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Everything posted by Harlot

  1. High school life is definitely a great experience, and something that should be cherished. Every part of life has a certain greatness and uniqueness about it. I am now in college, so high school is no more for me. I am still involved with my high school's alumni association and other organizations affiliated with my high school, but all of the friends, teachers, and relationships are now gone. You spend four years getting to know different individuals, which includes other students, teachers, administrators, and etc. After four years everyone all of a sudden go their separate ways. People go to different universities, sometimes out of state. Some people go into the work force, some the military, and some just sit around at home for a few years in order to figure out what they want or should do with their life. Nevertheless, the point is to enjoy high school while it last, because it will be over very quickly and youll be thrown into an entire different environment with different people no matter what route you take. If you go to college, it will be a different environment. If you go to the military, it will definitely be a different environment. The work force will even be a different environment.Although I was happy to leave high school, I do miss it. I miss the people, and the routine. All of a sudden, I don't have to wake up and go to class for eight hours every day. I am no longer accountable to a teacher, or expected to play the role of a high school student. I am completely independent now in regards to education and studies. The same applies for those who go different routes and do something other than go to college. The advice I would give to any person in high school is to find out what you are going to do after high school before graduation, otherwise it will scare the crap out of you. All of a sudden you are graduating, and you will no longer be going to class every day for eight hours, and you don't know what you are going to do. Start now by deciding if you are going to go to college, the military, a trade school, or straight into the work force. The most important thing to do is to never doubt yourself. Some people may not think that they are college material or exaggerate grade required in order to get into a college. Even if your grades are not great, apply to a few colleges anyway or start at a community college. If college is not for you, look into all the branches of the military or research trade schools. Yes high school life is great, but make sure you are prepared afterwards.
  2. I don't believe that it will be sold, and the question that most people must ask is why is it being sold? People don't usually just wake up and sale companies for no reason at all. They must be having quite a hard time over at GoDaddy. Nevertheless, if they are selling and GoDaddy will be sold off to someone else, I wouldn't be surprised if Google takes it over. Google has been expanding into every area of the internet experience, which includes search engines, advertisement, social networks, gaming, and etc. If I had a domain at GoDaddy, I would seriously consider having it transferred. I am sure that the domains will be safe, even if GoDaddy shuts down tomorrow, but its always good to be on the safe side.
  3. Thus far, I have had a great experience with paypal. I hope that the good experience continues. If you don't like paypal, there are alternatives, although none of them are as pervasively used online as paypal. It is kind of hard to make transactions effectively on the internet without paypal. There are different methods, but look forward to having a very difficult time. In some cases, I guess you could make purchases directly with your credit card or debit, but that can be financially dangerous. In regards to receiving money, I guess eGold or Google Checkout could work, but again, those are not as much used as paypal. I still don't understand why they banned you, there must be more to the story. It doesn't make sense for them to ban you based on the story that you told us. I hope that you account is unbanned or that you find an great alternative if you and paypal can not resolve your differences.
  4. I say that children should go to school as early as possible. When a kid is 5 or under, its usually more social than academic anyway. In Kindergarten we learned our ABCs, but most of the time was dedicated to social development. Stuff like learning how to share toys and building blocks, singing and dancing to a bunch of fun songs every morning. My experience in Kindergarten was just wonderful, and I wish that it could have started earlier. I don't know what the experts have to say, but I really don't see how it could be harmful. Its never too early to play with others kids and learn your numbers or ABCs.
  5. Aren't PS2s free right about now lol? Mine is in the closet collecting dust. I don't have a PS3 though, they are too expensive and I am not a big enough gamer to waste my money on buying one. I guess ill just save my pennies for the PS4 or XBOX 460 lol.
  6. My point is that your post is nothing more than harassment rather than an attempt at serious discussion, and your have no point, just personal attacks and bigotry. Your attempt to save face by saying "you proved my point" is a failure and everyone in this community can see that your conduct is idiotic. You have destroyed your creditability..again. This is the non sense that everyone see in your recent statement..."sooooo, what exactly did my personal attacks have to do with anything? thanks for proving my point once again". You responses is completely non-sense. In addition you act like you have an emotion attachment to me, since you obviously have taken my views personally enough to follow me thread to thread like a online stalker. You have already derailed this thread by throwing around personal attacks and trying to prove a point that don't exist. Maybe you should disappear now and save whats left of your chewed up repetition.
