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Drugs, Sex, Smoking And Alcohol On Teens Drugs, Sex, Smoking and alcohol on teens

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Well I have noticed alot lately that more and more teenages are getting into Drugs, Sex, Smoking and Drinking at a very early age. I mean really early. Being a teen myself at age 15 i have had these things come up in my life aving te chance for alcohol, smoks and drugs but i haven't accepted them becuase I tink it's rediculous the amount of people getting and taking drugs, smoking and drinking alcohol at an extreme level. I know teens is meant to be fun and parties but i just dont agree. I knew alot of my friends got into smoking at 14 and even 12 and drugs at 13. Also I know people starting to have sex at 13 too, not that i can stop them but what ever happened to No sex before marriage, and i know alot of people just out there for it. And smoking and drugs shouldn't be done by any1 especially teens. So what do you guys think about it?

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Yeah steer clear of drugs while you're a teenager as they have a much greater negative effect on the developing brain than they do when you're an adult.

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13 year olds having sex is not really surprising around here anymore. It's really sad... Two girls at my highschool got pregnate. They were actually happy about it though and decided not to get abortion, so I glad to at least hear that.

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i Know what you mean. I had the chance to have alcohol, smoke, drugs, and sex before 15 and definitely didnt. Now im still not 21, i am 20 though, and have been drinking since 17 but in reasonable amounts. I dont go get wasted every night but i do have a couple most nights of the week wiht my roommates who are all 21 and we just kinda chill. There is nothing wrong with having alcohol in reasonable proportions as long as you dont "drink to get drunk". Young people should not be doing those things since you just get in trouble for it and its not agood thing.

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Well, I'm 15, and I'm still straight edge. I see all my friends going to drugs, the worst is weed. It's so depressing seeing then do that stuff. My friend used to be a preppy/goth/emo(wierd combo huh?) and she used to talk about happy cheery stuff. Now she talks about going home with some guy to smoke "weed". I was so disappointed in her, she said she'd never do that.I have never smoked, I never will. I can't even tolerate the smell of it. Drinking...Eh, it's really nothing special, I've had a sip before...It doesn't do anything for you but get you messed up, I don't plan on being an achoholic. This may sound wierd, but I'd much rather see my friends drinking, then smoking. Smoking is..permantent damage, I mean so is drinking, but you can get major cancer from smoking, and starting at the age of 14, 15, makes it even worse...Straight edge for life!(until I'm 21!)

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You would probably hate me then. I haven't had sex yet, simply because I haven't met a girl I wanted to do it with. Waiting before marrage? pfft,if you want to, fine. Don't push your standards and beliefs on me though(which you haven't, I'm just saying this to everyone). On the topic of teens getting pregnant, it's sad sure, but it's also their fault for not acting smart and knowing how to prevent it.Drugs? Meh. Haven't done any drugs in my life so far, it's not something I really feel the need to do. Sure, I'll probably try a couple here and there, but it's not something I'll ever get into. And to anyone calling weed a drug, that's total bull. If marijuana is a drug, then every plant on this planet is a drug, too. And not all potheads are depressed losers who only think about when they're going to get their next joint. In fact, my best friend's brother is a pothead, hell he had a 6 foot bong built into his floor, and he's going through college with perfectly fine grades, and has a job. Yes, some people who smoke weed are total morons, it's not just the marijuana's fault, it's theirs, too. Not saying they're bad people, they just don't have much self control. Smoking weed is no worse than smoking cigarettes or drinking to me, in fact it's been proven smoking cigarettes does more harm than marijuana, but that's a completely different subject, and I'm pretty sure you all hate cigarettes too. And ... wow, I'm starting to drag on, I nearly forgot this topic wasn't solely about weed. Eh, I'm pretty sure everyone here disagrees with me, so I'm not going to post anything else after this in this topic. Feel free to post your arguments with anything I just said, although it will be just as pointless as this post itself.Peace.

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I've started drinking at 15, but in small "in moderation" amounts. I am now 23, and still only drink in moderation those days.I guess it really depends on control, peers, pressure, etc and whether to take up those things as a result. I never took drugs or smoked in my life, and not about to either. Yet had a couple of friends that drinks regularly at parties/clubs/etc.

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Yea thats wat i mean you can definately drink alcohol at any age i think but not with the idea of getting drunk, because come on we probably had alcohol. And the wole pregnant ting, my friends friend got pregnant with twins at 15 so i thought thaty was too young. Also i am not saying to wait before your married for sex i'm simply staing why people just dont follow beliefs of god anymore, I would definately would wit a girlfriend if we were both ready, im talking about people who purpouselyy go out wit the idea of bringing a guy home no matter what.Now smoking and weed i dont think they as bad as each other, i think weeed is much worse. Anyway I know im never gonna get involved with drugs or smoking.

