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Everything posted by nirvaman

  1. Good for you ash , but you need to yhink of your dog's vaccination , he will need 4 vaccinations about CHLP ,*Car? , leptospirose,h?patite,parvovirose* , sorry but i don't know the names in english , and this should be done at the age of 10 weeks and not exceed 12 weeks !You need also to provide good quality food for your dog , to help him grow.PS:I'm a veterinarian doctor , so if you will have questions ,ask me and i will be happy to answer you in FRENCH
  2. Bad things happen ! Today it was the Polish president , but it can happen to everyone . I don't know what really happened , but don't jump on the complot theory , since we all love to give a name to a tragedy's name : enemy or terrorist ....Let's wait for the police and the investigators to do their job , and they will Know for sure the reason and the caue of the crash. Don't take the airplane , don't travel , stay where you are at home
  3. Good said Mahesh2k , think that you will have to work all the week , and choose a day for the every activity , if you are developing website for living , then you just need to do all the work YOURSELF. But if you do it for an extra income , then you can hire someone to do the manual directories submission , at your place .
  4. I am going to give you some useful ideas that you can use to get your website built and running quickly. 1-domain name: First of all you need to buy a keyword rich domain name , you have always a chance to grab your domain since not all of the good domain names have been taken. I will suggest you to look at Xisto - Domains.com , wich is a part of xisto inc , where you can have your domain at the best rates! Search for domain names that contains your primary keyword because both search engines and people doing internet searching , love keyword rich domain names. 2-Webhosting: Once you will buy and register your domain name , you need to find a quality hosting. Webhosting prices have became affordable these days , and you can have a good webhosting plan for about 1.95$ on Xisto - Web Hosting.com ," Computinhost.com is a member of Xisto Inc " , or you can have just the same plan by posting on Xisto.com forums " i have purchased my webhosting account with my posting earnings ". Search on webmasters forums , and webhosting reviews websites for hosting companies that have a proven track record. This will help you choose the best Webhosting company , and the webhosting plan that suits your needs ! 3-Website: Once you have your webhosting account, you will be able to install a WordPress Blog " use the automatic scripts installer such as fantastico , don't worry because most of the webhosting panels have it ". Using a Wordpress blog is one of the easiest ways to build a website quickly, since it's very easy to build pages when you blog , and add content in the future. Then if you want to change your Website look , as you may not like the blue theme that comes with the wordpress installation , you can search on the net or on Wordpress.org for FREE wordpress themes , you will find tons of them , choose the one that suits your website needs and your taste. 4-content: Your website is up ,then what ? You need a content for your website , so plan out the content you will start with. Put some imagination into what your website will be about. Choose your categories carefully, but remember that you can always changes it later. Develop a keyword list that you will be building your web pages around. 5-SEO: Once your website is up you will need to do a basic search engine optimization. Go to the keyword list you have built earlier and add this keywords into the Meta tags of your site and web pages. Remember to add your keywords to your graphics as well. if you follow basic SEO principles then search engines will reward you with higher rankings and more traffic . 6-Traffic and Internet Marketing: You need to understand that having a good website with a good content will not earn you much if you don't get traffic to it. Don't waste all of your time developing an excellent website without marketing it properly. You need to use good traffic generation strategies in order to make some cash from your referral products and advertising. A good strategy is to leave your website alone for a while once you develop it and spend 90% or more of your time on marketing. These are some tips and ideas on how to build a website in ONE day.
  5. I don't know about cable , but DSL is OK!I don't think that my ISP offers such a thing ,the only offer is DSL , and for truth , it's a good choice in here.
  6. Good work webdesigner , you did a good simple header.I do like the title , you choosethe good color *White* because it's the perfect color wich sweet all dark colors , and a simple free font *ghostwriter* .
  7. You are FAt , and you wanna loose some weight ?I wish i was FAT ! Actually i'm slim , No i'm very slim , and uf you wanna know the quickest way to become like me , then you just have to know me better , here i'll tell you some about what i do , maybe it will help you out .I eat 2 times a day the lunch at 12h00 , and the Diner at 20h00 nothing before , nothing after ,nothing between.You are asking your self , Why i'm not taking breakfast , and i'm going to tell you that generally , we don't take breakfasts , in here , we take a small cup of coffee at the morning and we wait for the lunch.I do smoke , yes when you smoke you lose your appetit , and instead of eating too much at the diner , you will take a little peace of meat with some bread , an apple ,and that's it .I do study , even when i got my degree , because studying will make you lose weight !I am very stressed , i think about a lot of thing , and this will sure make you lose a lot of weight !I don't practice sport , because if i will start practicing sport , i'll be invisible ;)Try this few steps , and if it works with you , then drop me a word , maybe i will start a career as a personal trainer
  8. Wow , wow , people here have a lot of imagination , and i think i also do !So , i'm not gonna defend terrorist , because they don't deserve to live , neither countries doing terrorism !Then i'm just going to speak about people who have their countries , or lands devastated by an enemy , who came from outside the country and want to take it off from them , when people has no weapon to face the enemy , they choose themselves as a weapon , it's not like the mass destruction weapon , like others do have , but for them it'll cause a minor effect on the enemy , and maybe he *enemy* will think again about the decisions !If you guys think taht Palestinian people are terrorist , because they are suicide bombers , then you will be wrong!Palestinian for example , are facing a great country , and i'm not speaking about Israel , i'm speaking about USA , wich is helping Israel with Weapons and decisions , and covering her back !When a palestinian sees his land taken off by Israeli army , when he sees his brother or sister raped by israeli army , what do expect him to do? fight ? with what? a ROCK !Here come the suicide bombers , they are doing this to face the enemy , They fight the enemy with their lives , what a sacrifice !
  9. Haha nice try dude And welcome to Xistoand next time if you want to advertise your website or technique , then you just have to choose the right forum ! You can post whatever you think usefull for people , and be paid to post it *Mycents* , then you just have to collect your Mycents and swap them for a webhosting or domain names for your websites.Nice work Anwiii , i wanted to report him , but you caught him before !!
  10. Hmmm , i remebre that i read once a study about sex and , i think the author said that sex makes people SMARTER ! , of course he was speaking about married people .But in the other side , when you think only about sex , sex and only sex ; you become very STUPID ,because your HEAD thinks only about sex , not maths , or accounting , and i think that's why animals are soo stupid , because they don't live for eating and sex !
  11. Hi Jeanne , welcome to Xisto.I don't know about organizations , but i'm sure that someone will be answering your question very soon.Till that time feel free to post on the forums , to earn Mycents and swap them for a quality webhosting.
  12. Hi martvefun , and welcomeSince you are a French speaker maybe we can insist to have a french section on Xisto forums for us , to feel free to explain our selves ?
  13. Yep i can confirm that this website is 100% FREE , with no deposit , all the cash come from advertisers.It's a good idea actually , and if the website owner didn't came with it , maybe i could have it and done it before .It has a good number of members , and improving since they will launch a new version of the website soon.I'm just need someone who had been paid already by this system to confirm , if a member of Xisto has been paid , so maybe he can post a review ?
  14. If you intend to use a simple login and registration script from php-login-script.com , they have a good script that you can customize to swich your needs , it comes with CSS file. And about your webhosting , i'm sure that by posting on Xisto forums , you will be earning Mycents , that you can swap for Quality webhosting or maybe you can choose the new package with hosting for 10 years for 10$ , see this post by opaque Introducing Decade Plan - A New Package For Freshers
  15. Hey guys , 10 years hosting for 10 $ is a very cool plan/package , but i'm wondering if opaque can let me have 10 accounts like this for 1 'one' year ? i can pay 10 $ for 1 year hosting of 10 packages like this one ? is it possible ?
  16. Purchasing a wireless card , is a good choice , i can't recommend you a product since i don't know where do you, live.I was working with a d-link card , and i'm satisfied about it.
  17. Hi gwizz and welcome on Xisto.You will be very happy to join the designers forum and discussion , maybe we will learn some new from you.Remember to post quality posts , to earn Mycents and swap them for webhosting or domains ;)Good luck
  18. I'm sorry for your Accounts Anwiii and for your precious emails , and if you are wondering if this person is your enemy , i think yes , it's an enemy , because a real hacker like you said , will not erase your emails , he will do it for fun or for glory but never to harm.And i think taht you did a good think by posting in here , because i am sure that most of us *including me* don't have a good security for our emails and accounts , like the use of a dictionary password , or a simple answer to the security question.You must pay attention to your security answer , coz if you put in there a logical answer , hackers can guess it and hack to your account very easy, so try to put an illogical answer , and use complicated passwords.then don't store your precious informations on your hard drive , that's what anwiii did , and it was enough for the hacker !I will wait for your upcoming post anwiii , i want to know exactly what those services said to you .
  19. Thanks guys , and for anwii it's not my connection ,at first time i thought it was the connection but i have tried skype and yahoo messengers and they worked good.the only problem is with live mesenger.for St_michael if this is the problem , i hope they will fix it ASAP.for bojah no thank you , i don't trust those "Online" messengers , i love my hotmail ID and wanna keep it .But i will download and older version of MSN messenger and see the result.
  20. Hi to allI've got a problem with my Windows live messenger , when it log me out every 1 or 2 min , then attempt to log in again.I've tried to install it again but it didn't work.I'm using Vista 32b , with 1GB RAM and internet debit of 1MBps.
  21. nirvaman