  7. It would be nice if you could stop harassing me. Your current conduct reflect that of a racially enraged bigot. Your reply is for the most part (except for the few parts pertaining to this thread) bigotry and reveals your childish irrationality, and you destroy your creditability with each and every post. You are an old man, and you should try to learn how to act your age. You sincerely remind me of a 15 year old girl who can't control her emotions, no offense. Perhaps this is why you were let go from the moderation team. You appear to have no self control, which is apparent by the way you have dragged conversations from else where (including other threads/chatroom) into this thread in order to formulate a personal attack. In a sense, you have derailed this thread completely. Get over my views and stop clinging to them as if you are emotionally attached to me (kinda like a stalker). It may be helpful for you to get off the computer for a while and work more on your own life. I would continue and reply to the valid areas of your post, however, I will deprive you of that pleasure due to fact that you have not displayed enough maturity for me to believe that such a dialogue would be productive and void of further personal attacks (your attacks being motivated by views I recently expressed in other threads). In addition, as of now, I find it extremely difficult to care or even consider what you, an online person that I don't know, have to say. This is especially true due to what seems to be temper tantrums and inappropriate behavior that forces me, unfortunately, to take you less seriously.
  8. I call it racist when a white individual refuse to realize the atrocities that some people of their race have committed. As Bikerman stated, it is undeniable, but yet we have some closet racists who deny it and hide behind the lie of progress. They not only hid behind the lie of progress, but they also toss accusations of racism at minorities (or coloreds) who point out the historical fact that minorities (or coloreds) have been oppressed and continue to be oppressed by a segment of white society today. This does not go without saying that some of the oppression lies with minority (or colored) leaders and segments of colored society. However, if it is racist to say that whites oppressed colored people and still do today, than I guess every knowledgeable black in the world is racist by your standards. If you want to hear all the good that white society has done, than maybe you should seriously consider joining StormFront (the white nationalist community). As for my religious views, the definition of heaven is not static and differs based on belief systems. Although I am not religious, I am a spiritual individual. My definition of heaven is your soul being content with how you lived life upon death. Nevertheless, your actions of bringing my belief into this argument represents your childishness and bigotry. It would be like me pointing out your alcohol problem and how that relates to christian lifestyle. This should serve as a warning to any individual on this board dealing with you and your hypocrisy.
  9. After watching a few of his videos, he seem a little crazy. He never shows his face or talks in the videos. Now that is alright when he is filming nature, but its kinda spooky when he video tapes his food or follows someone walking down the street without talking. He also video taped his kitchen with trash all over the floor, while in an earlier video it was clean with his tasty looking food on the counter. Kinda strange. It doesn't seem like he is doing it for popularity, but he only has two subscribers despite posting over 100 videos. However, maybe he just like video taping things. He may just be super creative.
  10. We all have different perspectives and I can definitely see the logic within your argument. You seem to take an individualistic position. Meaning that different people require different necessities. While one person may not require a cell phone or lap top, such as a janitor, others do. However, I maintain the universal position. The idea that everyone can live with only food, water, and shelter, while everything else is a luxury. You can live without all those things. Even if your job requires you to have such devices, you can find another job. In fact, you can have no job at all and still survive as long as you have a tent and a way to garner food and water from nature. I understand that such a view is atypical in modern day society where no one imagine themselves surviving off the wilderness, but I guess that is just my take. But yours view does make a lot of sense in regards to a modern society I must say. It is logically well put together.
  11. I find that the best way to learn is an hand on approach. Try starting your own website and fiddling around with an html templates. That is pretty much how I learned basic HTML. I found reading through page after page of html tutorials as pointless. Many didn't explain how to structure a website anyway. So I suggest that you just jump right into it, and try to figure it out first hand. Maybe you can use the tutorial sites as a guide. Html is so easy that pretty much anyone can learn the basics in a short amount of time. Its all about getting started. I use to use free builder websites and I was deadly afraid of HTML. One day I enabled HTML and ditched the free builder, and it was the best thing that I had ever done.
