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I Really Hate Runescape is there nothing else?

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I used to play runescape and wasted 7 months of my life getting to level 70. It was so easy, and I don't think I even really enjoyed it. It was just getting the items and money that made me want to play like "the sara staff" and "gold trimmed rune armor." lol after I wasted time getting all the lame stuff in the game I realized what a joke the game was and how I wasted so much time collecting megabytes that weren't even real. Also there are so many hackers on runescape that it's not even funny. I got hacked about 3 times and was able to recover everything (from real hacks, not noob scam crap) but it just got boring and finally I realized how much time I was wasting. Now I play World of Warcraft which is SO MUCH better. The graphics are great, it's FULL SCREEN :) and the gameplay and user interface just owns. One thing I realized that runescape was so dumb because you actually had to get RUNES to cast spells and in WoW you just cast them for free as long as you have mana points. Not everything in warcraft is as overpriced either as it is in runescape.-reply by xboxdude

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We all hate it

I Really Hate Runescape


Replying to jmb2006 Dude, the simple thing is that most people have the brain to realise that runescape is the un-polished turd of the internet. But it's just that some people are so lonely, that they play on inferior games.

The annoying things is that most good online games are ones you have to pay for regularly.

I think the main games that are really worth their money would be EVE and World of Warcraft.


-reply by Robin

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why i hate runescape it mess up relisonships

I Really Hate Runescape


Hey I have been going out with this boy 4 1year and 6months now but all hes douse is play runescape. He wont go out he wont get a job and sometimes he wont even eat.I love him and don't want to dump him but I cant take it. If I want to see him I have 2 go to his then all he douse is play runescape 4 days he don't even sleep then he takes it out on me.I just want the best 4 him.One day I went to see him and his eyes were all red were he stayed up 4 days with no sleep. He said that he loved me but he just wants to lvl up. Its like a drug. Runescape must no what games can do to people in real life. Help me to get the word out and tell me if anything like this has happend to you. I don't want to dump him over a game. But I get upset over it he spends more time on the game than with me and he dousnt want to do that.He just cant stop playing...


-reply by chloesquall

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I don't like Runescape too!! My school is non-stop runescape also..... Maybe because there are lots of functions if you pay monthly for it. Or maybe they don't have a very good computer to play any better games. o.O They could be addicted to RuneScape the way people are addicted to Maplestory, Gunbound, Combat Arms, Soldier Front, Halo, etc. If you are or have been addicted to a game, that is the same feeling and position that those addicts are in. I am just sharing my opinions. No need to think me wrong. =)

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I was going to play it once.. I think I may have joined, but the whole thing was way to slow for my computer and internet connection. So I didn't see the point. Plus I get sucked in easily to RPG Games where you have to work for things, and earn money etc. and I really didn't want to get sucked into another :lol:

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O.K. If you have played it, tryed all the skills and a quest, and gotten off tutorial island, and played for more then 5 hours, THEN you can say reasonably that in YOUR opinion that you don't find the game tasteful, every single reasonable runescaper can except that. But really, don't call runescape gay, as there is nothing homosexual about it. I laugh when all people say about the game is: "runescape sucks" or "runescape is gay" when 90% of the posters really haven't even played the game because they want to seem "cool" over a bunch of pixels. Now in the main question it was posted: "I don't know why I just really hate the online rpg runescape, it makes me so angry when people at my school don't shut up about runescape. What is so great about runescape." WOW... That was just... Have you TRIED the game? have you gotten OFF tutorial island? Personally I have played now for a bit over 3 years, though quit for about 3-6 months because I got scammed, yes I JOINED the runescape haters, I said: what's the point? Then a friend of mine who still played said: The point is to HAVE FUN, like every other game he asked me to try again, so I did. Through deaths, etc I have lost over 4 mil so far on this account, but I now have 26 mil in cash+ items and will soon have 40 mil. The point of the game is to have fun, and the great thing about it is you can play it quick for 10 minutes each day, or you can play it for hours, yes the range of things to do on the game is HUGE, and though I myself have claimed boredom on the game, that arguement has no substance as a paying member you can go to a house party, go kill dragons, fletch, turn bananas into gold, turn bones into bananas, smelt armor for yourself, cut logs, train range, do a quest, play one of tons of mini-games, oh and that's just what I do personally the most, there's still ALOT more then what I have named, there are nearly 250 quests, there ARE 24 skills, there are over TWELVE mini-games, and that's just the base of the mountain that is runescape. As for free players, well, there's over 9 million accounts, most are 10-13 year olds who play at school who are rather bad at the game, but once you get down to the members base you'll run into 1 million subscribers that are usually a good deal smarter. Kids at my school talk about it alot too, and it gets annoying too, it will really ruin runescape for you if you pay attention to them before trying it first. I hope you actually try it, if you don't... Your loss, good job following the crowd.

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Runescape is okayishI Really Hate Runescape

Its kinda weird that your bf leveld up 4 days in a row with no sleep.Id pik my gf over rs any day =/. Its fun to play for an hour or so, butyah it does getting boring if you just sit there and doing nothing,then you walk around and just be bored, when you could atleast walkaround and be bored... Outside your house... With friends... That arentcomputer images... I play it, and its okay. Id say 6.5/10. But I'm notaddicted. Uh oh, thats just what an addict would say... =/ aaaaaah!-reply by Nathaniel Petrik

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I HATE Runescape. It's so unfair how you lose EVERYTHING when you die. I was fighting a wizard, and he killed me straight away. It's so stupid. I have 2,000 coins, a wizard robe, a Silverlight, and mace, two necklaces, five cabbages, and heaps more. I lost all of that to the stupid wizard who was level 9 and I was level 17. I can't believe I wasted so much time of my life on that stupid game, trying to level up and only got to level 17. They make it so hard for you to level up. 

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Yeah..I Really Hate Runescape

I still play every once in awhile, but yeah alot of peoplehas played runescape, all of them have tried it and gotten past lvl 10so don't say they didn't try, they all quit because it got reallyboring. Alot of people who plays WOW games like that... Has told me...Yah I played runescape but now I play this...

It seems like everyone has played runescape but everyone justquits sooner or later. That's why the population of the game neverreally increases, it either increases 2-3 players per day or decreases100k because of the lame updates, because they try to make it feelnicer for little kids when the game actually requires people to be 13,( at that age people cuss, people lie, people talk about sex ) but thegame doesn't allow it. I don't hang out with the crowd saying it's agay *bottom* mother ****in game, but jagex (the owner of runescpae)themselves went with the crowd, they took out wildy took out stakingand took out trading large amounts of *BLEEP* and bootymeat, aka gold anditems. THEY went with the crowd, of all those other games. It's notunique, it's the same as every other game that it can possibly relatewith, except worst. The updates of the game aren't even major, they'reall the same. They say they're doing this... Doing that... They justwant you to feel like they're working hard and doing something. Butwhen the update actually happens it sucks pancake titis.

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i REALLY hate runescape i mean it sucks its boring and it dosent work on any computer unless u got good graphics besides i got to lvl 60 sumthing and got soooooooo tired of it and i dont know why i even got membership for it because it is a plain waste of money

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runescape is silly, i play WOW on free servers :P

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Lol Runescape sadly it sucks, i play Diablo 2, online its better and its fun. Not sure you can consider it a rpg game but its fun looking at your guy running around and killing things.Sadly Blizzard made a game called World Of Warcraft i have to say it sucks specially for 15 bucks a month.Considering Runescape for free. Its a decent game.

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