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I Know Someone Who Hacked My Site

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http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ :)

What do you recommend to do about this? The hacker goes to my school, and I have enough evidence against him to press charges. This is my first time hacked however, and would like some incite as to what I should do.

The title should be "I Got Hacked", not "I Got Hacker".

Notice from truefusion:
Changed title. Please report to have the title changed, next time.

Edited by BuffaloHELP (see edit history)

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Heck I would go for it, drop down all the charges you can on him and see how he likes not being able to touch a computer for quite a long time. Got to love script kiddies and by the looks of it he left his name on the pwnage screen :). So go ahead and ruin his chances of using a computer ever again :). Also if he hacked the site from school that means he is royally screwed since he will get double the punishment from both the score and which ever authorities you decide to talk to. Well hopefully you have a backup of your site and all that good stuff so you don't have to start from scratch again.

Edited by Saint_Michael (see edit history)

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Yeh i would for it too, just to annoy him. And, if he done it from a school computer, definitely go to the headmaster/mistress and mention the fact that he used their network to perform illegal activities and this could even put them in the heat unless they acted on it. Though if hes bigger than you then you might consider Karate classes! It is stupid to put his name there though.... Some people dont deserve the internet, he is one of them!

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If your able to get into your control panel, change your password and take out any vulnerable points on your site. If you need help checking to see if something is vulnerable feel free to PM me, I know a little about hacking, though not a ton. But like the others said, try to hit him legally. Get his IP address and make sure it's not a proxy.

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The first step is to stop using public computer to access your account. This is not only dangerous for your account but possibly lead to all Xisto accounts' compromise.It is unwise to type any sensitive information or passwords using any public computing since you have no idea what is installed before your use--a previous user could have installed keylogger or anything similar.The second step, whether your information was snatched from a public site or the hacker guessed your login information, is to rotate your password or make your password unconventional. Mis $%@ with alphanumerics. Using caps would be another idea. Stay away from words found in a dictionary.The third, and most of all, is to make sure any scripts you're using for your site is updated or secured. 80% of times a faulty or leaky scripts contribute to account hack. SMF faced massive attacks by some posing Turkish hacker few months ago. Just about every user in Xisto were effected. If you don't need to modify files, always CHMOD your files to 644 unless otherwise.

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Well i think weather or not you take legal action strictly depends on how close you were to this person. If you were his friend, I wouldn't, because me and my friends sabotage each other all the time. If this was somebody who was seeking revenge or somebody who just didn't like you, I'd say go ahead. He had no reason to hack your site.

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If you know where he lives, send a PM to an Evil Group Member and maybe we could have our annual convention at their house, or at least in their garage... since the house would not be there after we were done with the {EVIL} experiments we have planned... :)Just kidding, of course. We don't have an Annual convention...

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you should just scare him a bit or do something like that. But you should never access your site from school even if you think its safe. There is always a way someone might no how to access what has been done before them.

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the message on your "hacked" site seems to be updated as of last time we checked.


anyhow, i remember some guy on the shoutbox asking about your thread here about your site getting "hacked". i'm thinking he's the same guy you are claiming to have "hacked" into your account. the short of it, he says that it's not true (as what appears on your site now). he's saying that you have your access details in a "text file" which you "gave" him, thus he was able to access your account without any trouble. apparently, the way i see it, this is a friendly prank on you, ghostrider. as you have an inkling of who the person involved in the "hacking" is, better to just confront him in person to ask for an explanation. :) sort it out in a civil manner. tell him, in friendly terms, that you dislike the idea and that you expect him not to spring this on you again in the future. if he does it again after you have confronted him on this, then it's the time to think of legal means to stress the point.


in the moment, just take it in stride, and learn from it. :) secure your scripts (can be as easy as not leaving a "text file" with your login info on it), change your login details, imprint your access info in your brain (not on any paper or digital equivalent), and don't hand out your files (or copies of them) to people you don't trust. then move on. let this little episode be just part of your online history as we all go through this stage, one time or another.

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Pwn him straight back by pressing charges :) And also tell the school, if he did it on a school computer, coz that will piss him off more :( Although it does sound more like a joke than a serious thing? Try just talking to him and asking him to get rid of it? Or just punch him? :)

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ghostrider got his password back. and his site is back up as it should be from the looks of it. flagged as resolved, hereby closed. :)

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