    Blah Blah Blah!

    Spam spam spam , and i'm not spamming , i'm just talking about spam.People said a lot about spam and spammers , but this is an issue every website and board on the net have to deal with it , not only the trap ; i mean the Xisto ! the difference reside in the manner we will face it and here come my idea to face the spam issue and the oneliners , Opaque can improve the Mycent code to something that will give Bonus (for the quality posts) and Malus for the spam and oneliners.Another idea , is by implementing a general moderating system , so Our GREAT moderators will still moderators , but for the rest instead of clicking the "report" button to tell themoderators that this could be a spam , Opaque always , can code something that after X time the report button will be clicked , the post will be automatically flagged as SPAM , and like that moderators will have less work to do , and everybody can contribute to keep the board clean.
  22. Sorry man , My land , and my country doesn't belong to your Israel , it's mine and it's Algerian , and i will die for it , so don't say wors you don't understand !
  23. nirvaman


    Hi jennysquare , and welcome again in Xisto .I think spyda and jlhaslip already said enough , about the features of the board , so you better start posting quality posts , to earn some mycents.Good luck
  24. I personally think , that all the US problems with terrorism , with arabic countries , all the wars that USA started was for Israel , and because of Israel.Israel is doing more harm then good for the united states.Israel do kill innocent people in Palestine , but the united states can't move a finger , but it does all the necessary , and the unnecessary when it comes to an arbic/muslim country , like iraq or sudan.I think also , that America's haters ,don't hate American , American are good people , but they hates America because of it's position , and politics when it comes to a conflict between Israel and another country .
  25. I said that was SPAM because he is collecting email adresses , if he succeed in this , the website owner will have a mailing list with thousends of people who accepted to receive his newsletter * a newsletter doesnt mean only news ! *.Then if this person is smart , he could try some advertising networks who offers emailing services , i've tried one in a previous time and it pays really good for about 1500 members !!
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