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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. i need help installing the invision hack into php-nuke! can anyone help me??
  2. does anyone have a link to Trap17's TOS so i know wut i can and cant do for my site? also wut must i not do to keep my site? first, and foremost, do not spam. and make *good* and *quality* posts, not just rambling one-liners. TOS appears at the footer of every page (where it is most commonly found). plus read also pinned topics found at the "Request Hosting" section. that should answer all your questions.
  3. OpaQue

    Socom 2

    Socom 2 is like the number 1 online game it is so cool. If you play it or anything then send me a friend invite at BurninDragon08 yeah!!!! Me and My friends love to Glitch and just play around with people it is so fun.. But a lot of people dont glitch during real games. peace out for now.
  4. Your domain is working perfectly at my place.. This is what I get
  5. aah.. I am confused. I dont think there are any files in HDD which grant access to these CD's.. If there is, the patch is possible. But if the files on the HDD make no diffrence for the Bootdisk. The bootdisk can work its way out to the data and open the way for people to access it. AS for windows XP, The bootdisks purposely access the part of the drive and check if the system is accessible, and if it is, it is designed to ask for authorisation. Do I got a point here ?
  6. Ping your website address and check ..Go to Run, Type CMD and enter ping http://www.yourdomain.com/ [Hit Enter]The Ip address should resolve to for your domain to work correctly.
  7. Please give appropriate details about it. Suggest the necessary rules and guidelines for the Forum. And please post the Exact Location of this forum. After you do this, Please put a PM, I will make the forum asap.
  8. Well.. Now if the little girl had no problem doing it... then I don't think anyone can blame them or anything.But if she was forced .. then she can use her GIRL POWER!! The power of YELLING! :rolleyes:But here, it seems both are accepting the relation, so nothing can be said and there is no law which forbids a teacher to have sex with his student.
  9. Trap17 is not possible without the dedicated work of the admins and the mods. However, I am not able to be that active at the forums.. I had posted a TO DO list..heres the progressThis is my TO DO list ( Just to give you an Idea ) :-1> Making the Script for automatically creating user accounts. (done)2> Script for hunting inactive members and managing them. 3> Automatic suspension of accounts which are not active at the forums.4> A Facility to allow members to take a short Leave.5> Testing of all the above ones, especially the ones which connect the servers ( they need to be double checked for security holes )6> Mastering Linux 7> Managing my own Degree Studies. ( Permanent Headache )8> Looking after the forums ( Least priority, since I count on you guys )9> Optimizing my sites.10> Paid Extension (Holiday) plans for members who want to take long break off the forums.11> Lanching the Corporate site ( xisto.com ) ( partially completed )12> Handling my own local clients. ( Another Permanent headache )13> Finishing up my web designing assignments.14> Making an Invoicing system for paid customers.15> Marketing, Advertising etc for Xisto - Web Hosting. (http://computing-web-hosting.com/)
  10. I wonder if Microsoft can actually release a Patch for this one. I assume that the Boot disk does not interfere with the boot files already stored on the system. It loads up in memory seperately and accesses the drive and there is absolutely nothing between its path to stop it and ask for authorisation. And may be because of this, the other security systems except EFS failed. So until and unless those files are not encrypted, developing a patch for the above flaw is difficult. The patch that will be released will have to protect the files compltely just like EFS. So instead of developing a new system altogether for encryption, microsoft might go with the EFS thing. So in the next patch, microsoft may decide to enable EFS for WinXP home edition which is again going to cost microsoft a lot. Well this is only a thought..
  11. I used to encourgage that .. but Now I dont. If your site is sooo popular.. why not just pay a tiny amount and get better feature and dedicated service.
  12. Thanks. I have been very very kind with respect to the active rule. Members who are inactive for over 3 months still use their hosting account. We have not yet deleted them and I just thought about giving a chance to those members. However, the ever growing popularity and requests are falling heavy on the limited resources we have. The accounts ( better than paid ones ) are expensive. The biggest issue that I am facing is the Members who spam the account ( not the forums ). They affect the server badly and I recently had an argument over my host. For the sake of performance, I have also removed the advertisements on the top of the page. That has affected the revenue too. But now I think Xisto more as a group and a community. The post quality has been improved considerably and I guess the amount of good posts must make those spammers ashamed of themselves.. After the Inactivity script is executed, it is obvious that many accoutns will be suspended. (people who havent visited Xisto since months ) MEmbers will be then asked to be active and make posts ( atleast 2-3 posts a week ). Don't worry, we are not maniacs here to delete your hosting account .. I had started this site to help and will make sure that we keep on doing it. We have been giving and will continue to give members enough opportunities.. I am also thinking of a solution for members who require a leave or who may not be able to post at the forums for some reasons.Thanks for supporting and being with Xisto.