  12. Nationalism is fine, but Nazi Germany was...well racist quite frankly. They believe in white superiority, blond hair and blue eyes (despite the fact that Hitler didn't have either). The Aryan race, you know. That kind of stuff. Its find to believe in nationalism and pride in ones country, but when it comes to believing one race is superior to another, that is dangerous. One race may be more advantaged then another based on social circumstances and historical events, but not based on genetics. As for the Jews, that had a lot to do with economics. Before Hitler came to power Germans were living in slums, must like the people of many African countries to day. Just like whites own the majority in African countries today, the Jews were a minority in Germany, but yet they owned everything. You know...Germany just couldn't have that, so they took the land and wealth from the Jews and pretty much killed them off slow but steadily. I wouldn't say that Nazi politics were good. I will say that the Nazi Party came to power at a time when the people of Germany, besides the Jews, were poor and ready for revolution against the rich (which were the Jews). Hitler came to power because of economic and social circumstances. He did fix those circumstances, but he went way too far. He attempted to wipe an entire group of people off the face of the earth and then proceeded to invade all of Europe. So to conclude, I will say that the Nazi Party served as a benefit to poor Germans in the short term, but that doesn't mean that he was good for Germany overall. Someone who would have been willing to make the economic changes, while not resorting to militarism and genocide would have been much better.
  13. Are you accusing me of being a racist? Well I guess this is becoming more common in America so its not a surprise. After undeniably oppressing minorities for hundreds of years, and still today viewing them as subhuman, while at the same time exploiting colored countries of their resources, you can't really expect anything different other than minorities being accused of being the racists The thing is that many individuals, such as yourself, wish to believe that race is no longer relevant when reality says different. You can even look over in Arizona and see how the illegal immigrants over there are being treated. Its not because they are illegal, but because they are colored. You don't see anyone putting a fence on Canada's border, which is where the border being used to smuggle drugs and terrorist into this country. Even if you look at who the U.S. wages war on. Name one country, other than Nazi Germany, that the U.S. has bombed in the last 100 years that consisted of a white population. In fact, why did the U.S. drop a nuclear bomb on Japan but not Nazi Germany? It is widely known that it was become the Japanese were unfortunately not white. And still day, when I point out the exploitation taking place of colored people in third world countries, I am accused of being a racist. Its easy to people like you to accept the fact that colored people were oppressed by this country and in fact all white countries, but it goes against your belief to believe that colored people outside of the U.S. are still being economically and socially oppressed today by majority white countries. Since you accuse me of being a racist and making everything I say up, why have you not directly denied any of the things that I have said? Does telling the truth make me racist? Or does the truth simply hurt? Racism is being prejudice against a particular race. What prejudgment of any race have I displayed? Everything I posted was based on an "action" that whites took. That is not a prejudgment. Racism also means seeing your race as superior. Where in this forum or thread have I expressed thoughts of racial superiority? If anything, you display signs of racism because obviously in your eyes your race can do no wrong and it is impossible (and you dare not research it) for whites still be oppressing colored people in the world today. However, even if I was unknowingly racist. What would be the cause of that racism? What would be the source of my hate? Could it possibly be hundreds of years of oppression placed on my colored people? Maybe it could possibly be the lynchings? Maybe the rape and pillage of my ancestors? Maybe the assassination of black leaders? However, according to you, the fact that I know these things mean that I am brainwashing by my parents to hate whites (who are in fact uneducated and rarely comprehend issues of race or politics). No I don't hate whites, but if one day I decided to, I would have a lot to use as a justification. Truth, not hate. But that goes back to the "angry black man" belief. If a white person comes out and tell the historical truth about race (which every white teacher I have ever had did), its simply the truth or at most its a misunderstanding. If a black person comes out and tell the truth, he is angry, racist, and want to take down white society ...I can't stop laughing at the hypocrisy. Whenever blacks tell the truth about history they are looked at as some black version of Hitler (lol). I had this white teacher, who I came to strongly love, and she really broke racial issues down and told the truth. I hated when she moved away, she is now teaching in Georgia. But, she was right when she pushed forth her "angry black man" theory and discussed how blacks have to be careful when discussing sensitive aspects of history (they may look angry and be perceived as a deadly threat to white society lol). But yeah, this has really turned into the typical denial of history and a game of throwing around the race card. Its kinda sad that a truthful and honest racial discussion can't take place in the 21st century. The white guilt has yet to vanish. That is no surprise though, the