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Se?or Maniac

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Everything posted by Se?or Maniac

  1. I do not like hip-hop personally. I think that it is just a little weird. I like it better than rap though. I do not see how people can stand that. All that is a a bunch of people screaming. But those are the two things on the bottom of my music list.
  2. I really do not like American Idol. I mean it is one thing to be a bad singer. But to tell someone that is just heartless. Te show is pretty bad and gets very boing in my opinion. I just don't watch it.
  3. For soime reason they are not working at my site. has this happened to anyboady else
  4. yesterday i just got dsl. I now have a really fast internet. way faster than dial-up. downloads are quicker. everything is better. alutes to the person who made dsl.
  5. I have heard some not so goood things about the psp such as it is going to be very fragile. That is a downside to it. but I heard that graphics are going to be better. But the DS is going to have a bunch of good ganmes packing that I think is going to be awesome. I choose the DS.
  6. Yes what happened over there is sad. But the only way this is going to get better is if the people head forward. I do not mean to sound like I don't care. But they have to move forward. But even after all of this the countries affected will never be the same. I send my prayers to the people involved in the accident. They have more faith than I do.
  7. It is still not the biggest I have ever seen. One site has TB email accounts.
  8. I was on a site hosted by trap. And they had in the footer hosted by trap and i went and got my own hosting
  10. I can only ollie. I am not that good. I just ride an oldschool board now.
  11. I know I do not live under a rock. because I am at home right now and on a computer. what rock has a cpu????
  12. That is very funny. You should have said that you were being chased though. Still it is a very funny thing to hear. LOL.
  13. my stuff is kind of different that the rest of the others. it is not proboards phbb or any of those. here sis mine. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. I will tell you that the built in windows xp firewall is not the best'
  15. Yes but yahoo still does not haev a single thing on GMail. I love my gmial.
  16. Yes i have to agree with Zenchi. 15 bannans O_o that is very strange.
  17. In the preview messages there should be a spellcheck. It takes more time for the longer post to go through and check for spelling errors when if we had a spellcheck we could cut that time by a fraction. I think that this would also help for some users who do not know how to spell as good. That includes me.
  18. This is probably right. When you get older you are going to know what type of group you are wanting to hang around. And also alot of the mature older people fid that it is harder to get things done when you use fowl languege. An example of this would be is, A company as two employees running for the same posistion. A mature man and an 18 year old teenager. So the boss desides to test them. The nature man talks to a customer and treats them with care and the 18 year old talks to a different customer with curses being shot out like bullets from an automatic gun with unlimited ammo. And of course the mature man got the job.
  19. I am using Firefox. I have not even heard of the Opera browser but I have heard of the msn/ netscape browser. And what are some of the other browsers. I have not heard of any others.
  20. Yeah why don't we have that on all the forums. It sure does save time for people like me running dial-up. And it is really not that hard to change. just click a check in a box. I wish that we could have this.
  21. Get an adult to help. If the Bullying does not stop after that then if you tell them again he will most likely get expelled or moved to another school. You do not hvae to put up with him. And also if you hit him back or do physical harm to him he will just go and tell the teacher. So it is either get him before he gets you or let him get to you and you get in troulbe because you went over the line. I know it does not sound like it will work but it does. i know from first hand experience.
  22. It is really nothing special about it. It is just another avatar. It may move but lots of people have moving avatars. Spawn_sykk9 has a moving Avatar.
  23. I had a black social stduies teacher once. Man swas she a mean one. She once wrote a kid up for sneezing. And it was a very hard class. Kinda of like a college class in seventh grade. She would say you have this and this and go ahead and start. But what was fun was she was big and here last name was mack. So she got the nickname BigMac. Well I luckliy passed the class.
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