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Everything posted by inea

  1. How to keep your information safe? There is no reasonable way to keep files safe. This can be compared with information on fysical carriers. A piece of paper can burn in a fire. A picture can be stolen. These possibilitiess apply to a computer too. And an usb stick can get lost easily. And since computers get smaller and lighter, like the iPad, the possibility to loose the computer and with the computer the files in the computer gets bigger. A way to make the possibility to keep a file safe is to make a lot of copies of the file. These copies can be stored on different media. Possibilities are a cd, a dvd, a hard disk, an external hard disk, a backup computer, a server and a website that offers a file storage service. These different objects can be placed in different fysical geographical locations. This minimalizes the possibility the information gets lost by a fire, a disaster, a storm, a huricane, a flood, overflowing of water, a loss of electricity, burglary, theft and human mistakes. A back up in the way of a copy of the original file on the same hard disk is no back up. This applies too when the copy and the original file are located in different parts of the hard disk. If the computer and the hard disk crash the original file might not be accessable anymore. But the same happens to the copy of the original file. So the original file and the back up get both lost. Another possibilitiy is to store printed versions of the file or the picture. These printed copies should be kept in different places from the digital storage media. So the possibility to keep information available is the biggest when different copies are kept on different media in different locations.
  2. Regarding the present situation and watching the past there can several patsh be described about the possibilities of the future of Africa.1. The future of Zimbabwe.Africans take over the politics. They take over the economy too. This means the African economy doesn't have approach to financial resourches anymore. The entrance of knowledge stops too. The advantage is that local Africans control their own country.2. The future of war.Countries fell apart. The different fractions fight eachother. This results in huge refugee camps.3. The future of South Africa.The countries use their natural supplies. The countries embrace the western culture.4. The future like China.China enters the African market more and more. The Chinese offer what the Africans like. Air ports, roads, hospitals and harbours are built.5. The future of India.Africa gets digital. The African industry doesn't aim at industrial development. The economy aims at digital products.6. The future of the sun.The power of the sun is used for sun panel plants. Electricity becomes very cheap. This allows the Africans to use cheap energy. This allows the Africans to increase the life standard without much costs.7. The future of France.Enormous sun panel farms in the Sahara export electricity to the energy demanding industry regions of Europe.
  3. Apple seems to have an eye for creating machines people like. Part of the attraction of Apple products is the design. Apple is not afraid to make products that look shiny and smooth. It seems Apple manages to combine technical improvement with attractive outer looks. So the technical workers are not the only ones who decide about the looks of a product.And the technical part of Apple products can be considered to have a high quality.
  4. There are several things that make an iPad a gadget and an interesting computer to have. It is smaller than a laptop. So it is more easy to carry around. And it is lighter. Very small laptops have the disadvantage of a small keyboard. And the screen is very small too. And the computer parts are often not as strong like the parts of a desktop computer. Which means that some features can't be used. And the operating program is limited. And an iPad is very easy to handle and to hold in the hands of the user.
  5. This responses and the information in the help sections and in the descriptions don't really make it clear if a website remains online. it is not clear if a website depends of what happens here in the forum or not.
  6. If this is done with the purpose to install Windows 7 much faster Microsoft succeeded. The installation of Windows 7 is much faster compared to the installation of Windows XP.When the installation procedure of Windows 7 doesn't remove the files it can probably not be considered to be a complete format of the hard disk.
  7. Thanks for the answers. It seems rational that when an update is done there will be a warning loads of time before the update of the server. And it seems to answer some questions when there is a sort of explanation in the forum when the website couldn't be reached afterwards.
  8. This is funny. I made almost the same topic. And that topic had almost the same question. So it seems the time that excists between posting and seeing myCENTS in the forum is longer than a new member expects. In the start it seems for some time like the posts don't deliver any credits and no knowledgesutraCENTS.
  9. It sounds easy. When the occasion rises it can be funny to try it out too. It seems youtube has a functionality to embed videos. So it seems that it is allowed to embed a video of Youtube on another website.
  10. A question is if the myCENTS earnt with the topic will stay or not. Maybe the myCENTS disappear when a topic gets deleted.
  11. Something related to this is that it seems that some people don't realize how much information about themselves is available on the internet. And clicking on some links on people's facebook, profiles and other social network websites can reveal names and names of schools. And it seems a lot of people don't realize that.In fact it seems that facebook and other websites make it easy for people to publish their names. Because it seems websites ask for names and addresses in the forms that are used for sign in. So it seems that it is okay to type personal information in websites.A discussion is going on about the hide function of Facebook. Some people think that it should be on hide by default.
  12. Thanks. That information was very usefull. The information given seems to be correct. It needs some time to see myCENTS and it needs time for posts to convert into myCENTS and myCENTS seem to need some time to change into internet dollars.
  13. Maybe there is a sort of Right of Free Posting. It is not possible to kick somebody out of the chat. And it takes some time for posts and topics to be deleted and closed. And people can start their own forum and type on it whatever they want. So in some way the internet offers a lot of freedom.