KKK and Black Panthers are still roaming around spreading messages of racial superiority and "my race can do no wrong" rather than truth. Yeah...the truth can sometimes move mountains and every now and then make them roar or fall. But honestly, I should be talking about class rather than race. Poor whites are being exploited by the rich too (and the rich tend to be white). Although not nearly as bad, exploitation is exploitation. I agree. Too many opportunist filling their pockets with money and neglecting the poor. Their are many African politicians who have thrown the people of their country under the bus and they don't intend on dragging them out from under there any time soon. People tend to worship money rather than humanity. Sad shame. It seems that you have little or no knowledge of economics. It is not "your fault" because you do not make $100 million a year. Based on your logic, anyone can do it when it is in fact economically impossible for everyone to do it or even for the majority to do it. It is a pyramid, and people remind wealthy by keeping others poor. If everyone had $100 million, then the rich would have $1 trillion, and the $100 millionaire would be equivalent to $10,000 a year in today's money. It is a pyramid, it is impossible for everyone to be on top without it collapsing. So I am telling you that it is scientifically impossible for everyone to be rich. It is also scientifically impossible to have rich people, to the extend that we have them in the world today, without having poor people. The richer one person is, the poorer someone else is. If there is only $100 million in the world, and you have all of it, you are making me poor. I have no chance to have a $100 million, it is impossible because another $100 million does not exist. As for the "no electricity" and "no cars" crap, who are you kidding? If all the wealthy people in the world disappear tomorrow, the world would go on. The only way there will be "no electricity" and "no cars" is if the poor disappear. You need to get it through your head that the rich don't give you electricity or cars. The poor people build the cars and maintain electrical lines, the rich just get paid for the work of the poor.
  14. I agree, monotony surely does play a big role in the end of long term relationships and even short term relationships. I have found myself tired of a particular girl many times. Its like...its a fun ride at first but now the ride is getting kind of old if you know what I mean. I know that sounds cruel, but its reality. If I had to give advice to a female on keeping a guy and only use one word, that word would be "change". Don't do the same old thing. I can't speak from a female point of view because I am not a female, so don't take my comments as blaming the female. I am not a female so I don't know what causes them to end relationships. However, for males, we definitely get bored (or at least I do). It may not even be that he is bored of activities or events, but rather bored of you. Sorry, but it happens. This is especially true when it comes to sex (I am not speaking from experience, just the obvious ). Men have fantasies, and some of us will go to other women for our sexual fantasy to be lived out. That's why most women are given advice to get more creative with sex. Like acting like you're the teacher and hes the student, or like you're the girl next door (lol). Its more about thought than the physical aspect, at least as far as I can tell. A guy could be having sex with a girl and acting like you are someone else in his head (I know, sounds sick right lol).
  15. I don't think the name "John" would go extinct simply because it is banned. What about those studying genealogy, who may run into thousands of "Johns" who are dead and gone. Will they just simply ban those people from being mentioned? Maybe your great great grandfather, which your family takes pride in, name is John. You can't ban a name, as names are not dictated by the government. For example, what about nick names? I know many people who are nicknamed "John". Do you think they will give up their nickname simply because there is a ban or law against using it. What will be the punishment for disobeying the law? Will you be fined for saying "John" or put to death? Even though I understand you were speaking hypothetical, I don't even see how the hypothetical you presented makes a point in regards to a name going extinct. As for your question on would I change my name to "John"...I sure would consider it if I could go back to when I was first born in change it. I have no problem with my own name, but I have a difficult time announcing it sometimes. People think that I am saying a completely different name. My name is simply, but I don't know why I don't articulate it like it is suppose to be articulated unless I really pay attention every time I say my name. I really wouldn't like being called anything else based on the fact that I have been called my name for almost two decades, but if I could go back to childhood, I would consider it.
  16. Fifty million people is not a large number when you take into account that there are about 7 billion people in the world. On top of that, all 40 million are not working in data entry. The ones that are working in data entry tend to be living in third world countries and work for very low wages, which means that the field is limited for those living in industrialized countries. You have people doing data entry these days for $1 an hour, and in some places that is more than you would get paid at a real job, so that works out fine for them. As for me, an individual who live in an industrialized nation with inflated cost, I would rather keep my day time job until I can find a more sustainable way to work from home rather than competing with people accepting $1 wages or less.
