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Everything posted by nirvaman

  1. @Velma ok i will do so , after collecting enough mycents for that , i have a lot of invoices because of my absence on the forums.Thanks for answering
  2. HiPlease help me resolve this problem:Well , i've setted up a Google apps account with my domain name , and setted up a contact form on my website , but when trying to send emails from my website to Google apps accounts they fail , but success when sent to hotmail or yahoo accounts.I couldn't send email from hotmail to my google apps account too.PLease help me resolve this problem
  3. Many Australians have been tracking muslims in the past .I remembre since 2 or 3 years ago that Australians have conducted a movement to kill and track all muslims in Australia , they have exchanged racial and descriminator text messages SMS , and the police or the government didn't do a think to prevent that.
  4. I'm wondering if they are willing to secure the Ipads from bad use. (nudity ,racisme and other illegal materials that can be exchanged between young children (teenagers).Any ideas?
  5. Hi to all I will present you some serious high PR backlinks ; 2PR6,2PR7& 1PR8 Strong Links It is too simple , you just have to follow this few simple steps: - Free PR 6 Backlink 1)-Sign Up at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 2)-When you proceed to your account, click "Profile". 3)-Click "Edit Profile" after completing step 2. 4)-Enter your website URL in the "website" field. 5)-You're Done. Enjoy the Free High Authority Backlink! Please note that the profile is publically viewable and the search engine spiders will index them right away they visit. - Free PR 6 Backlink 1)-Sign Up at http://www.webjam.com/ 2)-Click "Profile" from the navigation menu. 3)-Look at the right side of the profile page and there will be a button "Add more info". Click it! 4)-Add this code with your website info under "About Me" section. <a href="http://www.yourdomain.com/ Keyword</a> 5)-You're Done. Enjoy the Free High Authority Backlink! -Free PR 7 Backlink 1)-Sign Up at https://due.com/ (No Confirmation Required) 2)-Click "My Profile". 3)-Add your website URL in the "website" field. 4)-You're done. Enjoy the Free High Authority Backlink! -Free PR 7 Backlink 1)-Sign Up at http://eventful.com/events?geo=city_id%3A1527705 2)-While Signing Up, click "Not in US" for zip code and you'll see country options. 3)-Now click "Profile" button. 4)-Look at the left side, there will be a button "Add Link".Click it! 5)-Add URL, Keyword and add it. You're Done! -Free PR 8 Backlink 1)-Sign Up at http://www.ted.com/ 2)-Click Profile & then again look for "Edit Profile" in navigation menu. 3)-Scroll down and you will fine "Website Links" section. 4)-Add your Website Keyword in "name of site" tab and URL in the "website url". 5)-You're done. Enjoy the Free High Authority Backlink! When you will do all this , go and ping them all and Create backlinks to those ping links so that the link pyramid can help your website get maximum seo juice. Remember that the best SEO is the SEO you can do for FREE !
  6. Turkey once again proves its strength in new technologies: Ankara, who wants to equip schools in the country with touch pads, has just launched a tender to deploy 15 million tablets over a period of four years. Originally, the project was subject to a condition: the tablets were to be produced locally, but the Turkish government would have backtracked on this constraint really ... too restrictive. If they win the contract, Appletm could still give the Turks the production of accessories like covers and headphones. Obviously, Apple is not alone on the spot because Microsoft and Intel are already part of the hame.For the record: 15 million iPad, it still represents an investment (or a turnover, it depends on which side one takes) of about 7.5 billion euros! No problem for Turkey, whose public debt is comparable to the Scandinavian countries so often cited as examples. By the way: a sacred snub to his great rival Greek who is completely in the hole!
  7. Is the decade plan always active. because i want to buy it.I want also to know what are the cheapest plans on Xisto - Web Hosting.Thanks in advance
  8. Beautifull in Algerian dialect is pronounced "shebba" or "Zeena" for a female or "shebab" or "zeene" for a male.
  9. We can not help you without you giving us more details about the company.or try to answer these questions:What is your business about?Where is your company located?Are you doing local or International business?
  10. Hey dude , don't say that , if she is with someone else , then this is because she don't deserve you! If you spent a night on writing a note , that means that you are Romantic and you have a lot of feelings to express , a lot of love to offer , but the girl seems to be a normal girl , she went to a concert and found someone NORMAl just like her ,she want to live a normal life ,with no exitment ; then forget about her. If a girl run from me because of another guy , then i will forget about her in the next second. This is how you should deal with her , and stay like you are and you will find a girl who will share your romantic life , and that girl you should stick with her.
  11. After "Operation riposte" against sites such as Mastercard or Paypal, to revenge Julian Assange the founder of Wikileaks, members of Anonymous attacked on Sunday, February 6, HBGary Federal ; a U.S. security company .The website of the company first suffered from a denial of service DDOS attack to saturate the servers, but it was accessible again Monday. The Twitter account of the group's CEO, Aaron Barr has also been hacked.MORE ARRESTS IN EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATESAccording to Anonymous, HBGary forwarded to the FBI a lot of information on suspected members of the network. To do this, HBGary have monitored the emails and Facebook accounts of some "Hackers". The company had also used false identities on instant discussion platforms to gather information.After a series of computer attacks in December, in support of Wikileaks, which disseminated confidential cables of American diplomacy, several people were arrested. Two Dutch teenagers, one French and five British were arrested for their relations with Anonymous, between end of December and end of January. FBI also announced having emitted over 40 search warrants In the USA.
  12. For vegetarians , they can eat it without meat at all .And In Algeria we make couscous the same way , but in summer we use milk and no meat , in east of Algeria , they make it with fish and it's Hmmmm ,I love it with mutton and eggs. Thanks for this post bro ,I missed Mom's couscous "but i'll eat it in holiday "
  13. Xisto is having a problem keeping the forum active , an by firring the inactive Mods/members You will find your self alone !Hiring is a good way to reactivate the forum again I do have another suggestion ; it's to give members the right to donate or swap their earned Mycents , means that a member can donate his Mycents to another , or he can use it like a currency to buy stuff , but a Selling/Buying section must be created in the forums , to give creative members a chance to sell their scripts , progs and designs.
  14. There is more then 200 companies of about more then a 100 nationalutues working in the Algerian desert Yes @Mahes2k ; i thought all members will know it was not a real advice but just for fun "Actually i've done it myself...." Thank you for all for reposting, and sorry if i offensed someone with my bad joke , and @ Parubilla ; i have yellow tooth , but i've seen worst.... And yes @webdesigner , i'm smooking since the age of 13 "i'm 27 years old now" ,and working in the Algerian desert ,eating bad food "yep the catering company that serves us is a **it" , stressed all the time , struggling with PHP code , and unfortunatelly i'm not married yet .
  15. Hi to allI will give you some advices to lose some weight , or all the weight , it depends on how serious are you going to take this advices ;)You must know that those advices have nothing to do with science , it's from my own experience so it's tested and a 100% guarantee!1: Weight is about eating a lot , and the best way to loose appetit is by "Smoking" , yes smoking cigarets will cut your appetite , especially if the cigarets are of a bad quality , and bad taste , this will double the effect.2: Work at launch and diner time , make extra work hours , so that you will not have time even to eat.3: Mary an ugly woman , and let her cook for you , then eat togheter , yes she will cut your appetite , especially if she start screaming at your face.4: Work and live in the Algerian desert , under a temperature of about 120 F? ,this will burn the fats very quickly.5: Think about anything that stress you , exams ,relationships , maths problems . Php coding will be a good point to start from "especially session() "6: Eat at very dirty restaurants , this will cause you food poisoning , or drink public water , and you may have the thyphoide fever and loose weight very quickly. PS: don't combine all this valuable advices at once , or you will vanish ;)I know a joke about someone who was very thin , and wanted to gain some weight , so he wented to see the doctor , and he advised him to stop smoking.Ok , after some months he became very fat , and returned to see the doctor to lose some weight , and the doctor advised him to start smoking again ;)It's all about smoking
  16. Wds I'll give you an advice , to have friends you have to communicate , nobody will come to you , unless you make him understand that he will be welcomed ,ok?And to communicate , you have to speak , to deal with others , don't stay alone , but go with your collegues , do what they are doing , practice sports like football ,handball ,volleyball , why? because you will interact with other , you will create connections , and soo they will understand that you won't beat them ;)Speaking with others , will show them your kindness , your knowledge , and without a doubt , you will find someone , or a groupe of people , who will like what you say , agree with you and will wish to be your friends.
  17. Thank you Contactskn for your effort , and good continuation for this Malayalam language training.I'll look cloosely to this part , because i love learning new languages especially , languages that no one in my entourage speak.Hihihi i'll be the only guy who speak Malayalam in Algeria thanks to you
  18. What about PLR articles , you have the right to use them , to rewrite them , so what do you think about it , is it unethical?
  19. Working at the age of 14? what else?It's really amazing to work at this age , i've worked at the age of 12 i think , and look at me now :still working , it is preffered that you work at that age "not exausting jobs" , but pretty cool jobs like selling or.... this will teach you the true meaning of money.If you will take your money from your parents , you will ever feel , what they felt working hard for that money.And in your case , you say that your parents need money , so it's better that you work to support them , but never ever let your studies down.i worked in holidays and week ends , never on a week day , this didn't pervented me from studying , and finishing my university studies.And you are feeling useless , because they didn't thank you? lol , sweety,they don't have time to do soo , you said this yourself , they are occupied by paying the bills , when all this will be over , you will see , they will thank you respect you,and love more then ever.
  20. Un chasseur sachant chasser chasse sans son chien!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Baniboy


