The Problem of our nation is that they never abide by the rules and norms set for the nation.The regulations are set up , which are not strictly followed for various reasons.The political influence and the money influence is so high in this country that nobody can get a justice on time.If the rules and norms are followed in full faith and with stringent strategies our country will be a better place.The rate at which the rapes and murders are increasing makes it clear how the law and order of this nation is.Any one with good influence can save himself from getting punished and if punished , it is never on time.There are many examples in our everyday life about the issue.The money becomes so important that people forget basic moral values on the stake of dignity.Government has its role a major role, crime was always present but it is to be controlled.The control comes from the governing people which is lacking.The leaders of the nation are completely responsible for this condition of our country.The developed and a well governed nation is the one in which all the aspects are controlled.The economy,agriculture, population,infrastructure and as well as the law and order.This can happen only if we abide by the set norms.