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How To Change Forum Username?

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Hi guys!I want to change my forum username from livepcportal to digyourpc as I am bored with my current forum username. I know it is possible to change Xisto forum username, but, I don't know how to do this. I have searched of the option for changing forum username in My Controls and My Profile as well but I haven't found anything. Can someone help me in changing my forum username? Please tell me the procedure of doing so!Thanks in advance!

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You can't change your username yourself. Instead, you need to send a PM to BuffaloHELP or OpaQue requesting your username be changed.

Hey! what do you mean by PM and how can I send it to BuffaloHELP or OpaQue requesting change in my forum username? Can someone tell me in detail as I really don't know anything about this!

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Hey! what do you mean by PM and how can I send it to BuffaloHELP or OpaQue requesting change in my forum username? Can someone tell me in detail as I really don't know anything about this!

Click this link: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=stats&do=leaders

On the row with BuffaloHelp's name (the top row I think), click the orange PM button on the right.

In the message title box put something like "Requesting change of username".

In the large Message box write that you want to change your username from livepcportal to digyourpc.

Click the Send Message button at the bottom.

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Click this link: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=stats&do=leaders

On the row with BuffaloHelp's name (the top row I think), click the orange PM button on the right.

In the message title box put something like "Requesting change of username".

In the large Message box write that you want to change your username from livepcportal to digyourpc.

Click the Send Message button at the bottom.

Thank you rvalkass for giving step by step information. I am really thankful to you. Now, I can change my forum user name. :P

But, I really want to know one more thing, "actually what is the full form of PM?." Let me make a wild guess, ummm... is it Personal Message!

Please, tell me if anyone knows that.

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Yes, I can confirm that PM is short for writing a Personal Message to another user on this forum, so you just need to write a PM (Personal Message) to the administrators of this board, they're BuffaloHELP and/or OpaQue.

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Though Baffalo or OpaQue could enable this feature directly from the ACP. I think that should be a feature to be enabled in the future. :P OpaQue could then set limitations of how many times members can change their display names every x amount of days. :P

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Though Baffalo or OpaQue could enable this feature directly from the ACP. I think that should be a feature to be enabled in the future. :P OpaQue could then set limitations of how many times members can change their display names every x amount of days. :P

I also think that we should get this power. After all, we are just changing our forum username so what could be the harm in enabling this feature. Hopefully, Baffalo or OpaQue will look into this and enable this feature. Hey sky! one thing I did not understand and that is why they should set limitations on how many times members can change their display names every x amount of days. Its our user name, we can change it any number of times.
Admins should seriously look into this.

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We had a small discussion about this in this thread and I must say that if users were given the power to change their username/display name as many times then there would be some sort of chaos and it would be hard for the moderators to keep a check on everyone. On small forums allowing users to change their names is fine because in a small community everyone knows everyone else and no matter what name they use, they are recognized by the other users. But Xisto is a huge forum and it will be difficult to get to know other users if they change their names frequently.

Its our user name, we can change it any number of times.

Lol that's a good point but if everyone started thinking like this and started changing names, the forum would become really confusing and irritating!!! That's the reason we have a controlled system of changing names and I think for the time-being it is indeed apt.

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i don't like sky's suggestion at all. i don't feel a user should be able to change a display name at all. there is too much risk for abuse. there is absolutely no reason for a user name change. NONE. choose one you like, and use it. the only way a user should be able to change their display name is to delete their account and sign up again. the users mycents will be lost, but that would have to be the price one would pay.some chat rooms allow display names to be changed, but those are CHAT ROOMS. this is an account that is also linked to web services. you have the opportunity to choose your name right from the start. if people choose one they don't like, then that is THEIR fault for being immature in setting up a responsible account without having to waste any moderators time or making this option available for anyone to use at their whim just because they are 15 years old and don't know WHAT they want.also, other people get used to one display name. i would hate reading posts and not knowing who they were really from. changing display names can be used to hide identities. i don't like that idea AT ALL!i think the admins have better things to do than to change display names for people....so i hope when they get a request, that there is logic and reasoning behind it. not just because someone says "i got tired of it"....especially after only 100 posts or so.i think exceptions can be made for long time users as long as people still know who they are and not an excuse to hide an identity.well that's MY opinion....doesn't count for anything but thought i would state it....

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It would indeed be frustrating if lot of users started changing their names as they liked without any care about the kind of effect it would have on the forum. Then again, a name is something personal and everyone wants to feel proud of their name. I, for one, got my name changed because I felt it wasn't unique and had already been used by someone else at many forums. That may sound like a silly reason to many but to me it was a very strong reason and that's why I pestered the admins to get it changed :PAll of us here are talking about what would happen if a lot of users started changing their names as they please, but how many users would really like to change their name?! Once they have established themselves over here on the forum, they wouldn't risk losing their identity by suddenly switching to a different name. That's what most people think. Then there are people like livepcportal and me, who are willing to take that risk :P

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All of us here are talking about what would happen if a lot of users started changing their names as they please, but how many users would really like to change their name?! Once they have established themselves over here on the forum, they wouldn't risk losing their identity by suddenly switching to a different name. That's what most people think. Then there are people like livepcportal and me, who are willing to take that risk :P

Yup The Simpleton! I have taken that risk and have a valid reason for this. Earlier I choose my forum username livepcportal because I was planning to launch my site with that name only. At that time I was a newbie. But, after joining Xisto and you guys I have learned a lot. So, later I felt that this name will not be able to last longer and is not so cool in my opinion and can become confusing sometime. So, I decided to change my site name from livepcportal to digyourpc. So, here I am now promoting my first website DigYourPC using my forum username. I think a lot of users are doing this! So its not just me who is doing this!
But, at the same time, admin seems to be a lot of busy in solving the problem of the script, which take care of myCENTs for which we are here... not everyone...., as even after sending a PM to BuffaloHelp, my forum username is still unchanged. :P

Hopefully it will be changed soon! :)

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Um...this is indeed a busy time for the staff. You might have noticed that most of the moderators have been inactive and the admins as well - they seem to be busy fixing the bugs in the site that has made some users frustrated. Just get that thing called "patience" under your control and everything will be well :P :P

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need to change your usernamethen contact the admin or try asking any modi am not sure wither mods can do this but admin can coz he or she is adminbut still ask the mod and he wll do it for you or contact straight away to admin

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Easy, All you got to do its PM "BuffaloHelp" and very kindly ask that you would like your username changed.

Click the image below to PM him.

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