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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Stop putting remarks on each other and arguing about religion. We are talking if God exists and end up fighting who is right and wrong.Who/What is the One?I have explained it in previous post.What is religion?Its a guide to reach the one.Then, Why do you need so many different religions? Because, Each part of earth is different with different habitat. With the changing habitat, We need a much more optimized guide so that you can reach your destination quickly. The journey to the ONE we talk about is not an easy task. It requires a great deal of personal discipline, a good physical and mental health and a good nature. Why stress on good nature?Everything you have done till now leaves imprints in your head. An imprint which you regard as good will give you joy & enthusiasm whereas bad actions (things which you define as bad) will leave bad imprints. These things will repeat inside your head again and again. You know this. :-) I am a Hindu and these deeds are defined as Karma. I request everyone that before you post in this topic, do read your holy book, without any assumptions. I have told you the basics. Each book has its own style of introducing you to this basic truth.For for all those people who still consider God as an external entity outside your body who lives external to you... You are wrong. Science has failed and so shall you in this search for God.
  2. Remember your very very young age when you started discovering the world. Think about the oldest time possible of your life after you were born. From then, go ahead slowly and think about all the various incidents in your life (good or bad..) Just remember and feel those moments.Think about the technology and the changes which took place around you. Think about how people grew around you.Do this till you reach this present moment while you are reading this very text on your screen.Close your eyes and ask yourself, From the day of my birth to this present day, Everything around ME has changed (including your body & your mind). But there is one thing that has not changed yet... The observer inside you. The observer who remains unchanged in times of anger, depression, happiness etc. Who is at peace all the time regardless of your emotional state. I define this silent observer as God, who is neither good nor bad. He is the only ONE. He is out of the natures dual matrix of Yes/No, True/False, Right/Wrong...- All the books we read are mystic literatures who are trying to get you to know this observer, So different people will give you different paths to reach the One. Everyone is unique and will have his own path to realize the one. -
  3. The above steps will simply get you banned / suspended.Do not follow the above instructions. - Owner of this site and Adsense user from past 3 years -
  4. By 2050, I know one thing for a fact. Intelligent people will seperate out and make their good community inside some sort of a dome thereby isolating the envoirment from the rest and preserving nature. Some day we can see BIG cities with such intelligent planning in the heart of nature without harming it at all. I look forward for steam & electric cars taking over gas & even hybrid.The rate at which I see temperature changes year after year is leaving me puzzled. A week back my city (Mumbai) recorded the LOWEST temperature in winter of about 12.5 C.And not to mention, Each year during monsoon, the streets are flooded and a new record is created. No matter how fast the govt. here is said to progress its now unable to keep up with the furious pace of nature.
  5. Hi,I will add this to my task list. Its a good feature indeed but I was then worried about tons of spam being sent to members who just make 1-2 posts just enough to keep their credits up.-Shree
  6. I can see your website :-) You need to give time for DNS propagation. Ping result. C:\Documents and Settings>ping cncinfotech.uni.ccPinging cncinfotech.uni.cc [] with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time=304ms TTL=53Reply from bytes=32 time=340ms TTL=53Reply from bytes=32 time=341ms TTL=53Reply from bytes=32 time=338ms TTL=53Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 304ms, Maximum = 341ms, Average = 330ms
  7. Apache HTTP 1.3 is the most reliable till date. Check out the servers in market which still run 1.3 and you will be surprised by the figures.I employ the versions on the servers keeping in mind about your needs and requirements. From security to performance, keeping everything running smoothly is not as easy as it sounds. If Apache 1.3 features have ever disturbed you, please let me know. Linux is an Open Source OS and I cannot expect Big time support for it. Any kernel failures, syncing issue, memory leaks/blocks due to semaphores causing my server to restart will then be an even bigger issue. The CPanel software used to manage servers themselves never supported Apache 2.0. Until recently hardly 2 months back. Upgrading these softwares hardly takes any time. But the havoc they cause later is what I have to think about :-) Trust me, I got a good experienced team and people with expertise to guide me in this business. So, you guys are enjoying features walking on the safe side. And we all know how prone is free hosting to abuse. So, if things are running smoothly, its definitely an achievement for all of us. :-)Please report load spikes to Live Support Team at https://xisto.com/. Because these issues need to be checked immediately (in real time).