  17. First you may want to submit your website to Google in order to speed up the process of you being listed. You can submit your site to Google by clicking here. Most likely, your website will eventually be picked up whether you submit it or not, but it is definitely easier for newly opened sites to simply submit it and therefore there is no guessing about when your website is going to be listed. I would also have to suggest that you read up on SEO and keywords. The primary thing that you should be focusing on is content. Instead of just focusing on guides, transform your website into a place that writes on a wide range of tips, hints, and strategies that can be used to succeed at the game. Write post on effectively trading or building skills. You know, cover every aspect of the game and brainstorm on particular problems that you faced when you first started playing. The thing is that you need to write good content and have them keyword solid. From visiting the site, there are great guides, but it still looks like the site just began. I see only a few guides, and you could literally write hundreds of guides regarding Runescape. Assuming that you started the site not too long ago, don't expect to be high up on the Google search engine any time soon. Give your site time to move up through the SEO world. Good Luck.
  18. Not sure if this observation is true, and I sure hope you don't get less MyCentos or none at all for speaking out (lol). It sure seems like the updates have been slow. I am not sure about the last few days or part of this week because I have not been posting and active. I bought my domain and I am tasked with posting in two communities now, this one and my own. I do usually post pretty long post, but since I am new here I am not sure if I am being given my fair share or not. The first two payments I received were $2, and then I received $11 on the third payment, and then about another $2 on my most recent payment. The latest payment I received, I only posted about two or three lengthy post. This is opposed to posting about 10 short to medium length post when I got my first payment of $2. So I am pretty sure that post are being judged on more than just the fact that its a post. Its possible that it is being done manually, but value of the post can still be determined when doing it manually. It just means a person is using their judgment rather than a software basing it off of characters.
  19. Firstly, I disagree with the definition all together. If you say that luxury comes after needs & wants, there would be no such thing as luxury. If you want fifty billion dollars, under your definition, that would not be a luxury. I will copy the definition from Princeton University's online dictionary in order to start this reply off as unbias. Luxury: something that is an indulgence rather than a necessity So, by my definition a luxury, and I am speaking from a materialistic stand point, is anything that is not necessary for you to have in order to live. The only thing that you really need to live is food, water, and basic shelter. Everything else in life, believe it or not, is a luxury. Everything else that we have is based on our desire to be comfortable rather than our need to survive. I am the first person to support a limitation on luxury. My position is that whenever your luxury effect someone else basic needs, than your luxury need to be limited. My position applies on an international scale, meaning that if the people in one country have luxury that effects the basic needs of the people in another country, than that luxury ought to be limited. However, I will speak from a more understandable and apolitical perceptive in order to keep from unintentionally derailing the conversation. If you are a parent, you have the right to go out for entertainment, buy alcohol, and blow your money on women as long as the kids are feed, the bills are paid, and any other cost that effect the family are covered (toilet tissue, soap, etc). If the kids are not being feed and the bills are not paid, then your luxury need to be limited or done away with all together. Luxury should be the result of excess time and resources. If there are not excess time and resources, than there is no luxury (or ought not to be). You would have to be a sociopath to go out and buy an expensive new sports car despite having nothing in the house for your children to eat, and having a foreclosure notice on the door. I tend to believe that the same should apply on the international level in regards to taking exploiting resources from other countries (even though we can survive without them). Nevertheless, I always turn to the serenity prayer, which goes, "God give me the serenity to accept the things that I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference". We have to accept that fact that people tend to care about their own pocketbook and well being rather than the well being of others. It applies to everyone, so as much as I usually throw the blame on the rich, I can't do that and still maintain logic. Even some of the poorest people on earth have the goal of getting all they can get. People are sociopaths when it come to money. For example, Bayers, the company that make the drug aspirin, knowingly sold an HIV infected drug to hemophiliacs patients in Asia & South America after it was rejected by the U.S. FDA for that very reason. Bayers not wanting to lose money, dumps it on the poor Asians and Hispanics, which resulted in many deaths by HIV/AIDS virus. Here is the source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/bayer-sold-hiv-risky-meds/ People will do the most immoral and unethical things for the sake of money. A person once told me that they think I would sell them out for $100,000. That let me know a lot about them. It means that they would sell me out for $100,000 and assume that I think the same way that they do or cherish the same things. Perhaps I could be misinterpreting this person because they didn't tell me directly, but they answer a series of questions about online friends and then the online friends could view the answers (This was a RL friend though, who I happen to talk to online too). They could have been making a rational determination based on society's love for money and the actions that they have taken in the past out of their love for money. Anyway, You can also look at the guy who is running for President of Haiti, Wyclef Jean. I don't know a lot about his character or personality, but he has been accused of embezzling $400,000 which had suppose to go to Haiti's relief efforts. The fact is that it is likely that greed will always exist and effect the lives of society. We simply have to have the wisdom to know if it is something that can or can not be changed in our lifetime. I am currently approaching the conclusion that it is a problem that we will have to live with.
