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What Are You Like When You Are Sick? And What Comforts You The Most?

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You know it happens, despite the hand washing, sterilizing sprays, vaccines and other measures we ALL get sick at some point.When you get sick and your body feels like its about to shut down on you, your nose seems like it is ready to explode and those darn tissues over flow the garbage by your bed.When that happens do you act like a different person?I know personally I am a fit 24yo "bad *bottom*" type who enjoys things like sword fighting and doing insane stuff and could get hit in the face with a sword and not flinch (it HAS happened in the middle of a parade no less) but when I get the flu I turn into the most pathetic mess of a human ever, I get whiny and annoyed at everything. I also seem to be more picky too.My girl friend is the same, she gets all whiny and demanding (where as she is usually sweet and funny but bullheaded)Does this happen to you as well?Also what makes you feel better (and more like yourself)? For me I like to just lay in bed and watch movies, eat Mrs. Grass Chicken noodle soup and hang out with my cat (who seems to be nicer when I'm sick and not the psychotic moron she normally is)(BTW I thought this up because my girl friend right now is home from work and zonked out on the bed with a horrible cold and she has been REALLY whiny lately because of it

Edited by KainRacure (see edit history)

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Well, I don't turn grumpy and become a monster when I'm sick :P but of course that depends on the situation and the disease I get. But one thing's for sure, I usually have a lot of nightmares when I get sick. That's why I rarely get enough sleep so I don't recover easily. It's a good thing I haven't been sick for quite a long time now.

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If i get a bad cold or the flu when I cant sleep I've been known at 15 to throw tantrums. For the record i'd rather have a bug than a cold.I think I'm coming down with one now I've got the dry mouth. But as ong as i'm not too bad friday I'm happy.Cos i've got a party and am going to get pissed so...(not that I encourage any underage drinking)

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I am miserable when I'm sick and I try to avoid people so I don't misdirect my frustration and bite someone's head off who is only trying to help me.

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If I'm sick, I will call my friends and I will tell them that I'm sick. And I love to chat with my friends at the phone. If I'm bored at the same time I'm sick, I usually watch our Television because it gives me a lot of entertainment especially laughs. As other people says: Laughter is the best medicine. After watching, I go to sleep nor I will rest.-Amiel

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If I get sick from some kind of cold or flu type illness, I don't get like anything. I just shut down. Completely. I do not function at all. My body temprature even drops, I am practicly comotose. I just crawl in bed and stay there till it's over. Fortunatly I hardly ever get sick. But when I do I'm really sick. Nothing makes me feel better. Except of course, getting over it. Now, if I'm sick cause I'm in pain, that's another story, I turn into a royal *BLEEP*. You've never heard the likes of the whinning and complaining like I can do when I hurt.

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Being sick makes me really irritable...it's as if all my senses are amplified and the slightest annoyance registers as some huge occurance. It's annoying, and I also like to stay away from people when I'm sick, both because I want to keep it confined and because I treat others like crap at the slightest irritation. It makes sense though that we should be more irritable when ill, since we need to take really good care of ourselves in order to get better. The irritability will make us more likely not to do anything that will make the illnes worse.I find that some hot tea or a nice nap do wonders, and I use sickness as an excuse to kick back with a good book, something I would definitely like to do more often.

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I have sinusitis right now, I also had it last March and an year ago (I think it's due to weather changing).I don't think being sick changes me too much, but now you mention, a yesterday I had an argument with my brother of which I thought later was really stupid: I couldn't find the cable magazine and asked my brother where it was. He said he didn't know and kept playing with his gaze fixed on the computer screen; that got me really pissed off :) so I started the argument. I admit it was very childish.So, maybe I'm a little more irritable when sick.Also, I'm sleeping a lot. However, I don't think it's because of the sinusitis. I sleep until late whenever I've got the chance to do so.

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Dear friend like others even I don't like being sick. But what to do if I become then I would like my parents to be with me and thats what conforts me the most. As I love them a lot and I am not with them right now. I miss them a lot as I am around 3000 kms away working out here.?

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I do find that perhaps I get a little more snappy or demanding, especially when asked to do chores when I'm sick. I usually reply with "hey i'm sick, can't you do it yourself" or something along those lines.Overall though, being sick doesn't really have a major effect on me. If anything I make an effort to appear more cheerful and pretend nothing is wrong to my parents/friends so they're not too worried.By sick I mean a minor cold or flu.Having said that I think I've had 1 episode of the flu in the past 2 years, and that episode was pretty minor. I had a bit of a sore throat, cough and slightly runny nose for a couple of days.Perhaps if I felt worse I would get irritable and grumpy as some of you said but normally being sick isn't too bad.What comforts me is usually tea. Drinking tea calms me, especially lemon tea (once again, related to having cold/flu). Makes me feel warm and cosy.

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Whenever i get sick i usually like to be left alone in bed. My mum is good though, in the past she would usually quietly knock on the door and ask if i wanted lemonade cause that was always our thing if someone got sick. I think the last time i got sick was when i picked up a flu bug which also gave some sort of ear infection.I was living by myself at the time and was practically crawling around everywhere in the house, because the vertigo i was experiencing constantly made me feel like i was falling off a cliff.

Edited by inverse_bloom (see edit history)

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Hi!When I'm sick, I usually spend my time watching TV or playing computer games. I don't get cranky at all - it's not a case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for me. I just get extra-lazy (more lazier than my usual self) and either sit or sleep. I love soup with croutons and when I'm sick, I usually get lots of it! :-)Regards,Nitin Reddy

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hehe interesting topic. I hate being sick as well.When I'm sick i'm sleepy, my taste kinda goes away a little, and you're hungry, everything seems appetizing, and you never stop. I usually have a bowl of soup at least twice a day, because soup really helps. Its good, too. I try not to take any medication unless im really, really sick. If it's just a small cold, everything would stay fine if I keep eating right and keep having my soup =]I'd stay back from working out until my cold is completely gone as I would be out of energy when I'm sick.So, soup comforts me the most. I have soup even when I'm not sick :lol:Also, a good night's rest is key to healing up and feeling better. Just try to stay active as much as you can in the day, wash yourself more and you should be okay.

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