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Albus Dumbledore

Cpanel Mysql Database Management Part 2.1 Of My 7 Part Cpanel Tutorial

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This tutorial is an extension to my 7 tutorial series about the Cpanel. The 7 different Cpanel tutorials can be found below.
Part 1: E-mail Management
Part 2: Useful Site Management Tools
Part 3: Useful Site Management Tools2.1
Part 4: Analysis/Log Files
Part 5: Advanced Tools
Part 6: PreInstalled Scripts, Extras, and Cpanel Options
Part 7: Fantastico

Detailed Cpanel Tutorial Part 2.1: MySQL Management

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In this tutorial, i will explain how to add, edit, delete and over-all manage the MySQL Feature in the Cpanel.

Creating a MySQL Database

1) Go to the middle of the page until you see an input field with the text MySQL Database:

2) Enter the name of the MySQL Database that you want it to be. For instance, if you are making the MySQL Database for your forums, you might want to make it forums.

3) Then Simply hit enter, or 'Create MySQL Database'
-note- After you make the MySQL Database, it's OFFICAL name will be: "CPANEL USERNAME_Database name" so basically, it will be your cpanel username prefixing the name of the database you created.

Deleting a MySQL Database
1) Find the MySQL Database that you want to delete in the list.

2) Find the icon to the RIGHT of the Database Name and click the icon that says DELETE Posted Image

3) You will be asked if you are sure you want to do this, click Yes if you really want to and No if you dont want to.

Checking The Database
This will allow you to check and see if all of the tables were created correctly, or if there is something wrong with them.
1) Click on the little icon to the RIGHT of the database name that says CHECK Posted Image

2) It will run the automatic check and tell you which ones are OK and which ones AREN'T OK

Repairing the Database
This will allow you to repair any damage that has been caused to the Databse.
1) Click on the little icon to the RIGHT of the database name that says REPAIR Posted Image
2) It will run an automatic script and tell you which ones were successfully repaired, and which ones weren't successfully repaired.

Creating a Database User
1) Go down to the bottom of the page until you see two text input fields that say 'User Name:' and 'Password:' next to them

2) Enter the desired 'User Name' and 'Password'

3) Click the submit button, or hit enter and you're done creating the user.

Assigning a User to a Database
Most scripts require that the User be assigned to a databse, this will show you how to do it.
1) Just above where you created the databse, find two drop down lists that say 'User:' and 'MySQL Database:'

2) Find the User that you just made, as well as the database you made before that.

3) Make sure the User is Highlighted and the Database you want is highlighted.

4) The Privileges are already set for you so nothing you need to do with that

5) Click the button that says Grant Permissions, and then you are done.

Deleting Database Users
There are two ways you can do this.
1) Find the database that the user is assigned to and under the Database name it says the Database User Name.

2) Find the button to the RIGHT of the Database username that says DELETE Posted Image

3) That will un-assign the user to the database.

1) Go down to where you created the Database User

2) Find the Database User you wish to delete

3) Click the little icon that says DELETE to the RIGHT of the Database Username Posted Image

4) This will delete the Database User Forever

Access Host
In most scripts, this field is already filled in for you as localhost but if it is not, when setting up the script on your site, when it asks for the accesshost, simply put in 'localhost' you do not need to make a new Access Host for any real reason.

Just as a side note: Underneath the Database Name and UserName in the list of Databases, you will see a bit of coding, this coding can be used by people who know PHP and PERL to allow access to this particular database.

At the bottom of the screen, you will find a link to PHP My Admin, once i write a tutorial for that, I will link to it from here. But currently i do not have a tutorial for that.

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For security reasons, the way to create a Database on the Shared Hosting server is by using the cpanel MYSQL selection. This ensures the Database is created on your account and then you have control over which users can access it. Your cpanel name is pre-pended to each of your database names, for instance.If we all had phpmyadmin create capability, the organisation of the datbases would be a disaster zone.This feature of the fantastico adding the user name is a security feature, in short answer form.

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thanx dude for this complete tutorial for setting up and workin with CPanel. Eventhough i've been using it for several months i never knew that this much can be done.Thanx for this extensive tutorial.

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Very nice tutorial. The information is very clear and I learned I thing or two. Even though I really dont mess with Mysql Databases much myself I do need them for my forum and a couple of the things you said about users helps me understand the way it works a lot better.

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yes, there are many things that people can do with Cpanel, and allot of people do not know about them.. which is why i made these complete Cpanel tutorials.It's good to know that they helped some people out :blink:

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