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Public Transport

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Well the Sydney Public Transport System is so terrible. Why is it that when you need to be somewhere at a certain time there is always delays on the Rail System? You leave two hours early just in case something goes wrong and you still turn up over an hour late :P The Public Transport System needs to be reviewed like they are always saying. But guess what, it is never done like they say either. Surprise Surprise. Well things may get better one day. But for now its another job down the drain because of Public Transport. I think that next time I will go in the City the day before, just to make sure that I get there ontime for an interview. But who knows ...

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All public transport systems have their issues. Everywhere you go there are problems. It isn't really your fault but they'll tell you it is. I bet they'd tell you that you can't rely on public transportation because you should have a car or something like that.

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i love my city(montreal) public transit and underground city. But i have to admit that when you move out, far into the sub's it's kinda a pain with buses running only about every 20 minutes. Now that i'm working outside the city it's not really the most amount of fun but still it's totally reliable.round

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yeah, I live in Wollongong (just south of Sydney) and we don't get major rail delays or anything like that very often. Occasionally you get trackwork which means you have to bus from train station to train station, and that can end up taking twice as long- but that's fairly rare.As for me, it takes 40 minutes minimum for me to walk to the train station as opposed to 15 minutes for the bus. Buses come just as often as trains (every twenty minutes) and, although they take longer, you get dropped off heaps closer to where you want to go (alot of the time).I think that public transport's great, and although it has its flaws, like any system, it seems to hold together pretty well and get the job done nicely.

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Think of it this way, you could own a car and be stuck in traffic for 3 hours and be even later. You have the problem of living in a capital city, and like any capital city, it has major peak hour traffic and public transport delays. Wait until the days of flying craft that means you can fly anywhere, anytime. Without hassle of traffic jam and road ragers, and your favourite, Rail Works! :P

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Detroit's public transportation system has its ups and downs. The People Mover (Detroits elevated rail system) is very reliable and I recommend it to anyone who has to travel around downtown Detroit. The Detroit buses are horrible because of the bugit I heard that they had to cut back a lot and now it is horrible.

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Sydney supposedly has one of the best public transport systems in Australia - simply because of the frequency of services etc. Though generally in Australia, whilst the condition of the vehicles tends to be pretty good, I reckon the fares are getting expensive (in the past year in Brisbane one zone tickets have jumped by 20c, maybe because of fuel prices and stuff?), and services tend to not go quite as often or as late as you would like. Definitely has a lot of room for improvement, but it could be worse...

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NYC is almost really bad. People say that the subway system is in decrepid condition, and there are recent hapennings pointing toward a strike. I do love the buses (or at least the ones run under the MTA; Green Lines, forget about it): They have really good hybrid buses (I'll upload some recordings and/or pictures eventually) that I love, and they are mostly on time. I still wonder whether the MTA has a deficit or a surplus (and why the heck they are giving us dicounts when they have lots of debt to pay off). One of these days they'll get their act together and consolidate the remainder of the PBLs (private bus lines, Green Lines, Triborough Coach, Command Bus and Jamaica Bus), which they have been talking about for years.

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Here in the Randstad, Holland, public transport is really punctual. They are usually on time and the network really is like an oiled machine. But whenever I get out of the region, the further I get, the more irritated I get, it seems like the further I go, the less it's organized lol so most of teh time I'll stay here :P

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But i have to admit that when you move out, far into the sub's it's kinda a pain with buses running only about every 20 minutes

The only bus that goes past my house come once an hour. It takes me over an hour to get to work, because the buses are always late so you miss your transfer(s), and you have to take at least two buses to get where you're going.

The bus system here is run from the city right next to mine (St Johns), and I believe its run my some part of the government. But they apparently charge my city (Mount Pearl) for the bus they do run through here. There are three all total, but only one that's always running, and only one that goes by my house... and thats once an hour. We really need two of that bus route, because its always late from all the people it has to stop to pick up. But we can't have another route 21.. 'cause they charge us...

And besides all that, all the people on the buses kindof scares me, in some way :\

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When I lived in Toronto, I thought its transportation system was pretty reliable every time I went downtown. I had a car as well, but that's because I lived and worked in the suburbs. The subway arrived about every five minutes, and they ran until 1:30 in the morning. Even if you missed the last train, there still was an overnight bus service that you could use to get back home. My routine was that I usually parked my car at the shopping centre and took the subway. Fifteen minutes later, I was in the heart of the city. Fast forward to where I currently live - Japan. As you may have guessed, most people rely on the train to commute to and from work. In fact, in big cities like Osaka, Tokyo and Nagoya, you wouldn't even need a car...so it really depends on where you live. It goes without saying that the closer you live to a major city (and live near a train station) the more frequent the trains are.

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The last two years, I took two buses to school everyday (if you don't live in or near NYC, don't expect to understand the rest of this), them being the reliable and simple Q46 down Union Turnpike to Queens Boulevard, and tthe Q10 to Lefferts Boulevard or the Q37 to Abingdon Road. The Q46, which is run by the MTA, is a good route; the buses come somewhat often, it's a striaght route (unlike the Q74, which goes on Main Street and makes many turns at the beginning and end no matter which direction you are going), and they have hybrid buses (which have sort of been proven to improve service, see http://www.schallerconsult.com/pub/lowfloor.htm) which I am a huge fan of. The Q37 just didn't come often at all; and the Q10 is a nightmare, with buses laying over for something like 20-30 minutes, leaving (prospective) passengers standing for a long time (even in the cold winter months). Hopefully the MTA and (I think) Jerome Cooper, president of the Transit Alliance (consisting of Green Lines, Triborough Coach, Jamaica Bus, and Command Bus), will get their act together and make the move over to MTA Bus.

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Currently I drive myself anywhere and fankly i ahte the atmosphere of anywhere sle. Its scary the tarin, busses are just too scray for me. Lots of weird ppl. I really dont like it.

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Woohoo, Public Transport is excatly that, Public! ;) Many people, many scary people yes. We all have to admit though, where would ya be without it, many would be at work on time, living boring dull lives, others sitting at home no way to get 20km across town. Learn to live and let fly.... :D;)

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