  20. You don't necessarily have to die if you join the military. There are positions behind the front lines, and even if you're on the frontlines, the U.S. is not currently in a military to military war. There are deaths, but its not like WII or Vietnam where the war against against a government or organized, government back militia rather than scattered terrorist (supposedly). I think the military is a fantastic option if its for you. Especially if you are joining the army or air force, you have to know how and be willing to kill. I don't think the military is for me, not because I am not willing to kill, but rather I may forget whose side I'm on. I usually speak openly about most issues despite it being politically incorrect, but I have a like of sensitivity for the military and I try not to say anything negative. Not because I support the institution, but rather the soldiers (even if I disagree with the purpose). Its probably more of a sympathy thing rather than national pride or governmental support. Because the fact is that the majority of soldiers don't know what or who they are fighting for, although many think that they know. I will leave it at that. But yes, I believe the military is a great route if you learn your way through the ropes and you believe it is in your best interest. People usually say that college isn't for everyone. Although I disagree and believe that if you can graduate high school, you can graduate college, some people simply have no desire to go to college and their decision shouldn't be the business of anyone else. You can find success in the military, just as you can find success in college. You simply have to play your cards right and have a long term plan. If someone enter the military, they should know how long they are going to be there and what they intend to do after they leave. If someone doesn't plan to retire from the military (meaning you plan to stay less than 20 years), you need to save your money and get ready to invest it in a business or something that can sustain you after-wards. Since soldiers don't have to pay any cost of living (at least for the most part), it shouldn't be that difficult.
  21. You may have to simply create a new twitter account. I have never found the need to use twitter, but I don't discourage others from using it. I just never really needed a place simply to post short messages on what I am doing. I do post messages on facebook, but facebook can be used for more than just thats. But anything, I suggest that you delete the account and start another.
  22. I am pretty much finished with this thread because it has degenerated into nothing more than denial and the discussion of things that are irrelevant such as travel and Google. What you thought of me. And all this other crap that has nothing to do with the topic. Its actually becoming insulting to my intelligence. You have refuted none of my claim, which are all true, except for accusing me of being negative towards white. It is either the truth or a lie. If the truth happens to be negative than that is something that white society should work on. If someone says something about black on black violence or hip hop, it may be negative, but its true. As for "live aid", why would someone want crumbs when they can get the whole cake? They don't want your aid and pity, they want their land. Its amusing how someone can take the lands of a people and then try to relieve their guilt back starting some aid program to provide them with food, water, and health care. How about getting off their land so that they can provide for themselves and not have to rely on your handouts. I have nothing against "live aid", especially if its a provide organization. A lot of people have good intentions, but their efforts should not be used to justify what has been done to people over in third world countries, particularly Africa. You say that if white money was not flowing through Africa they would be staring. No, if white would give them back their land they wouldn't be starving. If I put a gun to your head and take all your money, your home, and every thing you own, then you should not praise me if I visit you while you're living in a box and buy you dinner. I will say that I can buy my own dinner if you give my money, home, and every thing I owned back. As for birth control that is a cultural thing. That is one problem that Western culture tend to have. They (or we) refuse to accept the cultures of others, and anything that differs from their culture is considered primitive. Lastly, you have to ask yourself why every continent on this earth, except for that big piece of ice called Antarctica, have been colonized by whites (if you have not ordered the invasion of a country, I am not talking about you)...literally occupied by military force. Do I need a source for that too? North America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. In fact, Australia was actually occupied by blacks and they were almost wiped out completely (like Native Americans). In conclusion. The biggest problem I have is people refusing to accept the truth and blaming the victim. I don't care how uncomfortable or "racist" the truth is. If a particular race has committed atrocities, then you need to try to improve that race, not blame me because I spoke up about it. Also a lot of times comment are mistaken for generalization, but I really don't have the energy to speak in a racially sensitive or politically correct tone. If you are not oppressing third world countries, then I am not talking about you, just the country that you live in and some of your people. If someone says that a lot of blacks are in jail, I would be ignorant to accuse them of making racist comments or generalizing. A lot of blacks are in jail and they are referring not to all blacks, but blacks who are in jail. If someone get bent all out of shapes about that, its because they refuse to accept the truth and cast blame on the individual telling it.
