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Se?or Maniac

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Everything posted by Se?or Maniac

  1. I love emachine. I have never had abyproblems with the computers. There computers are jsut what I need for me I think that they are better tha dell performance wise. The computers that I have used from dell have all been crap as far as there durability. but they run ok. Compaq should just file bankruptcy or something. I do not know they suck though. Hp is a good brand for what you get but they load too much crap onto the computer. Like there is already a gi of just hp programs that excludes basic windows programs. Ibm is yet another crapy company that I can not stand. I think mac is a solid company. Not my favorite but they are solid. Last there is Alienware. I want one but cann not afford one. Heard they are good but have not really checked into them.
  2. Does anyone know any sure fire way to get a mass amount of visitors to your website. I knwo that my site is not on the top 20 list for most visitors. But I do want a good amount of visitors to my site to keep it active and also possibly to make a little profit off of. so does anyone know how to do this and do it for free and legally. Thanks for the help, Se?or Maniac
  3. You download things in less than a second with that kind of speed. Think that is bigger than cpu harddrives. But be prepared to pay out your *** for it.
  4. Man I feel sorry for all of you that have dial-up. Man I know the problems of the crappy download speeds the time it took for ages just to load up and also the wait for whatever else I needed to do. If you can in your area you can try to findyourself a good broadband connection like through verizion. But if that is not a possibility I would suggest that you go with highspeed internet through your sattelite. sure it is expensive to start but you have fast internet. Yeah and it is not that much more expensive than dial-up either. I payed 25 dollars a month for dial-up with msn and now I have msn free with broadband for 30 dollars a month. Another thing that gets me is the companies giving out bogus scams like dial-up accelerator when basically all they are doing is just giving you a faster connection number. So go with broadband.
  5. I can not wai for thsis movie to come out on DVD. That is when I am going to buy it. the other two episodes were alright not as good as the others but hey it was still starwars. I heard that this was going to be a good movie but I will have to make that judgement once I actually see the movie. *explodes with anticipation*
  6. There was no way for me to get a warranty on the product. The main reason that I was not able tp get a warranty on the product is the fact That I bought it off a friend that did not use it. Also the the thing is so cheap in price tat I do not think they offer a warranty for it. I got the thing for 5 dollars. But on the bright side of it I am supposed to get an ipod shiffle soon. I do not know what day exactly it is but my parents said by the end of the week. So I m thinking maybe tomorrow or possibly the day after that but I sure hope that it is not friday because that is the day that the final exams start for my school. Man are those things going to be fun. But that is just a whole other topic that I wish not to go into. On the bright side of that though there are only 5 days of school left for me and then I get myself I nice break.
  7. Good work. I hope that someday I to will become that good at photoshop. But I am nnot. I quess that I will have some work to do.
  8. Yeah the shape of the upperbody is a little more ounded than is what in the original picture. and thehead looks a little deformed in my opinion. Also the top half of himm looks like it has been sliced with a sword and then moved a little to the left. I would give a a 7/10 because of the time and effort they put into the work.
  9. Yeah it really stinks. I liked that thing alot. But for some reason the thing just stopped working. The volume won't turn up and the buttons just all of a sudden just stopped working. I have not done anything to it eaither like drop it or throw it. But the big thing is the fact that I am not able to return it. I wish that I could but it has been over the return date. So I have to make one-hundred dollars to get an mp3 player. That is going to be something really hard to do also. I make very little money off of my websites adds and I do not want to get a real job because I am afraid that the work would affect the grades that I have in school.
  10. Thanks man. I really needed this. Some of the sites I go to can be slow at sometimes. this should help speed the process up I hope. Yeah thanks again man.
  11. Yeah really I do not know what happened to that. b ut the users at one time were able to edit there own posts and were also able to delete there own posts. I think that I might just ask opaque myself.
  12. Yeah that is how I do all of my uploading. I did not know that there was another way than using public_html. Wow I guess that you learn something new everyday.
  13. Check the adobe site. I think they mentioned something about it. I am not sure but I think that I did see something about a CS2. But you should check for yourself. I did find the linnk on the adobe site and here it is. http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/features.html
  14. How many people today think that what the companies like playboy are doing to get business is very sick. I mean if they have to resort to some form of entertainment that little kids are going to play then I think that it is wrong. I think that they should find better ways of advertising rather than using a gaming system.
  15. Well the big thing that no-one has mentioned was the fact that I think Opaque owns both of these. I am pretty sure that he does and so everything is going to be equal. Suprised that no-one had brought that up.
  16. What is wrong with my country. I think that we have a great leader. Better than what the other one would have done if he were president. I would like to know.
  17. I like it alot. And it is really patriotic. I think that it shows me alot also. Give your opinions.
  18. I thought fo0r a person to register at forums that they had to be at the age of 13. I am not entirely sure but that is what I thought.
  19. Yes very good work man. But I do not have the patiece to do something likle that. I would myself just have creatd an image using photoshop. I feel that photoshop is an easy program to use for making and editing pictures. But that is just my opinion.
  20. Yes very good work man. But I do not have the patiece to do something likle that. I would myself just have creatd an image using photoshop. I feel that photoshop is an easy program to use for making and editing pictures. But that is just my opinion.
  21. I think that you did good with it. But I am not going to repeat what has already been said becuase that is also annoying. Gives a 7/10 because of the effort aht you put into it.
  22. I do not like school myself. I find it to be quite borring. But of course the government says that I have to go. I wish that I did not have to but I do. Most of my teachers give to much Homework and other stuff.
  23. Yeah it is a nice peice of work. It does grab your eye. But that is a must for any images that you are starting top make.
  24. I feel that racism is using the nationallity or color of skin to discriminate people. This I think is wrong. But saying something like alot of black people are faster than white people is not racist is true because of the fact that the statement is coming from alot of truth.I believe that prejudice is more of a jealousy thing between races. Like discriminate against someone because of the fact that they have something or someone that you do not have or discriminating because of the fact that someone has something better than what you have and you want it.
  25. I think that the perfect mp3 is the one that best suits your life style and the amount of money you can afford to spend on it. Also it should be able to hold a good amount of music. Or enough as the owner ses fit. I right now am sitting with a 64 meg RCA lyra. I need to buy an SD memory card for it but at this time I do not have the amount of money to purchase such and item. But I still find my ways to pull through and listen to as much music as I can.
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