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New Internet Piracy Law Comes Into Effect In France

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Well what can I say, China should be the first people to do this, 87% Of pirated films on The Pirate Bay are uploaded from China before any other country. The scams and hackers in China is hitting extream numbers. The only other thing I can say is that I hope this doesn't come to the UK :).

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China should be the first people to do this, 87% Of pirated films on The Pirate Bay are uploaded from China before any other country. The scams and hackers in China is hitting extream numbers. The only other thing I can say is that I hope this doesn't come to the UK :).

When you post facts and figures be sure that your source is correct and that you are not isolating any group and infer any stereotype/prejudice remarks.


Just on the ethics side, who are the real blames the uploaders or downloaders. Or, does it even include people who knows Pirate Bay and what it can do? When you point a finger know that there are 3 other fingers pointing back at you. To pass judgment on just one country is saying your country has no fault at all. If you ever used torrent or other P2P, stream a media and saved for your later viewing or captured/downloaded an image or media without the author's consent you too are guilty of piracy.


Getting back to the above quote, if we are enforcing piracy for China we should also enforce people who use China as an escape goat and download as well. Punishing uploaders are just not enough--there should be a same consequence to those who download as well. It's a simple supply and demand. If there's no demand then there shouldn't be ample supplies. However, by no means this excuses China for disrespecting copyright laws.


In the age of internet you seriously cannot hope that "it doesn't come to the UK." Piracy is not a disease that you catch because it's widely spread. Piracy is not a fad where people try things during a phase. And last I checked, Italy was pegged as number 1 on PayPal's list on scams. Germans were noted and credited for hacks and hackers. Almost all warez sites are German based because hosting warez with German hosting is not illegal yet by that country. Iran and Iraq hackers are most well known for internet defacing.


Piracy will always exist as long as there are companies who want to control the distribution and demand money. If DVD movies were made affordable, everyone can afford to buy one, would you think people will look for ways to get it for free or next to nothing? Would you spend 5 hours downloading a movie when you can go out and own a real copy for $3 dollars? Would you spend even few hours downloading an operating system ISO with key generator if you can pickup a legitimate copy for $5 dollars? The legitimate copy will have full tech support where the pirated copy will not. So which one people will choose?


Furthermore, piracy will always exist because people demand higher, quality product. And to produce quality product you have to pay or reward those who develop. And the price for obtaining quality products is not going to be around $5 dollar range. And this is why piracy will always exist.


France passing their new internet law is the first step in organizing means to piracy. Internet simply replaced mail order catalogs and shipped processed orders. People still can get pirated products simply by opening the right catalog book and sending the payment. To think that internet should be controlled is foolish. But having a law that makes internet user accountable for their actions is step towards the right direction. I believe that the way we consume the internet is just as responsible, important as how people fill the internet.

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The only other thing I can say is that I hope this doesn't come to the UK

Ash, Well you are saying this as if there are no seeders or leechers in torrent or warez site from UK. Not only that UK ISP's are strict as well. Don't you think Sky & AAISP are strict ? Besides no matter how much strict ISP can be people find their ways out of it. No country has exceptions when it comes to legal things.


China is more strict than any other country on this planet. They are torching blogger and site owners many times on what to disclose and what not on internet. Ask any chinese about freedom they get on internet. Compare that with UK either ways (from pirates view and from ethical view).



France passing their new internet law is the first step in organizing means to piracy. Internet simply replaced mail order catalogs and shipped processed orders. People still can get pirated products simply by opening the right catalog book and sending the payment. To think that internet should be controlled is foolish. But having a law that makes internet user accountable for their actions is step towards the right direction. I believe that the way we consume the internet is just as responsible, important as how people fill the internet.

I completely agree to this one.

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To add my two cents, I just hope that law will fail statistically by getting the result not as expected, because the article seems that everything is good, but the method isn't good in my opinion, I just hope that with time it will fail :)Also, I think that new software will have new features which will use more secure channels and lets say new hashing methods to be more anonymous on the Internet than we are now Today as in my opinion IP is not a proper evidence as long as you don't confess :DI don't get why an ISP would want to loose a client who is paying money for the connection? The turning off Internet access seems a stupid idea and all that time wasted.. In my opinion it's against privacy rights, for example:Lets say it's the same as a government guy is spying on me and is always walking behind me, I'm lets say 17 years old, I go to the yard, get together with my friends, we go get some beer "illegally" as we aren't 18 yet, that guy is always walking behind us, ok we bought it, but we didn't drink it, maybe it's for our fathers? It's the same as if you download something, how can you be guilty if you didn't watch it or didn't install it yet? Not like for this kind of crime you wouldn't be able to go and meet your friends for a year? So you go to your home with your friends and drink the beer there, but because of that law, the government guy has access to your home to watch what you're doing, he sees that you're drinking beer and lets say for this reason you can't go to the yard for a year? What kind of control is this? Where is human rights and freedom? I know piracy is bad, but sometimes those anti piracy laws, those anti piracy methods and lets say statistics are so stupid, that it seems they don't have a brain.Lets say, my computer is my money income, because I work at home and my computer has everything I need together with Internet access, so the judge won't give access to Internet and will leave me without any money income and I won't have anything to eat? :(What about people downloading from public libraries, public universities, public places like a petrol station or a supermarket where they offer free Internet access usually wireless?As I said, IP address for me isn't a proper evidence.. How does a spy get such a quite private information like an IP address? He needs to go and spy into a private torrent tracker? But that torrent tracker also has terms of conditions like any software? That lets say no users can spy on other users by saving the ip address of a user and publishing it somewhere, so those anti piracy organizations needs to illegally spy on the torrent tracker users? illegally get those IPs by illegally downloading something to see the IPs? And how does an IP make you guilty? Maybe you thought it's something free and didn't even open it.If somebody downloaded something, because they had an ability to do it, it doesn't mean that he would have bought it, he just wouldn't see it or use it and he wouldn't be able to rate it, to write a review about it to suggest someone that it's really good to someone.

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What's so wrong about this law being passed? I mean, piracy is a big thing now-a-days. People who run software companies, or sell e-products online are always going to be a little hesitant because they have fears that the product they have worked so hard on may be pirated and released for free along millions of websites. I actually didn't know that France didn't have such laws imposed already. I thought they did, but I am probably mistaken them with some other country.

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I don't think this law is perfect when you look at the legal side of things, but pirates caused it to take place. Now they are whining about it. I suggest you gather the last bits of your dignity and morals and go cry behind the corner.

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Indeed Internet downloads and stuff was just Talk Talk and Talk about the laws they was going to bring in and the action they was going to take. Then it all seemed to die down again and then suddenly 'The Pirate Bay' Was under attack from a load of record company's and seemed the host had taken it down a couple of times but now its back up. It seems 'The Pirate Bay' Cannot be taken down therefore the government have decided to block up or stop us from downloading from there with these new laws they are deciding to bring in. In a couple of years I am sure there will be easy ways to get around it that's if they even do become reality.

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Well thats too bad! I had those pirates these days... but i have to admit it is attempted to log on to isohunt.com and download movies without paying BUT NEVER DO IT! I've warned you! and what does this have to do with France's priacy law?

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Did that new law in France defined what is piracy or the Judge will decide when turning off the internet and how will it work? Or all the job is going to be by some kind of anti piracy organization? What will ISP do?

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