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Everything posted by inea

  1. The coloured letters in a coloured square are very hard to discover. Especially the shiny squares.
  2. It is obvious that this friend of yours does not like you because you doubt about it. This is based on the assumption that when somebody likes some other person the persons involved are very well aware of this feeling.
  3. The usual name for some keyboards is the us format with unused keys. Maybe these keys are ment in this description.
  4. It seems to help to get a clear vision to devide between the counting of time done by human beings and the fysical time that goes by as human beings experience it. Time as a measure to count is ruled by the circle around the sun that the earth makes. 1 turn is named 1 year. The moon appears 12 times full in this amount of 1 turn. So the year is divided in 12 parts with 1 part for every cyclus of the moon going from full to full again. Or from invisible to invisible again if somebody wants to count that way. The day is measured by the turn that the earth makes. So 1 day is 1 circle of the earth. This amount of time is divided in 12 parts for the daytime and 12 times for the night time. These divisions come from the division of the circle of the year in 12 parts, probably. The pointers of the clock show more or less the positon of the sun during the day. If you make a clock with 24 hours on the front the pointers would show you the position of the sun during the complete 24 hours of the day and the night.Since the minutes are counted by 60 in 1 hour the division of time into hours and minutes and the counting of the time comes probably from the people of Babylon. They used a mathematic system using parts of 60 in stead of 100. This system is very strong. 1 Reason might be because it is easier for the human brain to work with 60 in stead of 100. Compared with eachother the amount of 100 seems a bit too much for the human brain to understand. The strenght of the mathematical system based on the amount of 60 is shown by the use of this system in the counting of time, that still exists in the year 2010.Time as a fysical fact seems to be a part of existing in the physical world. Like an object has weight and dimensions and the way it appears. An object has physical aspects like colour, taste, hardness. Time is an aspect of existing in the physical world. When an object doesn't have this aspect it would not exist in the fysical world like the human being experiences it. The object would exist like a ghost and be timeless. An object needs to be attached to time to be able to exist. An object which time is finished disappears. That can be compared with wood that gets burned. The wood in its original form disappears. This means that the piece of wood lost track with the existing time.
  5. inea

    Hello World!

    you won 98,25 MyCents in 11 days. How many $ did you earn, when you like to share? I like to know to see how many MyCents 1 post delivers.
  6. inea


    It seems your Caps Lock key has problems. It is probably not so much the Shift key that causes the caps in the first post of this topic.
  7. A way to introduce yourself is by introducing the equipment you have. What are the specifications of your computer? What is the name and the number of your operating program? Which programs do you use on your computer? What websites do you like? What is the link to your own website?
  8. What are the specifications of your computer and which operating system do you use and which programs do you use? And why do you visit this forum, asked in a friendly way. It is ment like what are your intentions and your goals and what do you expect to find over here?
  9. What are the links to these websites? Actually you might miss some traffic by not writing down the links in your posts. What other forums do you mean?
  10. Comments without links to prove what the user states are a bit useless in my opinion. If somebody replies: yes, there are free domains, without any further information and without the link it doesn't add much to the information gap that exists.
  11. The easiest thing to do is to make a video with the music in it. That video can be uploaded on the Youtube. It is not even necessary to put content in it. The video can contain a text, 1 word or a picture during the complete song.
  12. Actually there are a lot of rules. And there are a lot of manuals. It seems that it takes a lot of effort and a lot of time to read them all. And it is still possible that the information somebody is looking for is not found in all the information provided.
  13. A topic that has the undertitle that things get annoying is a bit annoying itself. A better approach is to give suggestion about how to improve things. An even better approach can be to give the good example yourself. Actually it seems a usefull thing to be able to complain about the moderators. That can lead to free the frustration. On the other hand the moderators should not be annoyed by some criticism or some frustrated reactions. The art is to find the real meaning of criticism and to find out if the criticism is founded or useless. If the criticism is just the moderator should be pleased by getting backed information about the way his behaviour appears to the users. And it is very precious to hear how acts are appreciated by other people. That can learn somebody how his actions appear on the screen.
  14. This manual seems and thes rules seem very usefull. On the other hand these rules are very obvious. And the question arises why somebody would like to attracht viewers. It is not only the amount of viewers that count. 1 Reaction that gives the right information can be more usefull compared to 100 viewers who read a topic and don't answer the question in the topic.
  15. First I had to wait a very long time, very long as it seems in my appreciation, and after some time the MyCents counter showed up all by itself. In the mean time there was an uncertanity all the time wether or not the post that were made in the forum would count or not. And now is there the uncertainity how much the posts deliver. And it is not obvious how the MyCents are counted. Is it done automatically? Usually somebody would expect that. It is not expectable that somebody is reading all the posts and rewarding MyCents to them.
  16. I suppose the cpanel or control panel is only available for people who have a hosting account over here. If that is the case the title of this post looks a bit overdone and the warning seems to be out of place.
  17. I guess you mean postfor host is finished. You mention Pay2host is finished. This reply is very interesting and usefull. It means that about 100 posts are necessary to get the 10 year plan. The advantage is that 100 posts mean a free website and a free subdomain for 10 years. And that is a long time. And that sounds like a nice offer.
  18. An option is to click on the buttons called control, alt and delete at the same time. The windows that opens has a tab with the list of the programs that start when Windows start.
  19. An HP printer needs a special treatment. The drivers of the cd that came with the printer need to be installed first. When the driver is installed the connection plug of the printer can be plugged in the computer. After that the on/off button of the printer can pushed to run the printer. The operating program can automatically detect the printer. If this doesn't happen an option is to start the computer with the printer attached and plugged in and running. Windows should detect the printer automatically.
  20. The first step is to turn off the automatic reboot option in the bios.
  21. The best approach is always to make an image of the corrupted hard disk and to use that like a backup. The original hard disk can be used for the attempts to get the data back. If something goes wrong during the attemps the back up image can be used to produce the back up data.
  22. What is Aros exactly? Why do you need such a small operating program? What are the specifications of the computer? Why doesn't the program you mention work? What is wrong with it? For what purposes are you going to use the computer? There are some small versions of Linux. Does any of those version help you? Here is a link to a site with a lot of version of Linux to download. Linux distributions
  23. Agreed with the other comments. Usually it is possible to change the language. Another possiblity is to download a copy of Linux. An option is to download and burn a dvd with Ubuntu. This can be installed to the small computer. The disadvantage is that the original operating progam might get lost when another program is installed on the small computer.
  24. It is not sure that the old version of Windows XP that is stored in the computer will be able to work again. It seems that the only reason this version stays on the computer is because of the personal files that are kept too after an update of Windows. It seems that Windows 7 is made to be a fast program. And it seems that Microsoft succeeded with this goal. Ubuntu seems a bit slow compared to Windows 7. This is understandable since Ubuntu is not build according to the new approach Microsoft used after Windows Vista. Some features are left out of Windows 7 in order to speed the program up. Like a program like Windows Movie Maker is left out. The idea is that the user can download it for free from the site of Microsoft.
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