Breast, back, lung, heart, head, etc. Also tumours of the brian. Most of these diseases are humand made. or animal related.
  15. well not only all of these, but no one has talked about eye types, does the different colors effect your sight, does color blindness effect you, also eye types like 20x20, well im blind as a bat and i wear glasses, also my eyes used to split so i had to have surgery in like 1992, also about 3 years ago, my eyes would start to go blurry right through the glasses. Only way i know how to stop it is sleeping or a shower, and sometimes it dont work. my eye doctor has no clue what it is... he says its the glasses, i say it might be stressful on my eyes. I need to get laser yeah, but i dont trust it. and contacts... cant wear them lol.
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