Albus Dumbledore 0 Report post Posted September 13, 2006 Ok, well homecomming is coming around the corner soon, and almost everyone in the school know's who i like, and that this person likes me back (we both know this) and they are like trying to hmm, how should i put this.... pressure us to go to homecoming together... and i would but there are a few problemsA) i dont dance.. never can/could//will be able toB.) Her dad doesn't want her dating, nor seeing any guysC) i want to live to my 16th b-day (her dad would kill any boy she goes out with)well, they just keep saying so, who cares what her dad says go with her to homecomming, i do not know why, but they are just begging us to go to homecomming together and its getting a bit annoying. :)basicly, peer pressure sucks.. eventhough im not going to cave into it, it sucks Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NigaiAmaiYume 0 Report post Posted September 13, 2006 Congradulations on standing up to peer pressure, Albus. While most of that's behind me, I can remember how painful it can be.Now, being a hopeless, HOPELESS romantic, I can see why your friends would like you to go out with her and be happy. But if you're not comfortable with it, stand your ground.Personally, I suggest going to the homecoming (Stag), just for the experience. You don't have to stay there the whole time, but it's still a major event in your life, and even if you don't dance it's fun to be there with your friends.And if you and this girl just HAPPEN to get out on the dance floor and move around (Not dancing, of course... Just... Moving...) to a fast song... *giggles*Sorry, I'll force my hopeless romantics to back off. ^-^ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
savge17 0 Report post Posted September 13, 2006 Do it man, its not a date. Its a dance. If he finds out well then forget about it. Just dont see him u know. U wont kill you or hurt you. Its called child abuse. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
christynokc 0 Report post Posted September 13, 2006 Peer pressure is a beeyatch but with your age and where youre at in school ( being middle or high school) youre lucky these kids are just trying to get you to go to a dance with a girl. Most kids are offering the pressure on sex, violence, drugs, criminal activity, and Lord only knows what else. Count yourself lucky. They could be wanting more. Just do what you feel and let them know thats where you stand. If they dont like it tell em to go fly a really big kite in a really small spot. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Albus Dumbledore 0 Report post Posted September 13, 2006 Peer pressure is a beeyatch but with your age and where youre at in school ( being middle or high school) youre lucky these kids are just trying to get you to go to a dance with a girl. Most kids are offering the pressure on sex, violence, drugs, criminal activity, and Lord only knows what else. Count yourself lucky. They could be wanting more. Just do what you feel and let them know thats where you stand. If they dont like it tell em to go fly a really big kite in a really small spot. lol, i have been presured to try everything but violince..... pretty sad, but i dont cave in to peer pressure >_< Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
red_dragon_here 0 Report post Posted September 13, 2006 It is difficult to cope up with peer pressure. Especially if you are somebody with a low esteem. There is one easy way to make peer pressure go away, that is to have a belief in yourself and the fact that you are an individual who has no equal in the world. This belief , if you can strongly bear in your mine, will help you overcome any sort of pressure. The second thing to remember is that whatever your peers do, they cannot be you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Albus Dumbledore 0 Report post Posted September 14, 2006 It is difficult to cope up with peer pressure. Especially if you are somebody with a low esteem. There is one easy way to make peer pressure go away, that is to have a belief in yourself and the fact that you are an individual who has no equal in the world. This belief , if you can strongly bear in your mine, will help you overcome any sort of pressure. The second thing to remember is that whatever your peers do, they cannot be you. question....did you read the post? if you did not very well... i said that i wouldn't cave into it....its not difficult to cope with peer pressure, you just say no and if they dont like your answer tough Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jlhaslip 4 Report post Posted September 14, 2006 Ata boy, AD, give 'em hell. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnGeL KiSS 0 Report post Posted September 14, 2006 If you want to go to the dance with her then go ask her, if not then don't. Lol, don't listen to them do what you feel Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danny 0 Report post Posted September 15, 2006 I woundn't do it plainly because i don't like that sort of attention or w/e i dont like to dance either, and reallly i don't really pay attention to home comming queen/king thing.. but.. its really your desicion.So.. I wouldn't do it ... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jimmy 0 Report post Posted September 15, 2006 It is difficult to cope up with peer pressure. Especially if you are somebody with a low esteem. There is one easy way to make peer pressure go away, that is to have a belief in yourself and the fact that you are an individual who has no equal in the world. This belief , if you can strongly bear in your mine, will help you overcome any sort of pressure. The second thing to remember is that whatever your peers do, they cannot be you.That sums up the most important points. Just make sure that whatever descision you make you have thought through alot, though I expect you will. Balance the pros with the cons, and try to make it "your descision" in the end. remember. its unlikely that later on in life you'll see any people again unless you purposefully do, and in that case your likely to be friendly and likewise from the other friend anyway. Also make sure you explore new areas. Although you may think you know you don't want to go, you could be surprised how much fun you can have, even though you have to watch how you act to make sure you don't make a fool of yourself, it could be good. Go enjoy whatever you decide to do. (P.S. I can't dance to save my life, and when (on very slim occasions - twice in four years that I go to somewhere that requires dancing I usually don't do much at all anyway. Wander around trying not to look too stupid!)) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Plenoptic 0 Report post Posted September 16, 2006 lol Ya peer pressure does suck cause when you don't go they'll make fun of you but things will blow over and they will find something else to blab about. My homecoming is September 23rd, actually a week from today. I'm not going though either. Peer pressure is really just a way to spend time for kids that have nothing better to do. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kayzad 0 Report post Posted September 17, 2006 Hi Albus. You should just not take such a peer pressure and should laugh your way. People tend to force others rather harshly. If you feel yourself that you should go with your girl then only go for it. Regarding her father, he is right in his way as if he doesn't protect his daughter who will?? Just imagine when you will be a father someday. Won't you also be concerned about your daughter or will you allow her to go out with boys without knowing their details? Just relax and take life as it comes to you everyday. Regarding your peers you don't have to worry as you have to deal with your own life and they will not be there your whole life for you. Try to ignore and laugh at their talks. Just be happy your own way. Take care. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Albus Dumbledore 0 Report post Posted September 18, 2006 dont ya just love when the same advice keeps being given over and over and over and over again? lolthnx Kayzad for the advice, as i have said before i dont take the peer pressure, i let it fly over my head (and thats 6 feet 3 inches in the air )PS to all the future posters, if you are just goiing to post the same thing that people have posted many times over again, please dont bother.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kioku 0 Report post Posted September 18, 2006 I'd hate to say this, but anyone and everyone who caves into peer pressure is a wuss and that's no joke. I've never had such problems, because I really don't care what my peers think of me. If anything, it's because I have self esteem. It doesn't hurt my popularity at all, either. In short, do what you want to do. Screw everyone else. I can't believe I have to say that, though. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites