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Are You For Or Against Cloning? what would be your reason?

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I agree that we should be careful when cloning but of course there are also good sides of cloning as well! As someone mentioned, cloning species is the thing that we should talk about, because it is the most conflictable in my opinion...The thing is when new life happens! It is impossible to have a single person having two bodies so it is impossible to look at yourself from your eyes of another body if you know what i mean. So when we clone species we do the same thing as when we have sex and then make life. We have to be responsible, because someone will be born, someone in need of a kind and warm mother and all that stuff...I'd say that cloning is allowed in terms of individual organs and that stuff, because that does not mean new life, but if a whole human is cloned then this is wrong and we should be careful and maybe consider making children in the old BEST way...Best whishes

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no..even if it's an avantage to human kind it's not what religous people believe in... it would remind us like a video game when you customize ur character and make the same thing...this idea though might be great with extinct or endangered animals

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I am for cloning but for medical reasons, not for anything else. I believe that a clone would help someone who needs a liver to stay alive or whatever it may be. If you were to clone someone and use the body organs, you could easily save someones life. I don't know if you guys have seen a movie called The Island but it gives you a way that cloning could get out of control and the clones are actually living. I do think it is wrong to have the clone be living, but you can easily just clone the organs you need in order to save someone's life. Stem cell research i fully support and i wish they would look at it more seriously then they do now.

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I'm against cloning because I think that everybody should have the change to be an individium. For me this is against ethnik principles. The problem is that crimanals can use it too!Flexxx--I'm German so my Englisch is ...

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Im both sides, litle more of no...Why yes?You can save many animals,humans and all that, if they are goin to exctinct or something...Why no?First: LOT, BUT LOT of animals are killed by tring to clon itSecond: GOD is the one that makes the humans and animals. Why people wants to do it?... Its GOD the one that got that power and the only one that makes itThird: (No third :lol:)I must see that documentation in discovery channel i will try to search it on youtube or something, its look interesting, but well good luck tryin to clonWe beleave on GOD

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Hi I agree with adriantc with the cloning of animals which have been extinct because of man.I mean if it is because of man then how can it be survival of the fittest when we play unfair and human cloning is a very controversial,vast and difficult thing for If there is a said percentage who use it to change this world for a better cause, Agreed but what if It is abused for selfish or violent causes.i mean think about it, What if The clones are used as suicide bombers or like lab rats because they are not NORMAL.It can be abused, Dont you think? I mean it will be very easy fro evil people to take for granted and belittle the life of a clone for it is not Normal.I shared my opinion and do not mean to hurt anyone. Sorry if I was rude. :lol:

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Cloning could be good or bad depending on what we clone,if we clone simple extinct animals than it would be really good ,but if we clone people when they die than it would really lead to a very unbalanced world and soon there would be more people than avilable resources ,so it is nescessary that the cloning should not be made oublic or it would create problems for the humans and the entire earth ,for food problems yes cloning could be used ,but there is no point of arguing what to do ,give permission or not ,because if that things bring profit ,it would come no matter what

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I don't know; I can't decide. Neither do I have the right to - I don't know enough about the subject to make a firm decision... well, I think it's not good or bad, it just IS. It's pretty interesting and I guess I am for it. I can't really think of reasons I could be against it.... oh, maybe because the cloned animals have internal problems. But I don't know.

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my opinion is that cloning people is a good idea because if you clone someone you can use their organs to save the original and they wouldn't have to die.

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i really dont appreciate the fact that cloning has arrived.. its good as long as it is for medical purposes... and i think thats where it should stop.. as long as it is being used for good purposes.. no issues..just imagine if HITLER had the privellege of getting cloned.. the whole idea is so scary...

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I'm totally for cloning. Cloning is the furture and is and will be a massive step for medical research. Cloning will basically cure nearly every disease known to man. If you've lost a limb, they can grow you a perfect match and you have that new limb whatever that could be. If you have a heart disease and need a transplant, who is a better donator then yourself? They can grow you a new heart.So in cases of cancer where they remove the parts of your body which contain cancer, they can replace them with your clone of that body part.For those who think cloning is wrong, infact their wrong. Cloning is natural, and many animals can actually clone themselfs. I don't know any personally, but alot of plants defiently can.Cloning is going to happen in the furture, too many advantages and very little disadvantages.

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I... actually don't know. I'd say yes, because I think cloning is cool. I'd love to have a duplicate of me. The only bad side is that my duplicate would want rights and stuff, and then soon they'll be clone voting and all of us would surely die. No one would reproduce. Or that could happen, but I don't know. I guess I wouldn't really want cloning, other than for a temporary time because clones would ruin all our lives forever. Like, my clone would have my brain or something, so it'd like... log on to here and spam. I wouldn't know, though.

Clones could trick us, unless we like, patched or did something to them to know that they're clones, but again they'll get angry and revolt and stuff.

I'm totally for cloning. Cloning is the furture and is and will be a massive step for medical research. Cloning will basically cure nearly every disease known to man.

Good point, but they wouldn't be willing to just be used as test subjects. Plus, since clones technically are people, some other people will protest and junk. Just like animals.

If you've lost a limb, they can grow you a perfect match and you have that new limb whatever that could be. If you have a heart disease and need a transplant, who is a better donator then yourself? They can grow you a new heart.
So in cases of cancer where they remove the parts of your body which contain cancer, they can replace them with your clone of that body part.

Hmm, would you like the fact that your only existance is to be a transplant for your original? I don't think clones would like that (if they had a brain or a conscience or a mind).

For those who think cloning is wrong, infact their wrong. Cloning is natural, and many animals can actually clone themselfs. I don't know any personally, but alot of plants defiently can.

I like cloning, personally. Cloning may be natural in plants and animals, but not for people. That'd be unnatural.

Cloning is going to happen in the furture, too many advantages and very little disadvantages.

I agree, cloning will happen soon. Sometime, maybe in a few years or even 20, we'll all be living among clones and robots.

Oh, and Forbez, don't hate me just for quoting you. I just take the last post, I don't dig into each and every post. Don't take this offensively.

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