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Se?or Maniac

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Everything posted by Se?or Maniac

  1. This happened close to me. I do not agree with what the the school did. I think that they should have contacted the school's resource officers instead of calling the city police. Also almost all the school's now aday have certian rules on disceplining their students. I know that this district does not allow almost anything. Tthey are allowed to use self-defense,; but what self-defense are you going to use on a five year old. Really this situation should have been handeled better. But that whole school district is the not the best. It needs a serious overhaul.
  2. You are right you can not always blame the parents for the actions of the children. This kid is old enough in my opinion to choose between right and wrong. But yes the influence of drugs could have inpared this judgement. so that could go either way. Also yes the kid should be put in some type of instituion for where he can get some help. But if not he can do something like killing a cell-mate. And I also agree that they should have done some type of extensive testing to tell if he was impared or not. That is not to advanced for todays technology because we are trying to perfect cloning.
  3. I usually am involved in some type of physical activity weather it be playing a sport, having a long walk, jogginig, running, etc. Other Times when i am not invovled in some type of physical activity I am usually inside being lazy.
  4. Halo was a fun game to beat. I beat it on heroic. I did not try normal or beginner. I attempted some of the legendary and thought that it was hard but I was able to finish a level. But halo is an awesome game one of the best of all time.
  5. He is right. He is right about everything. I think he just left soem stuff out. If you are not getting any credits a post make sure that the forum that you are posting in does not say no post count next to it. I am pretty sure that only a couple of sub-forums in general talk have this next to them. If you are still having this problem and you are not posting a no post count forum and you are having a good size post then you should contact either Nilsc or Opaque. If you do not know tose are the two admins of this site.
  6. Thanks. I am using version 8. I think that that ist he newest version anyway.
  7. Well the students if they are over or at the age of 18 does not have to do this i am pretty sure. I am not 100percent on it but I am sure that is the case for that age group.
  8. 1: Create a new Image of any size. 2: Press D. 3: Select you Paint bucket tool and fill the area with black. 4: Go to filter>render>lens Flare select 50-300mm Zoom, Brightness 100percent 5: Go to filter>distort>zig zag Style=Pond ripples, amount= 50, ridges=10 6: Last Image>Adjustments>Hue and Saturation(Ctrl+u). Check colorize and edit colors. End Result should look something like this.
  9. I seem to have created a better sig now. I like this one a lot better.
  10. Those sound really cool. Have not seen or herd util now but seems cool.
  11. Yes an excellent tool for beginners. I give it a 10/10. It is also helpful to some people here who know html to freshen up on it. Good job keep up the work.
  12. Falseifying to get hosting credits is wrong and if caught is grounds for immediate termination of there account. I think that Opaque has been nice enough to offer this service to people. The least that they could do is earn there credits the right way. I have only got one reputation and that is it. But I do not care. Even if I am helpful I do not need some rank showing that I was helpful in someway. I think that the reputation system is more of a boasting system in my opinion, like a competition to see who can be the most helpful. But that is jsut my views.
  13. How much do you spend for music a day? I have a little over maybe 300 megs of music.
  14. Very nice. Learn something new everday. Even when you are not in school. Also i like the pic you chose. RYO is an awesome charecter.
  15. The halo2 ipod add is a cool add. So I was playing and I found out that you can run out of ammo.
  16. I like your sites looks alot. It sure enough tops my site. I need some form of making it look more profesional. But my html coding skills are not what they used to be. They need to be worked on just a hair. Good job on the site though whyme.
  17. There are two problems when judging the games. One that has already been briught up is the fact that they are over different systems. Another thing that no-one brought up is that Half life is on the computer. And because peope have so many differences in there compters the game looks different and what not. I personally like both games. Halo 2 even though has its downsides is still a solid game. And you can say the samething about half-life. But that is an opinion. I think that he should edit the poll if he can to say both or tell th reason for having the pole if he can not change the poll.
  18. I personally do not like dell computers now. My schools use some fot he older dells and the newer ones. I personally like the older ones better. I think that newer ones are crap. I always have had twice as many problems with the newer ones than with the older ones. I like my computer. i have an emachine and it is very solid.
  19. I love imfomercials some times. I do not like the ronco infomercials. They can be interesting sometimes. Others they are annoying like the making money ones except for carlton sheets. But there are very few that do not repeat the same thing.
  20. Well the other people summed it up pretty well. Thanks for the tutorial though I will use it.
  21. I am a very religious person so I have some strong beliefs in this situation. I do not approve of it. Sure two people may love each other but they are sining in the eyes of christians everwhere. I do not believe that these people are born that way either. I mean if they were born that way, then why do we not have gay animals. Another thing is that they are controlling America. There are maybe about 1/8 of the population able to change a whole nation. Also the fact that they are now calling themselves a race. They are just lieing out yin-yang. They have taken this nation an turned it upside down. Take Canada for instance. They say that you can not speak out against them.
  22. I think that it is pretty good. Alot better than i can do. But I am just starting ount in photoshop. I would recomend a border for around the edges though.
  23. The way that I would probably respond to this would be I know am but what are you. That usually stops them and they start laughing most of the time. And you laugh at them.
  24. I want an mp3 player so bad. I can not afford one. but I need one badly because I can not fit all of my music on to 1 cd anyomre.
  25. When Setting up adsense I noticed that I made an error when entering my ssn number. Is there any possible way of changing it??? I do want to have the ads. Or do I have to close the account and register again.
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