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Video Games Are A Complete Waste Of Time, Face It!

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I total agree, gamers are nerdVideo Games Are A Complete Waste Of Time, Face It!

I agree with you.

kids or teenagers who plays lots and lots of game since they are still young and grow up.

Their brain will have to face thinking all the time and their pleasure will come from something very very exciting and unusual like the world and situations in games, So when their brain takes lots and lots of these things too much it will become that when this kid grow up, his mentality and personality is not very good, like a nerd or retard or maybe a little shy, less speaking, shy of outgoing.

Thei brain can't think and be fun like normal people who doesn't play game serious when young.

I have a friend who play lots and lots of games and everytime we meet him, he is like always think all the time, when he sits in a car he always tells the driver to drive like this drive like that, take that way take this way better, even only doing some simple thing he will always think of the best way to do it, which sometime very annoying and unusual. Personality will be akward( not sure spelling)

The speakig is not very good,

And importtant thing, It's not attrative to girls.

I think you should use you time for life, for real life, make life better richer happier, get socialize,

go out, absorb the real thing.

A boy play  online all off/line game all day all night to after he stop and come out of the room,

He should ask himself, what did I get more out of life from 24 hour past???

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It's true. Video games do waste time in most cases, but it sort of makes it move faster when you have nothing better to do. People should get fresh air and exercise, but what to do on a rainy day... where the streets are flooded so you can't leave the house? (Well... that was kind of a bad example because the power could easily be knocked out with such a storm.) Not saying to play World of Warcraft until your head explodes (that's bad!), but video games aren't completely bad.A lot of games can be beneficial to the noggin. They get you thinking about how to solve problems and it helps your memory. There's even games like Brain Age which "trains your brain in minutes a day." I noticed after playing that game for a few days that I was able to finish my work in school faster with fewer errors. They are also good stress relievers... Unless you get stuck, but by then you forget what you were worried about before. ^^It's also very important to exercise those thumbs! :lol:But it's even more important to be around people and enjoy life and experience outside the game.

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Video games are like a double edged sword according to me, they are absolutely great time killers but if you get hooked onto them they can waste your time. But like bk2070 video games are great during bad weather and if you choose the right game it helps you improve your intellectual levels. I remember Sundays when me, my mom & bro would have a competition on who could get best scores in Tetris. And when me or my bro got overly attached to our consoles our Uncle would take a water pistol and keep squirting water, lemon juice or stinky perfume until the game character died or we ran away. I personally used to use video games to get back at my bro, he used to bully me a lot so I would beat him in any game he chose :XD: . Now instead of Tetris we play DOTA but he is much better at the game :lol: (He taught me how to play DOTA)

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I am not much of a book reader, I'd rather have pictures(as in a movie...not a picture book :lol:) than have to picture it in my head, now sure I can do allot by doing that, but I don't really like it.....


Movies? I watch movies too.


Flirting? Nope, sorry, i'm 13 almost 14, and till I'm 17 18 19 around there, I don't wanna get into serious ****, and I also don't wanna waste my time with sex-only relasionships(sp?), I'd rather have sex when it actualy means something.....


I play vid games, so what? got a prob with it? sthu you *BLEEP*in bout it just annoys me, doesn't stop me. I'll be a vidgamer wether you like it or not.


You can say "vid games take no REAL skill! go play a sport or something!" actualy, GOOD games do, they take smarts too, you gotta know what to do and what not to, gotta figure out where to go and where not to go, and that....is....not always easy.


I play soccer and basketball too so kiss my..............hand.


EDIT: oh and, I would like the time I spent reading your post and replying back please, gift wrapped too.

Games are ******* good.

I spent many ******* hours of my life playing videogames. Many more hours than you have so far, I assure you.


I stay away from them now because of one single reason: They are addictive to me and I loose control of my time.

If you are not addicted to your videogames, then by all means, play some, have fun.

If you are addicted, think and control the addiction, or quit that ****.


How to know if you are addicted? If you often find yourself looking forward to playing the game or thinking about playing the game when you are away from it. If you keep saying to yourself, this is the last one for today, and you do that 10-20 times... you are probably addicted.


Why addiction is not good? because it controls you. You do not control it. And when you loose control to the addiction, it sucks too much of your time and you start loosing the chance to expose your brain to many other **** that is cool, way cooler than playing video games. By the way, if you cannot think of **** that is cooler than playing videogames, that is a strong sign that you are addicted.


Oh, and I would like the time I have spent reading your post, gift wrapped, please...and the time writing this one, why not?

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I disagree, video games are not a waste of time as long as you don't do them all the time.


Saying that video games are a waste of time, is kind of like saying food is a waste of time. Stick with me here, I will explain. When you play excess video games, you do get overweight, or at least lose a bunch of muscle mass. Thats one extreme. Eating too much food, will also get you overweight, or eating too little will also make you lose muscle mass. Thats another extreme.


Now, here is how they come together. Playing video games is a healthy activity, when you don't do in excess. Eating food is a healthy activity, as long as you don't do it in excess.


Ok, now you will tell me food is something you need to survive. That's true. However to get along with our society now-a-days, video games have become a social event. You play xbox live with friends, your being social. Now you don't need to be social, that is very true, but being social does benefit you. If you were social, you would lose intrest in other "mates". You wouldn't meet any, therefore human race will end. That is pretty extreme I know, but how baout this? Person A plays video games occasionally, Person B has never touched a video game in their life. Person A is more social, Person B is not. Person A learns what to say, and what not to say people, because they are more social. Person B, does not. Person B gets their self into trouble by saying the wrong thing, at the wrong time, to the wrong person. Person A does not. Now these are pretty extreme examples, but if playing video games helps you at least with social skills a little bit, how are they a waste of time?