  14. The same can be said about Linux and Ubuntu.And maybe it is possible to format a hard disk using the live dvd of Ubuntu.It is not sure that it is possible to format a hard disk with a diskette with a start up program for Windows.And it should be possible to format a hard disk when the hard disk is built into a computer with another hard disk.During the procedure to install Windows XP the formatting of the hard drive takes a very long time. So it seems that formatting is done deeply.The procedure to install Windows 7 takes a very short time compared to the time the procedure of Windows XP takes.So it is not clear what exactly happens during the procedure of Windows 7. It is not clear if the installation procedure of Windows 7 formats the hard drive.
  15. The name of 1 of the pictures is something like annoying picture. This indicates clearly that the pictures are ment to annoy other people. So it can be argued that deliberately and willingly try to annoy other users of the forum is not 1 of the best things to do. If being annoying is 1 of the reasons that the pictures are made and even more that the pictures are put on the gallery there is no need to complain about it that such a picture gets reactions. Another point is the rights issue. It seems the pictures of the orange with eyes and a mouth are made by somebody using photoshop. These pictures are put on the Gallery. Does this make the pictures free of rights? Uploading a picture to the gallery doesn't mean every computer owner and internet user has the right to copy the picture and download it on a website. Not even when it is the same website the picture was uploaded before. So the ownerships rights of internet content can be taken in consideration here. This remarks are made about the person who uploads the picture of the orange made by somebody else to the gallery. It might depend on the intentions of the person who made the picture if it is allowed for somebody else to copy and upload the picture. Just putting a picture on the internet itself doesn't indicate the picture is free of rights. The same question whether or not it is allowed to copy and upload pictures regards the other pictures found on the internet too. When the gallery is used for showing a self made picture there is no issue about the ownership and user rights for the person who made and uploads the picture.
  16. Thanks for the usefull and interesting information. And for your information: It is allowed to type the word Funny.
  17. The first thing to make things clear is to define chaos. Maybe in this topic by chaos is meant not order. And if order exists it is thinkable that non-order exists too. So in this sense chaos can be thought of like it exists.Another approach is to look at chaos. And it might be thought that chaos can never create anything. This means that out of chaos can never proceed order. So that means that chaos doesnt exist very long because it will proceed into order.These are not meant to be revelations of the truths of the universe. These are some ways of exploring thoughts that wander around.
  18. why were the add ons and the plug ins added anyways?maybe firefox works fine when the operating program is installed again, firefox is downloaded and installed again and no add ons and no plug inss are downlooaded.
  19. Maybe opening new windows in stead of using tabs might solve the problem.
  20. In the introduction section people can introduce themselves. This can be very nice. When somebody reveals too much information this can lead to annoying situations. It still happens that people visit the location of other internet surfers. It happens too that people try to ruin other peoples life. And it happens that people use all sort of means to try to control what another person does. And personal information can help a person with bad intentions to get grip on the life of somebody else. When names of other personal websites and social network pages are given out it is possible for other people to combine the information in the different profiles. This can make it possible for other people to find a lot of information about somebody else on the internet. It seems that a lot of people don't realize that other people can read profiles. The combination of information in different profiles on different websites and on several network pages can lead to a lot of detailed information. This means that a person is not as anonymous as the person might think and wish. The question might be raised wether or not this is a problem. However, this is not the first question to address. Another question is if the person who posts on a forum like Xisto is aware of the risks and the possibilities other people use to find personal information. If somebody is more or less completely aware of the possibilities the internet offers and of the risks that are involved by being a surfer on the internet the risks might be under control. Supposing somebody is not aware of the risks the internet exposes and the risks of posting on a forum like Xisto it seems an act of social behaviour to warn this person. This can be seen like frightening people without reason. It can as well be regarded as the task of somebody with experience and knowledge of internet activities to warn other people. So like everything else in life it is probably a thing about callibrating the arguments pro and contra a certain action to see if it is needed to warn somebody else. On the other hand some people only realize the problems the internet can cause in the life of somebody when it is too late. This means that already something happened that the person doesn't like. So even when a warning seems overdone and without reason it can still be necessary and helpfull to tell other surfers and other members of a forum like Xisto about the risks that are involved with posting. This is a personal opinion.
  21. Warning. The bad thing of telling people about other websites is that it can lead to more information about the poster. And this is not always the best idea. It can be a bad thing to tell people the name of other websites because some people are that smart with the internet, reading profiles, combining information and using Google, that more information is revealed than the person who posts realizes. Disclaimer: There is no wish to be a wannabee moderator of this forum. There is a wish to warn people not to give out personal information. Personal information can allow stalkers to find the location where somebody lives. More information More ideas about giving out personal information on Xisto are described in another topic.
  22. After searching the edit window very deeply the opinion rises that there is no option do delete a topic. But it is possible that the button to delete a topic is overlooked.
  23. The new version 9 beta of Internet Explorer looks a lot like Google Chrome. Maybe Microsoft agrees that a lot of the functionalities of Explorer 8 are not needed. And the loads of functions makes the browser slow probably.
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