  23. First I would like to point out that what I state is not an assumption, it is fact. The idea that the vast majority of Americans don't know that European decedents and western corporations own the majority of the land not only in South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Zimbabwe, but in fact all of Africa. That truth is in no way absurd or funny. If there is a hell, yes, I believe that those who are pillaging third world countries of their resources will be some of the first people there. The majority of those pillagers happen to be white, if not all of them. However, this is nothing new, Europeans & white Americans have a long history of exploiting third world countries so this should be no surprise to you. People act all shocked when they find out that this stuff is still going on in the 21st century. As I state before, about 73% of the land in Zimbabwe is owned by whites, but yet whites account for only .03 percent of the population. When the leader of Zimbabwe attempted to redistribute the land, which was in fact stolen by the ancestors of those who currently possess it, the U.S. and Britain placed economic sanctions on Zimbabwe which only lead to further suffering. There is no way that we can have it both ways. If an individual or group of individuals do something wrong, it should be pointed out no matter what their race is. If it makes someone else of their race uncomfortable then that is just too bad. Despite my discomfort regarding the status of my race in many areas of society, the facts are the facts. If someone says that prisons are packed with blacks, that is a fact. If someone say that blacks have by far the highest rate of STDs, that is a fact. I don't attempt to hide the flaws of my people or distort history. I may point out social and economic inequalities that could be a contributing factor, but the fact still remain that the end of the colonization of Africa consisted of pulling out militarily while maintaining ownership of the land. Therefore colonization never really ended. Military occupation ended, but not colonization. Kinda like when we pull out of Iraq, our companies will still own Iraqi oil fields despite the fact that the oil fields were taken by military force and never really owned by the U.S. and British corporations that are not pumping oil from them. Therefore if 30 years from now those oil fields in Iraq are passed down to the grandsons of the current stock holders of Exxon Mobile, BP, and Shell, they really have no legal basis to argue ownership of those oil fields if the Iraqi government decides to nationalize them and turn them back over to Iraqi owned companies. This is because they truly never owned it in the first place, it was stolen. First I will make clear that I could never leave my city and still know what is going on around the world. I don't have to fly to Africa when I have a massive amount of resources right in front of me and two libraries close by in order to research these issues. Secondly, I never stated that whites were a prevalent in Kenya or any other African country. I said that they own the majority of the land. The fact that whites own the majority of land in places such as Kenya, South Africa, and Zimbabwe can't be too much of a shock to you since less than 20 years ago a small minority of whites controlled South African political, economically and socially. I am sure that you know about the South African apartheid. People still don't understand how a small minority of whites were able to oppress a large majority of South Africans. I guess they also don't know how one white slave master was able to control hundreds of black slaves. As for them loving whites, I am sure that they do. They allow them to control 73% of the land when there are barely any of them living in the country. They must love them a whole lot to allow such an atrocity. However, at the same time, a person can never justify hating all people of a particular race because of the actions of a few. So despite the fact that they are currently being oppressed by whites, that doesn't mean that they have to drink from the fountain of bitter hate. But they should know the truth and speak it when necessary. Just like the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, why didn't Martin Luther King hate whites? People tend to think that when ever someone points out wrongdoings, they must have hate in their hearts. I speak the truth based on my love for my people, not out of hate towards others. Neither do I speak the truth in order to persuade you or anyone else, but rather to defend those who are not here to defend and speak up for themselves (or are simply too ignorant of the truth to speak up). So whenever the lowly and poor is spoken down upon, I will tell you why they are lowly and poor. And that includes poor whites, Hispanics, Asians, blacks, Africans, and all the other poor people of the world that I can relate to and that are being exploited by the rich elites.
  24. thanks chini, I ran across it and liked it..not sure what I was reading when I found it =D

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