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what do you get out of socializing and going out? you have fun.

videogames are popular because they allow you to have a  fun and engaging experience without having to put up with stupid, arrogant, and annoying people.

Isn't that what life is all about anyways?Aren't experiences one of the most important things in life? If that's true then videogames are not a waste of time because playing videogames can be a fun and interesting experience for people of all ages, not just children.

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C'mon face it, video games are a complete waste of your time! Every time you turn on your console you should be asking yourself "Is there something better I should be doing with my time... like reading a good book... or watching a good movie... or flirting with a beautiful girl? Do I get anything out of this, does this make me a better person?"

haha well i don't agree with you on everything but the "flirting with girls." With "watching a good move," isn't TV and Videogames in the same line? lmfao.
You could argue it either way, its just a personal preference. If we're under 18, then we couldn't go out and drive to a store, or go to work, etc. so that's the only thing left to do, besides play with friends (and that may not even work if they are not available or live close by).

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No a grand argumentVideo Games Are A Complete Waste Of Time, Face It!

"to alot of people, videogames bring joy. So what would they rather do, read a book and be bored, or play videogames and have a good time"

Fail. This same line of "logic" could be used to support heroin usage. Just because something "brings joy" and you can "have a good time" is so irrelevant to the topic at hand that I am compelled to suggest that it was brought up by a 'video game kid'. 

I play games. Lots. Since the late 70s. Your typical video game does not teach squat and those that think Halo improves any kind of mental aptitude are precisely the kids that need to be putting down the controller and picking up a book. As boring as that may be.

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It's your life do what you wish with it, if people think video games are a waste of time it maybe a waste of your time but not theirs they may enjoy that time playing video games same as drinking alcohol at the pub is a waste of time... Please excuse me if that was umm a crappy example =p

-reply by Zeeshan

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Well wouldn`t you rather see them shooting each other in a video game than in reality???But I mean think about it... A person would not think about doing that in reality unless they had some sort of mental problem so they would do it even without playing a video game...Or even without one but I mean a sane person would not do that unless they are desperate for drugs...Are not mentally stable...In a really bad situation where they have to do it or something similar they would have to have a motive and video games are not a motive unless you are mentally unstable...But I do agree you should not spend your whole life on a video game life's short so live it to the fullest.

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Overall TV,Video Games, Movies, Even girls are just entertainment. Plus I know of a whole circuit of gamers who make BIG money playing PRO video game competitions. Ever heard of madden? Some kid won $100,000 for winning a madden game!  On top of that you could even get a career in video game design and multimedia and make bank. Some game developers are multi millionaires. For anyone who plays games however and does nothing but play games like I used to back in my hay day then yeah, you are wasting your time but even if you spend 6 years playing video games even as an adult and you decide one day that you are going to do something with what you have experienced as a gamer then you can say you have not wasted your time.You can take everything you learn and apply it to whatever you decide you want to do in the industry.

-reply by brian clark

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i agree they are a waste of timeand you will most likely end up looking touch with realityif you play video games like you should in mostaka addictevely for hours up to the amyou begin to gain weight, because face it, even if its wiiyou are no excersizing your *bottom* is sitting downand eating fast food. because do not tell me you take a break from video games to make yourself a very delicious green salad with no dressinghahadont take this the wrong waybut i used to be an addict toofinal fantasy and space channel 5 and the simms all the waybut i dont play anym,oreand i think the compiter is more productiveid rather be looking for ways to improve my lifelisten to music and talking to othersthan living in lala video game lifenot worth it unless you are a paid and respected PROGESSIONAL GAMER

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For some people, video games can be fine cause they have good lives, hanging with friends and all, but now and days kids start playing games real young, and as the years go by they get stuck to it more and more til eventually they realize it was a complete waste of their time, and missed out on the funner things in life. I believe everyone should have a fun childhood and have the fun experiences of partying with friends, being with a beautiful girl from school, and go to sleep only waiting to get up in the morning to find something new to do, where as with video games the schedule is wake up, game, take a s***, game, eat, game, sleep, and start over. With a life like that they can get fat, lazy, and be afraid of women therefor becoming afraid of women. Trust me I've seen this, and he is miserable. I don't hate video games but kids need a mentor or loved one to keep them off there games and get them to play with there friends.-reply by Dundy

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there are better things to do with life and so little time...Video Games Are A Complete Waste Of Time, Face It!

As many, I was born in the 80s and spent all my childhood playing vgs: Nintendo, SuperNintendo and then PC games (Starcraft and AOE ).

How do I feel about it? terrible. If I could go all the way back to the start, I'd rather invest my time with art. Dancing, drawing, theater, playing piano, guitar, etc. Even sports (football, soccer, boxing, swiming). Life is too short to spend it in front of a tv set, and youth, oh hell! youth is a breeze.

In my opinion, vgs lead you astray from the real beautiful and important things in the world.

VG Interaction is completely passive. You are not creating anything, you are just there discovering and learning things made by others.

In short, gaming is like gambling.

Please Notice: m not a christian,m an atheist. Don't think that I have some families-come-first-I-hate-niggers-and-*BLEEP*-subliminal-messages-are-everywhere-rednecky bias.

Truly yours,

Mr H.

Edited by moderator (see edit history)

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