  8. Few simple things which will give you the answer to "what I should do?".1. Do not expect anything of her.2. Do not desire any favors, time, talks etx.3. Consider her your good friend and be there for her.4. Do not screw up your personal schedule for her.5. Do what you have to do. If you usually sleep at night, just go to bed. 6. Talk to her other time when you are free. Stop adjusting yourself and blaming her later for it in your mind.7. Do not say anything that hurts to any of you.8. Her BF is her choice. She has responsibilities towards him. Respect that.9. Be her good friend and ask her to find a girl for you. She will understand this and help you :-)
  9. I Added this to my task list. I will get it done soon :-)
  10. Any payment option is accepted as long as your funds safely reach us. These are the conditions :-1. We should not have any receiving charges.2. We should not be expected to travel to another city to process any paperwork to receive your payment.3. If you are sending payment by any means except the ones available on our website, Make sure you send it for at least 1 year. This reduces our manual work involved.4. It will be your responsibility to send the next payment before due date.
  11. Well, I did not bother about checking server load when I knew no traffic was reaching it in the first place :-/ I seriously do not have any update on that.But if it shoots up again, report immediately to LIVE-CHAT at https://xisto.com/. Tell the Support techs that Server GAMMA is spiking up and ask them to check for any abuse. This will help both of us to host peacefully. :-)-Shree
  12. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/94728-topic/?findpost=1064382441 This topic might solve your query :-)
  13. I apologizex1000 for what happened. The reason was "me". The servers were alright. All members who are using DOMAINS to host their website at Xisto.com servers will agree that their sites were working fine.So, Why the Sub-domains?Yesterday, I got up in the morning to check my mailbox and found my inbox -EMPTY-.No New Mails at all... No, it was not my lucky day.. First time in my life, I was cursing spammers for not even sending me a single spam. Things were not correct and it was not a joke.. So, I checked all the mail settings, filters, spam blocks and finally asked Mike(member of Xisto) to send me a test email. Which Obviously, did NOT drop in my mail box.1.5 days of COMPANY emails getting lost is BIG FAT BLOW (Trust me). I went through the DNS records of Xisto and found it to have a DIFFERENT MX record. It had the record of a different Hosting company. My immediate concern was not to find the bugger who did this, but was to make the records secure enough so that these mistakes do not happen hence forth.The error was due to a bug in CPanel and my having xisto.com linked as Xisto Free account manager on servers. When I had started Xisto, Xisto.com was the "owner" of accounts created for Xisto. This helps to sort the accounts for Xisto and Xisto. I am assuming that some of our members might have tried to PARK or ADD a domain with the host nameservers as this XYZ company.My MX record with 0 priority was not set. I use Google for my company mails, so according to their instruction, the priority is set from 1,5,5,10 ..Yesterday, I shifted my DNS to external cluster (outside Xisto) for Xisto, Xisto, Xisto - Web Hosting, Xisto - Support and Xisto. This will make sure that tomorrow if anything happens to our nameservers or DNS making all sites un-reachable, our main site will still be functional (if our servers are up to display them).This move (which is a bit complicated) will ensure that our communication with our members will be maintained even if there are DNS failures in future.Okay, now when doing all this, I forgot, Xisto.com has a lot of subdomains whose information is stored on our cluster and its impossible to move every domains DNS to outer network. Anyway, As difficult as it sounds, I solved the issue by pointing a WILDCARD * for Xisto Subdomain to our Gamma server. So all subdomains will start working.If its not, give it a 3-4 hours and it will. I am again sorry for everything that happened and I should had been more careful. But I was doing my best and mistakes do happen under pressure. :-/
  14. BRUTALWARFARE working. =================== Jan 02, 2008 - 3:38 PM - by Muxen Okay this is just a reminder, but we are gonna start the Bf2 matches and stuff this year, now. I've joined the Bf2 Inf, but if you want to team up with someone on the tank 2v2 or a jet 1v1, ask me. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ==================== Also working.... Other sites... Will also work :-) I apologizex1000 for what happened. The reason was "me". The servers were alright. All members who are using DOMAINS to host their website at Xisto.com servers will agree that their sites were working fine. So, Why the Sub-domains? Yesterday, I got up in the morning to check my mailbox and found my inbox -EMPTY-. No New Mails at all... No, it was not my lucky day.. First time in my life, I was cursing spammers for not even sending me a single spam. Things were not correct and it was not a joke.. So, I checked all the mail settings, filters, spam blocks and finally asked Mike to send me a test email. Which Obviously, did NOT drop in my mail box. 1.5 days of COMPANY emails getting lost is BIG FAT BLOW (Trust me). I went through the DNS records of Xisto and found it to have a DIFFERENT MX record. It had the record of a different Hosting company. My immediate concern was not to find the bugger who did this, but was to make the records secure enough so