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Se?or Maniac

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Everything posted by Se?or Maniac

  1. Thanks I was able to get a good amount of brushes loaded and there are still alot left to upload. Also alot of them look really cool.
  2. Yes actually a tut. Is it for CS though. Because when I google it I get tuts for seven and others. And yes I downloaded a huge thing of brushes but None of them show up in Ps.
  3. Hey That would be cool. I come to the arena everday and we always seem to have a new person contributing or just posting a reply to a work that Saint Michael has done. Becasue he contributes the most right now. But having out own thing for graphics would be neat.
  4. Well I am trying to get more into using the brusha and use multiple brushes. Well here is the next sig.
  5. I would not be one to accept this duel. I am not the greatest at making sigs. But I do enjoy looking at tem.
  6. For most of the renders that I make I just usually search google images. I ususally find alot of neat different stuff thatI can use. Same for brushes I just search google and I find a whole list of reults. Google is the place where I look for everything and anything. Google is the site. Just search around search engines and what not and you will find stuff easily.
  7. What was I on when I typed the first part of that. That Makes no sense at all. Anyways Johnny does have a life So try asking Saint Michael.
  8. The White lines appeared after I went through and did some of the blendong options with the render. I do not know what caused it but they occured.
  9. Cool sig. I am guessing that the rendered images in the sig are from the Gorillaz. I'm not one to rate much so I'll just say good job. Although I will ask is that little blackline above the guy with the jersy, Is that supposed to be there?Thanks for the sig man.
  10. I just made a sonic sig. I tried to do a little with brush work but don't entirely know what I did with it. I am a person that needs a few of those tuts from johnny. Anyways here it is.
  11. Just for a gift from johnny he is always giving out sigs for free. Also I think that Saint Michael is also starting to give them out. So jus ask one of the two, and I am sure taht they would be willing to give you one when they have the time.
  12. I think that it is cool. Notice from Johnny: Merged those posts for you.
  13. I think that Saint Michael is the only that finds something wrong with the stripes.
  14. Yeah I think that they should revise the law so that it does not have to include games on consoles or even the ones that come with the operating systems. I too think that the law is unfair. Another thing that I think is that the tourists should not be held accountable for something that does not put a life or quality of life in danger. They are not residents there and should not be in trouble. Gaming is not like speeding where something or someone can be harmed. But I think that the government will find a way to revise it so that what they intended it to cover is covered, and other parts that are just in their becuase because of cicumstance.
  15. ooh oooh oooh discplacement is liek what I have in my not so good sig right?
  16. Religion is the Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. So what if women are not allowed to be priests. What if the belief that they are worshoping does not allow women to be priests. I think that they are not letting the women do some things like be a preist is based on tradition. Also breaking tradition in their eyes can be bad in their religion. Also I think that you are mostly focusing on christrianty more than anything.
  17. Using the brush and air brush effectively. I am not good at that and other people are not the best eaither. Also I think that it is called the render putting that in effectively so it does not look choppy.
  18. I think that the defenition of spam you are thinking of is different then what Xisto refers to as spam. If you are thinking of spam as posting a link then you are misunderstanding what they are saying by spam. I am curious have you made a short posts like saying just hey or adding a short little comment or anything that might be considered off-topic on the board that you were on. If so then this is what they mean by spam I am pretty sure. If not PM one of the admins personally and simply ask why it was denied. Another thing that you could do is go through your posts and check out what type of posts you have made, and if you do have some spam posts go make some good quality posts. Also one more thing to add is the fact that if you are coming here just for the hosting then you are not going to get approved for hosting. So that could be one of the issues that is keeping you from just getting hosting. They have stated that in the rules if you have not read those lately.
  19. Snil was only doing the job that he has to do as a moderator. You should also realize the Xisto is trying to protect you and themselves from the law because the last time that I had checked plagerism was a federal offense. I am not entirely sure. Also it is hard to have a growing community if you are haveing unjustified things going on. Also the only getting one warning for two offenses is not right either. It lets the door open for users to gain credits for 499 peices of plagerism like snil said.
  20. I have never been really good with brush work. And I have a crap load of them that I downloaded. The brushes zip was bigger than PS itself.
  21. What is your opinion. I know there needs a border also so please do not comment on that. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Merged double posts to prevent you from receiving a warning.
  22. I have the Ipod Shuffle myself. I think that it is really great. I get 12 hours of battery life and I can charge it alsmost anywhere. I have the 512mb version though becasue my funds are limited. I found maybe a couple downfalls with the Ipod shuffle. The fact that there is no screen on it it the big thing for me but I usually know what song I am listening to as soon as it starts. Also the only other thing that I do not like is that they make it so hard to view the contents of your ipod. I still have not found out how to do it yet but I know that it can be done. Dependign on how much money you have though I think should be the judge in what you buy. You can not go wrong in eaither brand in my opinion. Both are a solid group although I think that apple is just a little better. Also I think that it can hold more song formats. Bur goodluck in whatever you choose.
  23. I am finding that it is just to hard for me to actually post to keep the amount of credits on the posotive side. So I am asking that you please remove the hosting privalege that I have.Sincerely, Se?or Maniac
  24. For all of you that want to know what the real playstation three is going to look like just check the sony site they do have the pictutres released.
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