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Everything posted by chini13

  1. This one is a delicious paneer recipe, relish it with paratha or naan.Ingredients: 250 gm Paneer (diced) 2 Onions (blanched and pureed) 2 tbsp Butter 3 tbsp Tomato puree 1 tsp Ginger garlic paste 2 tbsp Cashew nut paste 1 tbsp chili powder Pinch of asafetida (hing)1 teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera)1 tsp Coriander powder 1 tsp Turmeric powder 1 tsp Garam masala 1 Cup Fresh creamSalt to taste Cut Paneer in cubes and fry till they are light brown in colour. Soak them in warm water so that they become soft.Heat butter in a pan and add the asafetida and cumin seads.After the cumin seeds crack add the onion puree and sauté till they turn light brown in color. (This is also known as brown paste).Add Ginger garlic paste to the brown paste mixture and sauté for sometime.Then add the chili powder, coriander powder, cashew paste, tomato puree, turmeric powder, garam masala powder and salt and sauté for sometime and when the paste starts leaving the pan add some water as the paste may be come thick.Add the soaked paneer cubes, allow it to cook till the gravy becomes semi-solid.Finally garnish it with fresh cream and some chopped fresh coriander.
  2. This is really simple and famous indian recipe.All the old indian movies have a scene where mother of hero prepares it and its the favorite dish of the hero .Indian festivals are incomplete without this KheerIngredients used are :Rice -1/2 cup (short or medium) washed and soaked Milk - 6 cupsSugar-3/4 cup Green Cardamon powderRaisin-10-15 or as much u likeNuts -1/2 cup or as much u like (almonds ,pistachios and cashews all crushed or cut into small pieces)Method Put the milk in a deep pan and heat it Remember not to put the stove on high flame.In the hot milk add the soaked rice into it and simmer it .Keep on stirring the milk so that it don't get burn.Check if the rice is cooked.When the rice is boiled in the milk add the sugar and mix until the sugar is dissolved.Mix the crushed cardamom seeds and add raisins almonds and nuts in the kheer.Serve it either warm or get it chilledU can also add a pinch of Saffron Threads, soaked in a little hot milk which will give a nice fragrance and flavour to the kher after it is cooked.
  3. sing a song and have a nice time....may be this works and some day im busy enough to beat this lonleness ...God send me loads of work and a little bit of happiness will follow it..i don't ask much

    1. web_designer


      know what chini? we are all lonely in some way...even if there are 100 person around us, we still feel lonely..because our loneliness is part of us and we should deal with it, either increase it or reduce it..

    2. anwiii


      what song are you and wd going to sing for us? :)i would pay to see the duo! only one rule. no sad songs :D

  4. Your friend is acting weird and is jealous.She don't need to react the way she is doing.The story reveals that you both are really good friend but then may be out of jealously she is doing all that.I guess she is not happy with her situation being single and so she wants to run away from that.She is not able to accept the reality that you are getting married and is disturbed by the fact.I think you don't need to explain it to her again and again , just try to be normal ..may be she will after some time be normal and behave nicely.May be she is no longer interested in having a friendship with you.I think when she will have the same situation she will understand you.
  5. U may not add turmeric...not necessary
  6. its nice to be alone ..but loneliness kills me sometimes...send me some angels to talk with

    1. web_designer


      loneliness sometimes could be the key to heat the wounded soul...

    2. Hurt4love


      Hey you ;-) you are not alone we are here for you, you know! Chin up and keep smiling OK? :-)

    3. anwiii


      you are less alone than you think.....

  7. This is a famous Indian dish which is easy to cook and it is like a steamed cake...not a sweet one.Cooking time 20 minsIngredients For batterGram Flour -1 cup sugar- 1 spoonLemon-1 lemonYogurt - to mix the flourOil - 1 tablespoonFor the tempering1 tablespoon oil (mustard oil or ghee)1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds1/2 teaspoon sesame seeds (til)2 green chillies, chopped1/4 tablespoon-turmeric1 tablespoon -ginger1 finely chopped oniona pinch asafoetida (hing)SaltMethod Mix all the ingredients of the batter in a bowl adding half yogurt and half water.Add it slowly and mix it well s that no lumps are formed in it.Remember that the batter has to be flowing a little bit thinner than a cake batter.Keep the batter for 10 minutes to rise.When the mixture rises, pour it into a greased container and steam for about 10 to 15 minutes.Bring it out and cool it downFor the tempering put the oil in the pan and then temper the mustard seeds sesame seeds and asafoetida asdafoetida.Add the chillies, ginger and onion and fry them.Add some salt, turmeric to it. Now add some water to this so that it can easily spread on the prepared Khaman or the steamed cake.If u want to add some lemon can add it now.Cut the cake pieces and put this prepared mixture on to it.Garnish it with some shredded coconut powder and some coriander leaves.
  8. sanso ki maala mai simru mai pi ka naam ( in the garland of my breath i recite the name of my love )

    1. anwiii
    2. rob86


      what's a garland of your breath?

    3. chini13


      @rob don't spoil the depth of my words :D

  9. Your dream is pretty interesting..but then dreams are weird and interesting.I generally see one same dream again and again in which i see my teeth broke and are in my hand..its always funny but i never get what it is all about.I visit dentist timely and i have no tooth problem still i have this dreams occasionally and when i woke up i check whether i have my set of teeth placed correctly
  10. I wish i could erase it ..oh i have lots of wishes :P im greedy

    1. chini13


      yeah wishes make us keep going..

