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what is your religion?

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I choose not to belive in religion. Science overpowers religion in every way.
Take Adam and Eve for example... There is strong evidence humans evolved from primeapes (sp?), yet religion states Adam and Eve were the "first normal, modern, human beings."
That is the main reason I choose not to belive. I have a few more reasons but this topic is a HUGE firefight starter, so I will not list them.  Your life is your path.

//By posting this I am not bashing anyone. Your religion is entirely up to you and I respect whatever you choose. I do not look at religion before creating friendship or any form of communication. Please do not bash me either. Thank you

i understand 100% where ur comeing from, but people often mis inturprate the say for example the bible and science, if u look at bothe closely they connected like a puzzle, adam and eve for example, could be referring to the first (modern) evelution from a more primitive state of humans, and one that the bible say, that the univers was created in 7days (i don't remember if it it was 7 days so don't freake out on me). well a play i say at camp one year, a guy met god, and asked him what a trillion years is to him, he replied, "one minute" then the guy asked god, what is 1 trillion dollers to you, god replies "not even a cent", so the guy asks, "god, can i have a trillion dollars?" god replies "sure, in a minute". so one day to god could be an forever for a human, this brings the big bang therory, maybe god dident make use, but he could have possibley made a small spark to make the big bang, and let nature take its cource. and again this is just my opinion

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I though the Bible said Adam was created out of clay or mud and Eve was created out of Adam's flesh or something?It's been a while since I read the Bible.

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I though the Bible said Adam was created out of clay or mud and Eve was created out of Adam's flesh or something?
It's been a while since I read the Bible.

stuff like that was made up, or mistaken, the bible has been around longer then any book, you think some one made a mistake along the line, thats why i don't go by it 100%, i make my one explinations that sound right, E.x. combineing the bible with science! onece u think in terms like that everything starts to sound right, and you still have faith and something to bealive in :) again, just my opinion

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I though the Bible said Adam was created out of clay or mud and Eve was created out of Adam's flesh or something?
It's been a while since I read the Bible.

stuff like that was made up, or mistaken, the bible has been around longer then any book, you think some one made a mistake along the line, thats why i don't go by it 100%, i make my one explinations that sound right, E.x. combineing the bible with science! onece u think in terms like that everything starts to sound right, and you still have faith and something to bealive in :) again, just my opinion

The bible is no where near the oldest book. Zoroastrianism has been around with its holy books much longer than Judiaism. And since the Bible techinacally refers to the christian texts the Torah has been around longer as the have The Vedas and the Various Dicourses of Buddha. Not to mention works of greek philosophers and the Illaid and Oddyssey.

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Nilsmo, are you referring to the "evolutionary process" or just science in general, because evolution is almost a religion in itself

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Nilsmo, are you referring to the "evolutionary process" or just science in general, because evolution is almost a religion in itself

No it is not. No one believes in evolution. A faith implies a lack of evidence, hence "leap of faith." Evolution has numerous evidences, and there exists no other scientific theory of speciation. God, however, has no evidence. No one has ever actually seen him, we have instead only the word of prophets contained in one very badly translated book.

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If I had one wish, just one wish, I would wish for another million wishes.Then I would wish for an explanation to all this nonsense.

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If I had one wish, just one wish, I would wish for another million wishes.Then I would wish for an explanation to all this nonsense.

if i had one wish, i would wish to be god, hahaha, then i could wish and get all i wan't, and control the univers as i see fit, heh :D:D:D:D :twisted: :roll: :wink: :!: :?:

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Nilsmo, are you referring to the "evolutionary process" or just science in general, because evolution is almost a religion in itself

No it is not. No one believes in evolution. A faith implies a lack of evidence, hence "leap of faith." Evolution has numerous evidences, and there exists no other scientific theory of speciation. God, however, has no evidence. No one has ever actually seen him, we have instead only the word of prophets contained in one very badly translated book.



Religion is something that cannot be proven. It is something you chose to BELIEVE in.


The only proof (for Christians) is the bible.


On the other hand you have SCIENCE. Science can be wrong. In many cases it is wrong or not totally right. If something is proven wrong, a better theory will appear. In contrast to religion, which remains static. (earth in center of the universe --> sun in center of the universe --> no center of the universe)

Science looks at everything (including the bible which is a very important book) for proofs and concludes what is the most plausible thing that could have happened. Science always looks at the reasons of every event.


Just to give you an example: some explanations for gravity.


1) Everyone just wants to stay on the ground. Birds do not want to stay on the ground, that's why they fly. If you wish to fly, you just have to want it. Just go to the highest building in town and jump of it. If you really want to fly, you will fly. However if you fall down of the building and die, you obviously didn't want it enough.


2) The reason why you stay on the ground is called gravity. It is an attraction between two masses; you and the earth, with a force of approximate 9.81 times your mass. If you can provide the same force in the opposite direction, you can fly. (planes)


These explanations can BOTH be true, but the first one is called BELIEVE and the second one is SCIENCE. Science is experiments, facts and proofs, religion is something you believe in, no matter what the proofs are.

Please do not confuse these two.

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