  13. I dont think.. Agp is going to be thrown out of the market.. Here are some points which I got while searching for advantages AGP 8X. I read this comment on sitepoint forum.. stating that So.. I think People can relax and and enjoy their AGP motherboard..
  14. AMD processors blow up ( burn ) when overclocked unlike Pentium processors which cease to function when they overheat. Most of the Gaming freaks over clock their AMD processors.. I had seen this video on Tom's hardware where they used the similar waterr cooling thing.. but it was more compact and did not include such a large water source. It had a radiator for cooling the water and small diameter pipes. It looked pretty cool..And there was another one which was ment for servers I guess. They used a compressor inside a real big fat Cabinet and used it too cool the processor. the cool thing is , once that thing was turned on, the BIOS reported the CPU temperature around -34 degree!
  15. Someone threw ICE from the window and killed them...Or They were playing with SHARP things made of ice and killed each other..OrOk.. Let me give another wierd answer.. they made an ICE rod and inserted it into a bottle. ( for playing Star Wars ). Then they ultimately killed each other.. umm.. ok.this is too much.
  16. Aah.. It also includes spaces and Carriage Returns (newline.. pressing enter ).. Almost all the keys pressed on your keyboard is counted except the BACKSPACE AND DELETE .. And by the way.. I have reduced the amount required. Have fun!
  17. I dont know how long this link is going to work.. Check it out... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You might want to try it out..
  18. Well.. the person will have to struggle harder for keeping both the accounts active. And we do not allow any individual to have more than one account. It would simply mean wasting of resources. We purchase extra facilities and resources so that our members recieve premium quality hosting.
  19. WAR SUCKS! No matter what .. And as for saddam.. I heard that he was bad.. but this was also true that a majority of population considered his God. He had saved his country before.. and was doing his best to do then. Unless we know the inside story.. I don't think we got a right to blame anyone. As for some say he was curropt, well, I ask.. YOU ISINT! Everyone is greedy! While looking at the situation.. It was quite clear that Bush always had his eye on the oil rigs.Ok.. The military thing that you guys are talking about sounds fine so far as that military is used for SELF DEFENCE. And if the question is about US, US has a lot of Nuke weapons and it can beat the hell of anyone ... So I dont think.. anyone would dare to attack it. As someone pointed out, it is better that you work towards maintaining peace rather than building more defence.The problem I see is TRUST. When a country builds up a Huge military.. there is a cold war going on. The other countries feel insecure about their freedom. However, it is not possible to disarm everynation and this argument might never end..
  21. No.. wrong bollywood sucks with its song.. only 5% of all the thousands which are releasaed are worth listening.. The new Albums released by Gen-X are quite acecptable...Of the fav... i like A.R.Rehman.. there are many more. but A.R. Rehman does not release stupid songs just for the heck of it.. I also listen to old classics.. but that only depends on my mood and most of the time it is usually Lata. Its not that I hate bollywood.. but in 90% case, they simply SUCK.. LoL.
  22. PHPBB sucks.. please dont use it. there was a virus which was written in perl and which somehow was successful in sql injection. . It has affected many servers and nothing can be done bout it. also, the clients surfing that site are not affected.
  23. Dude, Your account name that you had updated at the cpanel does not match with your CPANEL NAME! So obviously computers are not partial or something.. that they purposely suspended your account.Clear instructions are provided. You must update that field with the Cpanel username and not with your forum username. Reconfirm your username and PM me. I will update that field myself. Becuase for security reasons, I dont allow members to update that field manually anymore.Thanks-OpaQue
  24. Dont bother downloading them... most f them are all ****.. Its only 1 in 100 movies which are worth watching. So dont waste your bw ..
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