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Are Vegetarians Smarter? Post Your Opinion....

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Are Vegetarians Smarter?I?ve always suspected the average vegetarian may be smarter than your average meat-eater, but was under the impression that was just my personal impression. Now it appears it?s official.A study of thousands of men and women revealed that those who stick to a vegetarian diet have IQs that are about five points higher than meat-eaters. The researchers, from the University of Southampton, tracked more than 8,000 volunteers for 20 years. Individuals who were vegetarian by the age of 30 had an average of five IQ points higher than their meat-eating brethren. The initial IQ tests were performed in the '70s, and the results of the study showed that the intelligent children were significantly more likely to become vegetarian later in life. Researchers say this study is a compelling explanation for why higher IQ in childhood or adolescence is linked with reduced risk of heart disease as an adult.I fear I may be opening a can of worms with this one, but do you concur with the results of this study? Please provide a rational explanation for your opinion.

Edited by vbritton (see edit history)

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As Bible says in the Past Daniel and his friends who ate Vegiterian food in the Palace of King of Babylon were found to be the more wiser than the others who ate meat. This is from the history.Here in India, there are several different castes among which a few castes do not eat meat, especially the Brahmins they are found to be Wise men and they do rank top in the Country level talent hunts and also in several fields. They've the respect of people even from the days of the kings.

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As Bible says in the Past Daniel and his friends who ate Vegiterian food in the Palace of King of Babylon were found to be the more wiser than the others who ate meat. This is from the history.
Here in India, there are several different castes among which a few castes do not eat meat, especially the Brahmins they are found to be Wise men and they do rank top in the Country level talent hunts and also in several fields. They've the respect of people even from the days of the kings.

Well put, Delivi! I'm always astounded by some of the input I get when I raise this topic. Some people are under the mistaken impression you can't survivie without meat. All I have to do is point them in the direction of India, where the Hindu majority is vegetarian, and very intelligent.

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The study implies either that eating a vegetarian diet makes you more intelligent, or that a more intelligent person is more inclined to eat a vegetarian diet. Since I believe the latter makes more sense, I doubt it will spur any conversion of meat eaters. Especially since a higher risk of coronary heart disease dosen't seem to phase meat lovers.

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The study implies either that eating a vegetarian diet makes you more intelligent, or that a more intelligent person is more inclined to eat a vegetarian diet.

I kinda agree with the latter, though. But won't a vegetarian diet lack other essential nutrients? Things have to be balanced... But of course, veggies are good. I love veggies but I probably can't just eat only veggies. An average of an IQ 5 higher than meat-eaters doesn't seem much to me.

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Just want to point out that there is a correlation between the IQ level and their Vegetarian eating habits, but the relationship is not neccesarilly causal by nature. How many of these people have been vegetarian since birth, for example? and how many have never eaten any meat? The data could mistakenly imply that eating Vegetarian will make you smarter, but we would need further information on the studies' parameters, variables and method to determine these implications.

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Just want to point out that there is a correlation between the IQ level and their Vegetarian eating habits, but the relationship is not neccesarilly causal by nature. How many of these people have been vegetarian since birth, for example? and how many have never eaten any meat? The data could mistakenly imply that eating Vegetarian will make you smarter, but we would need further information on the studies' parameters, variables and method to determine these implications.

Jlhaslip, thank you for pointing out the cool quote feature! In response to your last post, the information I posted really does beg the question, doesn't it? It also opens the door to further debate, which hofully is a goal of this site. Is the Vegetarian born smart, or is someone who's interested in humane and healthy lifestyle choices inherently smarter? Either way, the study is good news for anyone considering adopting this enlightened diet. Since you seem interested in getting more information on this, I'll be happy to oblige!

The study implies either that eating a vegetarian diet makes you more intelligent, or that a more intelligent person is more inclined to eat a vegetarian diet. Since I believe the latter makes more sense, I doubt it will spur any conversion of meat eaters. Especially since a higher risk of coronary heart disease dosen't seem to phase meat lovers.

Zues (great name BTW), you're point is a sad, yet valid one. My own brother is about to undergo a "stent" procedure to widen arteries clogged from a lifetime of meat-eating. Even now, he refuses to remove flesh from his diet. He has grown accustomed to the taste of meat, and that's what it all comes down to for many.

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I will go on the offense and say I would disagree on this, now the challenge I face is how to explain it :P.It is true people are born to be smart or be veggie people but it's a genetics thing though. It not like they decided to become one, although some people do decided they want to leave life of the meat. With India they leave a simple life in the sense they don't worry about have the best cat, house or all that crazy stuff. With India I think they are some of the brightest people in the world, when I had to do my Power Point presentation about computers, I learn that most of the math that we used today has come from India and heck you could say they set up the foundations of today's computer programming as well with all the math techniques they have discover/invented in the last 2000 years.One example would be the Jaina mathematicians who invented the logarithms which is a primary language in computers. This happen in the year 200 and who would have thought they are the one's who made computer possible in terms of programming.So you could say my argument it's not their eating style more like lifestyle and environment. They had lots of free time to think about stuff of science and math that we used today.But how do you explain people like Stephan Hawking, I believe his meals consist of liquids and not solids(some one verify that). Or people who are handicapped and yet some weird and and yet awesome way are just as smart or even smarter then "normal" people.But like haslip mention results from the 70's can't verify if it is true basically they would have to start from scratch, but instead of pick normal people they should hit hte whole spectrum with those who have disabilities and those who don't and those who are very smart or those who are average.From my arguments if plausible debunk the idea that eating certain foods will make you smarter. Although I won't entirely disagree it could be possible but you need like scientific proof to change my mind about it. Or think more on the idea.