that these mistakes do not happen hence forth. The error was due to a bug in CPanel and my having xisto.com linked as Xisto Free account manager on servers. When I had started Xisto, Xisto.com was the "owner" of accounts created for Xisto. This helps to sort the accounts for Xisto and Xisto. I am assuming that some of our members might have tried to PARK or ADD a domain with the host nameservers as this XYZ company. My MX record with 0 priority was not set. I use Google for my company mails, so according to their instruction, the priority is set from 1,5,5,10 .. Yesterday, I shifted my DNS to external cluster (outside Xisto) for Xisto, Xisto, Xisto - Web Hosting, Xisto - Support and Xisto. This will make sure that tomorrow if anything happens to our nameservers or DNS making all sites un-reachable, our main site will still be functional (if our servers are up to display them). This move (which is a bit complicated) will ensure that our communication with our members will be maintained even if there are DNS failures in future. Okay, now when doing all this, I forgot, Xisto.com has a lot of subdomains whose information is stored on our cluster and its impossible to move every domains DNS to outer network. Anyway, As difficult as it sounds, I solved the issue by pointing a WILDCARD * for Xisto Subdomain to our Gamma server. So all subdomains will start working. If its not, give it a 3-4 hours and it will. I am again sorry for everything that happened and I should had been more careful. But I was doing my best and mistakes do happen under pressure. :-/
  15. The username for accessing the pop mail is your email address itself.I guess, you are trying to PIPE the messages in your mailbox into your Blog. You can achieve this by E-Mail piping using the EMAIL ALIAS function in CPanel->Mail.-Shree
  16. I almost had a heart attack. I was wondering how on earth my post got pushed down.
  17. Hi,You had been blocked by one of our engineers it seems. Please stop any activities which have massive connections to the server. And check your FTP if it creates a lot of simultaneous connections.Thanks,-Shree
  18. Merry Christmas! To all the members of Xisto :-) May Peace and Prosperity be your Gift at Christmas. From Home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another. The warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer to each other. - Emily Matthews
  19. Merry Christmas! To all the members of Xisto :-) May Peace and Prosperity be your Gift at Christmas. From Home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another. The warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer to each other. -Emily Matthews
  20. Dear mahesh2k, We had sent an email about a month back to members of our old billing system to confirm their transfer to new billing system. We are shutting down the old billing system and the members who have not replied back have been suspended. The old billing system has problems with invoice management. Your Last payment was received in Jun-06. I request you to sign-up at New Billing system with the SAME plan and package. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I will re-create your billing record. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. Thank you, Shree Xisto - Web Hosting.com
  21. The Breathing exercises which we read MUST be done under supervision of an expert or a teacher. Usually, I would recommend users to RECORD an audio with your own counting according to your capacity and follow it. Put 100% concentration with all your interest and heart into it so that you do not make mistakes. Some key points :- 1. No part of your body should be strained. 2. Breathing should be RELAXED. 3. Your mental state should not be disturbed while doing it. 4. If at any point you feel tired, stop after you finish that round and lie down like a dead corpse and meditate for some time to rejuvenate your body. Pranayama - The science of Breathing says that, Prana (Life force OR Breath) is a Very dangerous tool because our human body depends on it directly. And hence, this science is not a tool for play. Its like fire, if used correctly, it can create WONDERS else.. exactly.
  22. I do the following everyday :- I start with Nervous system cleaning (nadhi shodhan - Sanskrit) :- 1. Breathe in from Left Nostril holding the right. 2. Then Breathe out from Right holding the Left. 3. Then Breathe IN from Right (continue) holding the Left. 4. Then Breathe OUT from left holding the right. (back to Step1) (This completes one cycle) I do the above 9 times. Then the following by sitting in Vajrasan:- Breathe in till 4. Hold the breath till 4 Release till 6. Hold for 2. (22 Times) VAJARASANA
  23. Unlike Wikipedia, At Google Knol, you as an author get rights to earn revenue through advertisements.So, basically, when you make a Quality Article, you are getting visitors by Google's Marketting and AD-revenue by Google's Network. You get the 70% share and Google keeps the remaining 30%. And not to mention, As per the TOS of Google Ads, Google reserves the right to FREELY use its advertising networks to promote its own products (did you hear "free", yes. So, Even today, Millions of Adsense users show Google Product's ads on Google Adsense for Free).Now this is Power :-) But in the end, everyone benefits, so its ok :-) I am with them.
  24. PlugComputers, Please check your account status in Credit System Panel.
  25. In this case, Check the .htaccess file throughly. It will have some entries to forward the request to your site to XISTO SUSPENDED page. Remove those and things should be fine.
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