    2. deadmad7


      I wish you well like a wishin well wishes itself wel

    3. anwiii


      i hope she doesn't forget her eraser

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  11. I may or may not..but i wish i could :) :)

    1. chini13


      i could be a rich enough to buy a house on moon

    2. anwiii


      i don't think a house on the moon would be that expensive. it's the trip over there that would cost the most :)

    3. chini13


      but living there would cost more..

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  12. I hate this when im so focused to study and i get disturbed time and again

    1. anwiii


      try to find a more quiet place to study so you wont get disturbed. can't you study at school or maybe somewhere else that would be more convenient? i hate distractions when i am trying to focus on something.

    2. chini13


      but deadmad im not as smart as u ..@ anwii i can't go out..

    3. anwiii


      deadmad is always bragging about his straight a's but he can't even divide 400 by 4 :) some people are just naturally smart like that. most people are not.

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  13. Happy b'day rob..Have a beautiful life :)

  14. So i made 50 posts..not bad...slow and steady ...im not a part of any race :)

    1. anwiii


      you're like "the little engine that could"! good job :) if you never heard the story about the little engine that could.....google it :)


    2. web_designer


      good job chini...i do like your valuable topics...

    3. anwiii


      the topics that make you go hmmmmmmmmm (make you think)

  15. well nice thread WD..it is kind of appreciating people here..Im new to this place and was welcomes nicely ..And being new to this place i have not talked to many.Although i have not asked for help.. Still i would like to thank all people for the good attitude and making it a fun place for me to visit.
  16. I never heard this that fiber food is difficult to digest..and is unhealthy..i have rather heard that it is good to have more fiber in food.I did not mention anywhere about the sugar..This is funny.But i would like to state it that being vegetarian or non vegetarian is a matter of choice taken by people.No one in my family is a non vegetarian and i don't find any harm in that and we are not suffering with any disease.But then im not here to force people to become a vegetarian..just enjoy what you eat.It is just that im like being the vegetarian..i can't eat and animal (if for the survival i may even eat human ) :P
  17. See u put the condition ..THis is what iam saying..for the survival u can have anything even i would hate to die starving..i only said if just for taste you r doing so..it is wrong
  18. It is my view that being vegetarian is good......but the point you are putting here is even lion kills animal..lion cannot do farming :P and what we have is so much of food vegetables all around..It is my personal opinion that vegetarianism is better for health then why should kill someone because it tastes nice
  19. I think vegetarians have better living than non vegetarians as they are less prone to obesity,piles,teeth problems, heart diseases etc..Now im not talking about the longer life but a better life.It is true that the vegetarian food contains more of the fiber in comparison to the meat which is useful for the body as the food rich in fiber can easily be digested and is less burden to the body.But i think the way we cook the food also matters a lot..if vegetables are cooked more then the natural minerals and the vitamins can vanish and they this is of no use to the body.It has been observed that the body of non-vegetarian animals contain 10 times more amount of hydrochloric acid than that of vegetarian ones, but human body should not have the same amount of hydrochloric acid. This establishes the fact human body is basically meant for a vegetarian diet.Being a vegetarian myself i would say be vegetarian and stop killing animals for food.
  20. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, India's leading Hindu cultural group, has developed Gau Jal or Cow Water, at its research centre in the Indian holy city of Haridwar on the River Ganges, and hopes it will be marketed as a 'healthy' alternative to Coke and Pepsi.Hindus worship cows for their life-sustaining dairy products, but many also consume bovine urine and faeces in drinks and spice mixes for their "health-giving" properties.In some Indian states, cow dung and urine are sold in regular dairy shops alongside milk and yogurt, and "ayurvedic" Indian health food companies make porridge, toothpaste and tonic drinks which claim to cure ailments ranging from liver complaints to diabetes and cancer. The urine is also believed to have disinfectant properties while the dung is used in many Indian village huts as a clean and antiseptic flooring.Now, the RSS's Cow Protection Department has invented a new urine-based soft drink it hopes will promote its health-giving properties to a wider market. His team is now focusing on packaging, marketing, and of course preservation to stop its curative drink from going whiffy in the summer heat.This is a stale news but i guess not many people know about it..Well anyone wants to try out this special cold drink
  21. U may not stay with me all my life, u may not always do all the crazy things people do in love...but i know it well that you love me truly..this is enough to keep me going..i can now live happily :) :)

    1. web_designer


      love the words chini..thank you for sharing...

    2. chini13


      :) this what im feeling today :) :) how is ur trip going on ?:) hope u r having a good time
    3. anwiii
  22. hey this is an interesting fact .We will have the change in the style of the rupee but i wish this new change is lucky for me and i hold more money than what i have right now lolBut i would like the letter R in Hindi.I think we should use more of our language in the representing icons.
  23. Chat room is boring without Web Designer :)

    1. anwiii


      hey- don't listen to WD. she isn't even here haha. hi bani!

    2. web_designer


      i miss you too chini..a lot and everyone else..

    3. Baniboy


      beware of me?! what am i gonna do, eat whales?

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  24. Mind at Work

    1. anwiii


      your mind is ALWAYS at work. what's so special about today :)

    2. chini13


      ;) special work u knw
    3. anwiii


      ohhhhh you have me curious. you have to tell me now or i'm not coming in to the chat room haha never mind. i don't think that will work again :)

  25. NOw this is really Wd the Rockstar...U do what you feel is right and do not hesitate in saying all that in spirit.I like this attitude of yours and i support you honey for this..I think people who are loyal should be given good treatment and should be well heard.
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