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Posts posted by brandice

  1. Have you made any changes to the way you are studying? Maybe you are distracted now? There are several different ways to learn and retain things. I found that for myself, taking tons of notes works the best. I will even add things into my notes that have nothing to do with the lesson, like what people were wearing or what I did before I walked into class, because for some reason that helps me remember everything that is being taught. Some people need to tape lectures, others need to draw pictures or diagrams to help grasp new concepts. Most colleges and universities offer classes or one day workshops that will show you how to study more effectivly and how to adjust to your new surroundings. That could be the whole thing, you might be overwhelmed by this new place.

  2. Good work m^e. I know that these things were around before I joined, but it's still worth congratulating you for. You mentioned SMF uses a BBCode parser. How could I add my own BBCodes to SMF? (Or even Simpleboard for Mambo?)


    To make custom BBCodes in SMF, you need to have some extra mods installed, Faster Parsecode and Custom BB Code. You might also need one called ModSettings Textarea.


    Once you have those installed you need to the Edit Features and Options page. There will be a box where you put your Custom BB Code tags. you can add as many as you like, one per line. something like:


    google <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; target="_blank">$1</a>

    will give you a google tag, where the $1 is replaced by whatever the user puts between the tags. I could go into greater detail, but that might mean it would be easier to make a thread in the tutorial section. :(

  3. The place I live seems very safe and clean. There is a special route where everyone goes at night and walks after dinner. It's like a three mile circle around the whole place. The other night though, my sister and I were walking and it suddenly got dark. Half of the streetlights were out and it got pretty spooky.Where I grew up in California, I lived in a very racially mixed neighborhood- I guess nowadays it would be called "lower middle-class". White, black... people from Mexico, Vietnam, Russia, Germany, Japan... and now I actually feel safer and more comfortable in a place where there is a mix of people.

  4. There are a lot of people who have come here after me that have a lot more posts than I do. Still I see a lot of them saying that they have been suspended. I've been here since September 04, and I've made less than 400 posts in that time. I've never gone low enough with the credits to be suspended. So I don't have a problem with the way the system is now. You just have to make sure you spend your time wisely and go to the sections that might interest you where you'll have something to say. It's really not that hard.

  5. The way I got mine is not one of the options in the poll. Right at the beginning of gmail, they were giving out free accounts to anyone with a weblog at Blogspot, or blogger.comI saw the little ad on the side for a while before I finally decided to sign up. This is interesting, I just checked my oldest email to see that I signed up on 4/25/04. When did it start?

  6. You need more information right at the top of the page. When I got to the site I just saw the girl and google ads on my screen. I sort of got the impression that was all there was. You don't want people to have to scroll down to get information. Perhaps you could have the google ads going up and down on the side of your main text instead of taking up all of that room on the top of the page.

  7. Wow I can't believe how i was fooled. Anyway I needed to confront this girl who scammed me this whole time. So me and my sis drove 2 to PA..

    why? To scare the daylights out of her so she wouldn't 'scam' someone again? If she gave you someone else's picture and lied about things, there's a pretty good chance she did not want to meet you.

    I guess she learned a lesson, but that's pretty frightening.

  8. I don't agree at all. I think that schools put too much of an emphasis on getting computers in schools already. Computers are just a distraction. If all students had computers, teachers would wind up spending most of the time teaching how to work and how to fix the computer, and trying to see who was goofing off instead of doing their work. Plus, it would be way too easy to fudge your way through school. Think about it- your computer could do your math for you- it could fix your spelling mistakes. You might think, "Really though, when we get out of school we are just going to use a computer for everything anyway." You need to know the basics in life, though. What if the power goes out? lolThere's something to be said for good penmanship as well.

  9. I agree with everything you've said... I think it's kinda weird to think you're in love with someone you've never seen in real life. But then again, if you always go on webcam or talk on the phone or whatever, it gets more real. I mean if you only IM like once a month and then you think you're in love that's just weird. But if you've been talking for aaaaaages and on the phone/webcam etc.. why not? I agree with the vibe thing too lol. You can't really know peoples' mannerisms unless you meet them in real life.