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ok...this is going to be a kinda long post because I want to reply to a lot of what other people said.


But, before I get to that, let me quickly explain where I'm currently comming from. I'm currently 20 years old. The first time I ever drank alcohol with the intent to get drunk I was 13 or 14. The first time i ever smoked ganja (marijuana) was at age 15. I lost my virginity at the age of 16. Honestly, the only one of those that I regret now is that I had sex that young. But that's not because of the physical act--that's because of the ammount of emotional bonds that it created...and that it made breaking up twenty times worse.


Now for the alcohol vs ciggeretts vs marijuana question. There are a few ways you can judge the distructive effects of a substance, one of them would be to analize the number of deaths directly resulting from use. So here are the relavent statistics. I'm going to use the stats from america because they are easily accessible. These numbers represent the average number of deaths per year based on the past 20 years of U.S. Surgeon Generals' reports.


Tobacco: 340,000 to 450,000

Alcohol (including 50% of all related highway deaths and 35% of all related murders): 150,000+

Illicit Drug Overdose (including intentional ODs): 3,800 to 5,200

Marijuana: 0


Well, I'm 15, and I'm still straight edge. I see all my friends going to drugs, the worst is weed. It's so depressing seeing then do that stuff. My friend used to be a preppy/goth/emo(wierd combo huh?) and she used to talk about happy cheery stuff. Now she talks about going home with some guy to smoke "weed".

Marjuana, like all hallucagens, is not physically addictive--but it has the potential to become mentally addictive. Then again, so does virtually anything else. Sunshine, friends, chai tea (mMmmM), sex, etc etc etc. Both alcohol and ciggerettes are both mentally and physically addictive.


...not all potheads are depressed losers who only think about when they're going to get their next joint. In fact, my best friend's brother is a pothead, hell he had a 6 foot bong built into his floor, and he's going through college with perfectly fine grades, and has a job.


Yes, some people who smoke weed are total morons, it's not just the marijuana's fault, it's theirs, too. Not saying they're bad people, they just don't have much self control...


...Eh, I'm pretty sure everyone here disagrees with me, so I'm not going to post anything else after this in this topic. Feel free to post your arguments with anything I just said, although it will be just as pointless as this post itself.

1) Amen. I've been using marjuana (as well as a few other substances) off and on for five years now. I'm currently a junor in college and hold a 3.78 GPA.


2) Quite true. There are stupid people engaged in virtually any activity...but that doesn't mean it's representative of the group at large. Also worth noting is that defferent people have different levels of self control. I know a few people who do coke two or three times a year and are perfectly fine, non addicted, individuals. Then again I know alot more than that who have seriously f***ed up their lives using it. It is the user's responcibility to make sure they can handle a substance. And if they can't, then it's no one's fault but their own.


3) Don't belittle your own opinion man. Keeping an open dialouge is wonderful...and you can't do that without conflicting points of view.


Now smoking and weed i dont think they as bad as each other, i think weeed is much worse.

Could you please elaborate about why you think that?

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People getting pregnant at a young age isnt really a suprise anymore those days. Whether if they like it or not, responsibility would have to come into play here, whether if the recipient decides to have the baby or not. I guess it's the curiousity of some of today's teens. :)

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I have to say that I've experimented with some drugs.. When I was 15 I moved to Texas, and the first people I met were potheads. And the stupid kind at that. We smoked a lot, I thought it was fun then, and I still think I had fun then, but I wouldn't go back to doing it. I tried oxycontin, hydrocodeine, weed, freon, and a couple of other things, but I got out of the crowd fast when school started.Sex? Not until I'm married, but I can still do sexual things without sex. Religion + the percent of teenagers worth AIDS = not worth it.Alcohol? Yeah, I have it every once in a while, probably twice a month, but not too much.

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I think that teens getting pregnant are incredibly moronic, and hurt the human race's population (and the quality of those alive in the population). Natural Selection is extinct -.-But as far as drugs, alcohol, and smoking goes I haven't had any except a bit of alcohol (cuz us Jews love wine at services. I stick to grape juice mostly, but...). Anyone who is stupid enough to experiment with these things are... well, stupid. It is really sad, though. I have seen several of my friends get sent to rehab this year alone, and I just turned 15. Lots of my friends are doing stuff, too, and I know it. I see people smoking right outside of school while they walk to the bus, for God's sake!!! It's horrible.And yeah, they're all stupid. I wish they hadn't made the decisions they had, and they will be scared for life because of it.

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