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The Simpleton

How Would You Spend 10 Days Of Holidays? without a vacation......

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I just got 10 days of holidays and I'm not sure what to do with them. Unfortunately I can't go on vacation to some place due to some reasons, so I have to stay in my home town for 10 days, without any work to do! So I was hoping if some of you guys out there could give me some suggestions? That's a pretty silly question but I'm interested to see what kind of answers I'll get...

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Party 24/7!!! :lol:No, really. Well, you could do some exercises like jogging, or you could build some muscles. 10 days isn't such a long time but it's a good time to start. I started jogging on summer and now I'm addicted to, I think I'll continue running even on winter.Hang out with your friends, learn something useful (like more php functions, a new programming language like c++ or assembly). Or you can just chill out for 10 days... have sleepovers and stuff like that. Try out how long you can go without sleeping... All kinda fun things

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I could create DIY stuff and express the kid in me. Have some fun, play things I i havent played. Or you could buy old movie tapes, and lots of pop corn, then after, share what you have done in here...

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ill be more than glad to give u a list of things to do..1.try to break the record for most hours continuously posting on trap 17 ;P2.Go to a bar/club/restaurant/singles spot and try to meet someone.. take them home.. u get the idea 3.learn to cook new things.. (watch the food channel) and hey maybe u will find something you love, and will be able to cook4.sit and stare at your house for the whole 10 days5.sit and watch tv for the whole 10 days6.exersize, join the gym, walk, run, or even better JOIN A DANCE CLASS, (if u cant dance.. great way to meet people)many things you can do :lol: i suggest number 1 though

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1.try to break the record for most hours continuously posting on trap 17 ;P

That's an interesting suggestion - I don't know about the number of hours but I think I could try to break Saint Michael's record for most number of posts, but I've got only 7 days left so that makes it approximately a thousand posts per day from now on :P:lol:

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I've already spent 4 days without doing anything useful and although all of the suggestions mentioned above are great and all, the only thing I seem to be capable of doing is "lazing around" :lol: Anyway, thanks for the suggestions everyone...

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I will kill my self man  I cant stay at my home for 10 days I will hang out with my friends the whole time or going to somewhere with thim and play something like dota or football

-reply by JoKerXeYeS

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DO SOMETHING THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE THAT YOU'VE BEEN AVOIDING TO DO....like... 1.aplly a fresh coat of paint to the wall your toddler son turned into a sketch pad. 2.return the food containers from your neighbors, yep the one when you got chikenpox and they brought mac and cheese over for you. 3.clean up the attic 4.give your dog a bath 5.go visit you mom and dadDO SOMETHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY 1.set practical jokes and stuff, just make sure you won't get punched in the face 2.try to invent a new dish. combine wierd stuff together, you might discover that chocolate syrup and macaroni topped off with cheese tastes like heaven 3. go to the mall wearing your pjs and your bunny slippers just to see how people would look at you.

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That's a good question. 1st day: I would think about what I'm gonna do the next 9 :P)2nd day:I'd Start planning what i thought the first day.3rd day: I'd Give a second thought about the plans i made so far.4th day: I'd Make a topic on Xisto and ask them what they think I should do on my vacation5th day: I'd read their replies. And wait for some more.6th day: Rest after so much work.7th day : Resting after the 6th day effort.8th day: Start thinking about the end of the vacation9th day: It's too late.10th day: Damn , the time is gone.Well.. seriously.. I would stay home relax , hang out with friends.. that's some real quality time :P . Even though it's way too late to answer your question .. beeing a topic from September .

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