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As far as India, life really isn't that simple. It's the same as it is anywhere else, but you get used to going outside a lot more and just walking around and absorbing life. You can still chill out at places with high speed internet and lots of TV channels, but you shouldn't end up doing that there. There's so much more.I really don't think vegetarianism has any bearing on intellect (although I'd like to think that I'm smarter than people based exclusively on my diet). Maybe it has to do with eating a lot of brain food like spinach, etc? Also, Saint Michael, early Indians were likely not pure vegetarians. That caught hold among some groups of people, but the further north you go, the less it holds because the hot temperatures don't really allow for much cultivation, etc. For example, I'm from South India, and my family's been vegetarian for at least a few generations.But back to the topic: while diet probably does affect thinking some how, I don't think it alters perception and analytical skills as much. It might just be the clime and the atmosphere. If a child is raised around people who are always asking questions, they'll think it's the proper thing to do. If a child is raised in a household where math is the lingua franca (although this doesn't hold true for me - I'm the only one in my family who has no aptitude for math), math becomes something of importance. So if a vegetarian diet exists in a household, that means the family lives off of the land a bit differently. I feel it's more healthy personally, but not in such a way that it affects how you think.

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There is debate to the validity of IQ tests. But it is still an interesting experiment all the same. I have a vegetarian friend who is much smarter than I am. Come to think of it, he was smarter than me before he became vegetarian.


In the realm of anthropology, there is discussion that because our ancesters ate meat, their heightened protein intake allowed for the development of higher brain mass. Just a theory, but worth pointing out.


Nowadays, agricultural development has progressed enough to allow well balanced meals even on a vegan diet. Although a meat eater myself, I can appreciate the decision made by our vegetarian friends. I've been eatring only salad for the past few days for health reasons, and I must say it does take some determination.

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Well, it does make me wonder, because I myself am not a vegetarian, but I have a much higher IQ than many people that I know - some of which are vegetarians. I consistantly do well in what I do, and typically come out of things on top. I don't say this to brag or what have you, but I received the top marks in my program over all in college, and it wasn't a fluke. It's been like this since childhood.I think that people can be smart regardless of what they eat. But if the studies are proving a five point difference, then they might be on to something, though I'm not really inclined to believe it myself.What I can believe, as other people have said, is that the people with higher IQ's later in life decide to no longer eat meat. I could do that, though I probably wouldn't, cause I like meat too much, but in the future, it might happen. After all, I'm not 30 yet, which is the year the study seems to be using.My question to you all, how many of those in the study also had a higher IQ before swearing off the meat?

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I kinda agree with the latter, though. But won't a vegetarian diet lack other essential nutrients? Things have to be balanced... But of course, veggies are good. I love veggies but I probably can't just eat only veggies. An average of an IQ 5 higher than meat-eaters doesn't seem much to me.

Exactlywhat I was thinking :P Don't you need a balanced diet to stay healthier?

And, I agree, 5 IQ points higher really isn't that much. Unless there were some who got 10/15 higher, but then more who got just a few higher, and so the average was dropped.

It kinda just seems like a theory that doesn't make sense, but looks like it does because of concidence.
Example: The increase in pollution is because of the decline in pirates :P

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I don't think that people are smarter because they are vegetarians, but people who chose to be vegetarian are smart enough to abstract and understand that meat is not neccessary. As meat gets cheaper and cheaper and vegetables do not it is a tiny luxery to completly abstain from meat. In addition if you want some variation as a vegetarian you need more time for shopping groceries and preparing food.


What I am trying to say is that vegetarian might be better educated, because they are usually upper middle class to upper class in terms of society standings. I doubt there is a true correllation between being vegetarian and the IQ which depends on genetic preconditions and the early years of childhood (in which most kids are not vegetarian considering that becoming a vegetarian is a teen/adult's own choice).


In the end, having a look at the development of mankind it also becomes obvious that our brains developed because we had quite a high dosis of calories by eating lots of meat. Stone Age man could not have survived relying on plants and herbs, and surviving is also a sign of intelligence :P

Edited by panicsafe (see edit history)

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Smarter? I'd say dumber. Meat builds you up and gives you that added energy, that ib my mind makes you smarter than all the ppl who dont eat it! Also who cares about no eating the animals there gonna die some how so how about eating them!

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I don't really think this information makes sense but you know, maybe it is. Things have changed in the past 30 years a ton, and just because they became vegetarian I don't think necessarily means that's what made them smarter. I don't know. I see how it could make them more cautious of things they eat and study more of a humane lifestyle but that doesn't make them smart in other areas I don't think. I'm not a professor either though.

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