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Se?or Maniac

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Everything posted by Se?or Maniac

  1. I do not like rap at all. I find it sending a wrong message to the world. It has changed from people like MC: Hammer. All the rap songs I here on the radio are differnet yet the same. They are different in lyrics sounds and what not. But I keep on hearing the same message over and over. I have only heard one politicical rap song. I like rock because I do not here the same message over and over. I also like country to, for the same reason I like rock. Another thing that I would like to add is the fact that you are worrying about someone that you do not even know. You will probably never know 50 cent. And he probably doesn't even know that you exist. He probably only cares about the money that people are giving him. I may be wrong on that but that is my honest opinion about him and most of the other celeberties.
  2. Well that is to much for a dime. No matter whos opinion. I would not pay that much money for a dime. That is just insane. Does anyone else agree with me. That person should have paid 10 cents for the dime.
  3. I think that this is one of the best games ever. Because that is basically the only thing that the crappy windows 98 computers my school has on it. They realy need to update. They are way to old.
  4. Se?or Maniac


    I do not think that we need tom tampering with this. The farther we try to push the boundaries of physics and whatelse I think could lead to the end of the human race. This next part has to deal with another topic too. I saw an equation by a scientest that worked perfectly. I will not right out the equation but the answer said that if we can outlive are technology that we are 1 of an infinite number of life in the universe. But if we can not we are 1 of no life in the universe.
  5. I do not think that it increases the siz of the page. Aminly because I had invision at one point in time. And I had a text sig adn I had a gap there under the text.
  6. I would try some of those sites but most of thm you need to be of the age of 18 or older. And I do not meet that standard. So I leave them alone. But I do want a free i-pod so bad. One of the minis in silver. Anyways Those sites may be legit but I am not at the age of where I can sig up or even do the sponsor ads that ethey want you to do.
  7. I am for Social Security. But I think that it needs some overhauls to it. It has been good for as long it has been but it needs to be changed for the evolving times. And not having the freedom to do whatever you want with your money I think should stay. I would rather pay money out of my paycheck, because I would like the protection from the police department, and government. And if people would manage their money more wisely instead of going out and buying something that they really want and something that is really of waste of time and will not be used like a expensive peice of exercise equipment or a gym membership for most people. But I see no reason going out and buying something that you want like a TV that is going to be used.
  8. Yeah alot of these anti-depresents do not do anything but make you worse. You are paying for something that does not even help you most of the time. What I think that the kid should do is to appeal this case to a higher court. If that is the case I think that he could possibly win it. To bad though that this person could not make to the US supreme court becasue I do no think that this has to do with the constitution directly.
  9. This person in his attempt to fit in with the others may have caused himself even more of a problem of fitting in. Yes also he is going to have a rough next four years like caveman said. Someone I think should have a talk with him and try to give him a chance. If you can keep the person from doing stuff to get him negative attention that would help. But you should also tell him that after highschool. You usually never see the people again. So it really does not matter.
  10. I created my first sig with photoshop and it is right below. P.S. How do you get the border around the sig.
  11. I take no offense. I just downloaded the trial version of photoshop So I will see what I can do.
  12. I do not have photoshop. I am a poor person that can not afford photoshop.
  13. My dad can be really coll or a real pain in th but. He gets mad over stupid things like he does not know where he out his remote and starts yelling and blaming other ofr his misplacing
  14. I do not believe in abortion. I have reasons on that. Mainly it is because of my religion. I think that abortion should be taken a little more serious and straiten up a few things.First I think that they should define a couple things about it first. Like if it is murder or not. I thik that it is murder myself. Because if you do not eat the baby will bie. And in order ofr something to die it neede to be alive at one point in time.I do not approve of abortion being legal but nothing i going to change on it. Mainly becaise of the fact that even if it was not legal women would still find ways of gettinig the baby aborted. That was what happened when it was illegal before and that is what would happen again. So there needs to be a crack down on the laws about abortion.Lastly I think that the notifacations should be fixed on abortion. I think that a parent needs to know that their daughter is going to have an abortion. Under certian cercumstances though I think that there is no reason for the parent to know that there daughter is going to have an abortion. For example of a father rapes his daughter and the daughter becomes pregnant and mother is either dead or divorced and away that the fauther has to know that is daughter is going to get an abortion. I personally think that is a waste of tiime.Abortion is a touchy subject. People go both ways on it and it is hard to make a decision on it. Laws surrounding defenitely need to be buffed upped and made a litlle more clear so that the people that are going to get this done know what they are. And also government needs to step in and try to prevent people from having ti make the decision if they need an abortion or not. Because if we can cut down the sex before marriage and other reason why people are getting abortions then I think that we will have les of them.
  15. I have three reasons why I think that people try too blame gamemakers fopr violence. One It is an easy thing to do. Two that other businesses want profits. And three people can't control themselves. My first reason for this is the fact that it is easy to blame careless actions of others on other people. That is the way about everything just about now-adays. I think that if they think that the game developer is the problem then why do the consumers conplaining still buy this product. It is hypocritical to do that. Another reason that I think that game developers are blamed is because businesses are very greedy most of the time. People usually are always looking for more money. So when they are blaming the game industry for violence they are trying to get the people to not buy that product and get the consumer to buy their product instead. Sure this may work for most but I think that you are not going to get much more of a profit off of a lot of lies. My last reason and the major one is that people can nt control themselves. A person that goes out and does a criminal act has little or no self-control. I mean some of these people do not even a console or have not played one and you want to blame the maker of a game for an action that a man or woman made when they have not everr played a game like that. I think the fact is that the way people are getting easier ways to do a kind of criminal act so they do that. I do not think that it is much the fact that game makers are the real reason for this. They are just making something to blow off time. In conclusion I think that game makers should stop being blamed for poor decisions of other people. If someone does a criminal act I think that they should find out why they did what they did and not take the easy way out by blaming the makers of games. Society needs to grow up in a lot of ways. But I do not see that happenning any time soon. But I think that we are trying to make process.
  16. I use the internet for 3 reasons. One is for my My Webpage. Another one of the reasons I use the internet is for forum posting. I visit about three founsa nd post their like this for example. And my last reason That I use the internet is for research. I do not doresearch that often. That is becasue I hate doing that on the internet unless it is necesarry. And most of the time it is not so I do not.
  17. I really don't think that I am using up alot of imageshack's bandwidth
  18. I made it smaller and added one effect to it and I am done with it. I think that it is pretty good. So That is it.
  19. This is the new image that I have made. I am considering putting this into my sig. Give me your opinions.
  20. I think that my sig is becoming a little old and needs to be replaced by something that is new. Although I am not really suer what I want to do with it so can some of you throw around any suggestions. Any would be helpful. Thanks.
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