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Se?or Maniac

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Everything posted by Se?or Maniac

  1. I have the Motorola i205 through nextel. Coast to Coast walkie talkie.
  2. I do not think that videogames are a waste of time. If they were a waste of time then most people would not have them. Also they are good to relieve stress. Sure you can get sidetracked you from a couple things while playing, but the person to blame if that happens is yourself. You must have the willpower to get up and do what you need to do. Videogames are a way to entertain yourself. Do you think that entertainment is a waste of time? I do not think so, and that is why I think that videogames are not a waste of time.
  3. I have to agree with you alot there. Society is just going on a road to nowhere. I mean less people are going to church and are starting to do a lot of things in which are founding father had based the consitution. Two of the big things are the gays and also the seperation of church and state. If you were living back in the early age of America and you were gay you kept quiet about it or you were probably killed. Also Seperation of Church and state was another big thing because that was what the constitution was based one. People need to realize this and how things were ment to be for this country. I can understand some interpretation about some things of the constitution because they can be sketchy but you should always look back in history for what the people that created it intended it for.
  4. wassies is very good: i wish mine was that good.
  5. it may be a little big but people are not goin g to complain
  6. yes my bird has nothing on that. i am not as good Bexa.
  7. well i am probably going to have a new sig i just got the gimp.
  8. i redid the sig itself so there is no text running out of the background. Also added a couple more words to it.
  9. yeah it was kiunf of mhard to get it here but it is good i think
  10. I think that it is pretty good and I did not use photoshop. I wish that i had photoshop but that is one thing that i do not have.
  11. I do not hack for two reasons. I do not know how and i do not want to tempt myself with getting into a mess load of trouble. I have a bright future.
  12. yeah ms paint is not the easyest thing to use to kae things
  13. i get this Not Found The server was not able to find the document (./frontend/rvblue/index.html) you requested Please check the url and try again. You might also want to report this error to your webhost. cpsrvd/9.4.2 Server at senorshideout.trap17.com
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