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Always Worried

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ok well, I am always worried about everything. It is really a drag. For instance, every now and then i wake up in the middle of the night and I will think to myself "Is my homework there?" i know it is very stupid but i will get up and go look in my backpack to make sure its there! any one have any advice on how to chill out?

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I do exactly the same thing, although less often in the middle of the night. Personally, the most relaxing thing for me is watching the fish in my pond. I don't know why, it just makes me relaxed. If thats not possible (rain, wind, dark...) then I listen to either classical music or one of those easy listening calming CDs, and they work amazingly well. You can find them in almost any music store, normally for about 50p! Also I learned somewhere that yellow is meant to be a calming colour, and thinking of something yellow can relax you, especially before something like an exam.

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You can't really stop worrying unless you continue to resist going to check your homework or something but then you might get more worried. I used to be the same way but now I just try to relax and sometimes I will go check things out but usually I just do something to take it off my mind. You can watch TV or something but I guess if you wake up in the middle of the night if you have a radio turn that on and try to start singing a long to a song.

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Has something happened to you, which left a deep impact on your trust in people or regular relaxed mood? As far as you describe it, it doesn't sound extremely bad, but anyhow, the waking up at night seems to interfere with you daily life. I guess it makes you feel more sleepy the next day too? Do you have troubles falling asleep? Are there more things you check? And do you check them more than once, as if you seem to forget whether you really checked it, and want to do it one more time, just to be sure? And do you feel discomfort when you're *not* getting out of bed, to have a look in your backpack? I'm not going to label you right away, but I just want to say what it *reminds* me of, namely Generalized Anxiety Disorder or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Before giving you tips to stop worrying, it's important to know how often you do it, when it started and such. Are your parents the same, by the way? Do they ponder a lot? Are they in stress?

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I am like this in some ways too, I think everyone is like this. The best way for me to deal with it is to look at my completed (well hopefully :lol:) homework and tell my brain that it's there. If I ever worry about it, I can just think back and remember looking at it. In a way I take a "snapshot" of my homework to remind myself, "Hey, you did it. Don't worry." It usually works. You might be thinking about it in your sleep also because you might do something stressful or something that gets the brain thinking before you go to bed, then it sticks with you in the night. I hope this helps.

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Another thing that will help is Habit and Routine.Get into the habit of doing your homework in the same place, at the same time of day and develop the routine of always placing your books and material in your 'bag' or 'knapsack' when you are finished doing it.Then, no worries, you know the stuff is where it belongs.

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There are herbal remedies you can try as well. There's a neat company called Bach Flowers that provides some stuff I've found really useful. I suffer from an autoimmune response that's eating my joints and leaves me in a good deal of discomfort on a daily basis - so I've literally tried just about EVERYTHING to keep myself on an even keel and not worry about everything.For me, what worked was an essence called "Gorse". I thought the whole thing was actually a bit hoakie in the beginning, but after trying it for a week...I actually started to feel better! What works for one person is literally useless to the next - so poke around on some herbal remedy sites and see if anything catches your eye.I like herbal teas too...the chamomile blends are pretty good. My favorite is Sweet Dreams...with Sleepy Time a close second. I find I can't sleep sometimes without a cup (totally NOT addictive btw...but their calming effect is quite real).Last, but not least, go to your nearest library or book store and pick up some books on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It trains your mind to break cycles of negative thinking and focus on more positive thoughts and experiences. VERY helpful. OH, and nature's natural cure for stress is always there as well. You know what I mean...takes two people...creates cravings for pancakes afterwards...etc. LOL.Good luck to you and STOP WORRYING!

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thanks everyone for all your responses! I am taking them all in and working on my "problem" and hopefully i will be able to feel how i act....i bet none of yall knew i had this problem until i made this topic did ya?and humanisfilth could you give me a link to that tea site please?

Edited by the_aggie10 (see edit history)

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Sure thing.

Here's a link to the Bach "essences" site...there's a good description of how each one impacts a person based on their physiology next to each one. Again...I don't know WHY they work...I just know that in my case, one particular one did...and quite well actually. I was able to wean off of Celexa as a result of it!

As for herbal tea...you can't go wrong with Celestial Seasonings...not in my book. I'm really ticked off that they discontinued one of their teas though...was called "Emperor's Choice." It had cinnamon and ginseng in it and it kicked butt with honey in it. Now they have "Tension Tamer"...which is too bitter for my liking....but to each his own.

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please let me know more

Always Worried


Replying to inkHi my names jordan I'm 17, and I have recently realized that I worry about everything. I read your post and everything you said me or my parents deal with. Whether I realize it or not I think that my parents play a giant role for my anxiety. I feel that day by day I'm being watched and analyzed upon. Is there anything more you can tell me that can possibly help. I'm in desperate need.

P.S I think I might be suffering from (GAD)


-reply by Jordan

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ok well, I am always worried about everything. It is really a drag. For instance, every now and then i wake up in the middle of the night and I will think to myself "Is my homework there?" i know it is very stupid but i will get up and go look in my backpack to make sure its there! any one have any advice on how to chill out?

Well, I think the best thing you can do is try going on a trip with some of your friends from time to time. Go to the beach or to the mountains or something, this should drag your attention from such things. Also, try listening to some nice easy listening music before you go to bed because this should help you relax. It's good to worry about stuff rather than being reckless but not that much :D
Try many relaxing techniques and see what's best for you. You can also take it to another level by learning how to meditate and do Yuga (there are many free e-books that would teach you such things; there's also a section on Xisto for it too). Well anything just keep on trying until you lose this bad habit if I can say so. Good luck buddy :D

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