      anwiii the party pooper...

    3. anwiii


      haha that's me :)

    4. web_designer


      this is the meaning in english "A hunter who can hunt without his hunting dog!" enjoy french language twisted

  21. I think this man is a real looser!Ok he failed and get his chil at the age of 14 , but he must learn from his mistake and teach his progeniture that having unprotected sex under the age of majority will cause pregnancy and tehy will have children , and wont have time to look for their own futur or career!I know a girl who was pregnant at the age of 12 years , but now she is a prostitute , and living from prostitution , she couldn't complete her study , and since her parents abondoned her , she get away and needed money to live , so....bad choice!
  22. it still doesn't work for me too. If you do know the problem then fix it and post again. here is the proof :
  23. You know this forum will never be active as the past unless we all post new articles everyday.Posting new articles not replies is the key to reactivate this forum again.I have registered to this forum to gain webhosting and domains , and in the begining it was really simple , so people have to create threat and you just have to answer or reply , and people are going to be lazy so articles get desappearing from a day to another and now we can see at most 3 articles per day!!If you want this forum to continue then you just need to post 10 posts a day like suggested before.
  24. Hey friends , i've already started the French learning program in the tutorials section So please give me your ideas ,suggestions you are all welcome.
  25. No buddy , i think its a new way to block freedom , people have the right to express them selves by speaking , writing manifesting ,...anything.And i think that's a constitutionnal right ,freedom of expression is a right for everyone , even Egyptian.If the Egyptian government has a problem with someone or some community , then they should deal with them , not with the entire nation.
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