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Se?or Maniac

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Everything posted by Se?or Maniac

  1. Man alot of people are asing lot from probably the best free web-host on the internet. These nice people are the only ones that I have actually seen that give you the newest version of cpanel with your hosting. Also what free web host will offer youup to 20000 megs of bandwidth. Sure you may find that on some other site. But most of the time it is either not true or they have banners everywhere, Or pop-up ads. And the thing about being away from trap is not that big of a deal. Sure there are cases in which you have a computer crash or something like that happen. But when that happens you tell tem the situation and they will take care of it. I know because the same thing has happened to me while I was moving. I could not sign on to the internet becasue we had no phone. So when I was finally able to get back on to trap I told them waht the situation and I got my account back in a couple of hours. So I think that alot of you need to stop complaining about stuff that is really minor and let it go unless it is affecting you in some-way. Anways keep up the good work trap and thanks for the hosting.
  2. I play videogames all the time. I think that you are right though. There are very few exceptions, and I think that I am one of them. I spend way to much time playing them as it is. Probably two to three hours a day. But I am still able to keep good grades in school stay in shape, and mantain a lively social life. But that is why I think that I am an exception. I think that it is sad when you see some kid that is out of shape and says he would like to lose weight. But he says he would rather play videogames instead of working out to lose the weight that can cause extreme health conditions. I have seen that way to many times. Today is just becoming a little lazier everday. Like the Remote that they have for everything.
  3. This same thing was aslso on TechTV. Unscrewed with martin Sergeant also had someone on his show that had said the sameexact things that you have said. but we will never find out unless that nasa comes out and says that we were lieing the whole time. I am debating over the fact if we went or not. Some of the evidence seems a little weird too me but that is just my opinion.
  4. I personally do not like euther of them except for the fact that they are both very secure. But i think that to many people have them and that they are a little over used. My boards are pretty common but tghey are not used nearly as much as Invision or PHPBB. And for all of you that aer ecurious I am running the WhiteFyre source. I think that it looks a little better than the rest of them and is a little easier to use than the rest of this.
  5. I do not think that some of the people here wwould like to be talking about this. Most of them do not like sin and if they do then that is very wrong.
  6. I use Firefox. That is probably what every other user on trap uses. It is very well-known and very easy to use. Also it is very fast. Also if you edit it it can be 10 times as fast.
  7. I am seeing more of those topics. I think that they are getting to be a little rediculus. People should try to cut back on the topics.
  8. I am sure that he does not care. Those things are a burden because you are always getting them and you never want them again after you get rid of them. I hate seeing that I have 6 invites all the time. It gets to be annoying after a while.
  9. I like firefox better than mozilla. Eventhough they are made by the same people. I think that firefox is a little easier to use then mozilla is. But that is ju8t my opinion.
  10. Yes I now know t hat form t he messages in this thread and also from some of the messages in the shoutoutbox. Also I can tell becasue the blown up image of that has been deleted.
  11. Why is it not working do you know? i could try to help you if you tell me what pops up when you go to change you password. And also change the pas to your site. Because in most cases your pass to your account is the same as the one for your site. Just a word of advice.
  12. Yeah Ie is one of the worst browsers out there. But it is probably the most used. If only more people knew about firefox. Then it could be the most used out there. I think that alot of people have tp get over there fear of viruses and download firefox. Also if you ever need a link to firefox look in cragollo's sig. I am sure he has the link.
  13. I guess that you are right. He does not want to stay here at trap. But why suicide your account. you know that this is not gamefaqs. It does not really mean anyhting.
  14. I have a real problem with your avatar Fu still better. I find it quite offensive and gross. I am sure that not everyone on this site wants to see a picture of goatse. I request that you please remove it.
  15. Well the reason that you have probelms with some of the sites in mozilla firefox is because that some people on the web are not the best of the html coders. Me myself am included in that catagory. But IE is a lot more forgiving of a browser and lets people voew sites with weak html coding. But IE has nothing on firefox. Tab browsing is probably the main reason that people come to firefox. If you ever get the cahnce to get firefox if you do not have it then I suggest that you get it as fast as you can. On another note does anyone know of any other fast browsers besides operea I think is what it is called.
  16. The people over in other countries should be respected. Even if you oppose the war and the soldiers, they should still be respected. I bet that if they were over there that they would want the respect of the people back in their home country. Those people over there are going through probably the roughest time in their lives. Those people are sepereated from friends, family, and a bunch of others. Also alot of the perople that are not showing respect to the people over there usually do not have any courage wahtsoever to go over there. So for this I respect you --Stealth--.
  17. Thanks for it. it does make it go faster for me. And I am liking the extra speed.
  18. Thanks. I will use this. I am always looking for some way to have a faster browser. Even though I have alot of spped.
  19. I am against abortion. I have a couple of reasons for it to. For one thing it goes against alot of religions. I also feel that it is murder. I think that a baby is a living thing. My reason behind that is this. Look at what will happen if the baby does not get food it dies. And for something to be able to die it had to be alive at one point. But even though It may be wrong. People are always going to find ways to get them. Even if they make a law saying that it is illegal.
  20. I do not like runescape. It gets a little to addictive. It keeps people away from important things. I think people spend a little to much time on it.
  21. I just heard of this credit thing. Also my account is suspended waht is up. It makes no sense I psot reguarly and I have my account suspended. Tell me waht is up.
  22. I personally think that it is a good idea. I think that if people want to pay less for there drugs they should be able to. I think that it is wrong that when you have a company that makes the same drugs in Canada and America that American citizens have to pay more. Also since they are made by the same company they should pass inspections. What are your views?
  23. You can hit the button called search at the top o f the page. It is right between help and members.
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