    The guy that I met, we emailed each other several times everyday for about a year and a half. Huge emails. We talked on the phone a couple of times but it was a little awkward, I thought maybe it was because we were both nervous- but we really didn't 'gel' on the phone or "in real life." I think mostly I fell into a game, there was nothing really real about it at all. I did a lot of soul searching afterwards and I realized that I was trying to get out of a situation in my life more than I was interested in him. And it was probably the same thing for him.

    That was from 1998-2000. Afterwards, I decided to do things "normally" :lol: I still talked to people online, but I kept a certain amount of distance for quite a while. Until about a year ago, I guess. I started making an effort to get to know some people a little better that I had been on messages boards with for several years. There's one guy (who lives on the other side of the world) that I've chatted with almost everyday for the last year. (He's sent me pictures and video of himself so I know what he's like in that respect. :P ) We've also talked on the phone a couple of times in the last month. It's been going along very, very slowly compared to how some people do things, I do "like" like him, but I won't go so far as to start throwing around serious words. So, anyway, we've talked about meeting a few times and I have decided to go meet him. That will happen in a few months so, let's see what happens this time.

  10. I learned my lesson the hard way with this topic. I do not believe that it is possible to actually fall in love with someone over the internet. You can feel very close to someone, you can share things and become great friends, but it's just impossible to feel real, true love for someone that you've never been in the presence of. It's so easy to hide things, sometimes people don't even realize that they are doing it. Most people wouldn't think to tell someone over the internet that they make some annoying sound when they chew or that their snoring is louder than an airplane taking off. Those seem like petty things, but they really do add up. Also (at the risk of sounding like someone from the 70's) there's such a thing as getting a "Vibe" from a person. Sometimes you just don't feel right around people that you meet and it really turns into a sticky situation when you've professed your love to someone online and then they wind up creeping you out in person.

  11. That really is a nice chatroom! I've been searching around for a better chat than the one that I have on my site- I've got a java chat hosted on another server, it's down about 25% of the time, and it's a little goofy that if I can't take off the word censors it's impossible for me at least change the bad words to something funny. :lol: I see that it can be intergrated with SMF and a lot of other boards and CMSs. I'm putting this at the top of my list for a replacement. Thanks!

  12. Alot isn't a word but "a lot" is the correct spelling. People couldn't distinguish the actual word when used it in a sentence. "Thanks a lot" is just as same as "thanks a bunch"--it is thanking for uncertain measurement. This is similar to "thank you very much." If one were to say, "thank you very many" it's saying that one can count the gratitude. However, by saying "much" it's implied that one's gratitude is immeasurable.

    You see people who've spent time in college making the "alot" mistake. Just like your explanation, I taught my sister when she was learning how to write, "People write 'a lot' 'alot' a lot, but that is the same as writing 'abunch.'"

    It's always stuck with her. :huh:

  13. I had a bit of a slow time of it when I first started up my board. The signature idea is the best. Also remember to put your site in your profile on any boards that you might go to. At those boards, send PMs announcing your new site to some of the people that you like. Not like spam, ask the people you are friendly with and make the messages personal, it will make for a better site once it starts rolling if you get people you like.

    Start some threads in those empty sections. I know some people will have a fake account or two at the beginning so it looks like there are people there, but you can just ask your friends. As time goes on you will find yourself modifiyng the catagories and stuff to suit the people who end up going there.

    Make sure to welcome the people when they show up and try to be nice, it is one thing to get people to sign up but another thing entirely to get them to post.

    I remember a website https://theadminzone.com/ that really helped me out when I was getting started. It started slow, but my board picked up after a while and it's been going strong for almost a year now. :huh:

    good luck!

  14. way back when in the days I was in high school, I was in this experimental English class where they attempted to see what would happen if they had 15 year olds debate hot button issues. It really didn't work out well at all, everyone in the class would all pick one side and I remember being the only one with an opposing opinion but I was too afraid to talk. This was most apparrent on the issue of homosexuality. NOBODY wanted to be on the "there's nothing wrong with it" side of the debate. When it came time to write our essays, I decided to spill my guts on the subject pretty much saying, "I don't see the problem with homosexuality, and I am sure that there are others in this class who must feel the same. I'm sure the peer pressure and need to fit in as well as the fear of being labled gay kept everyone from arguing on that side of the debate."The teacher read it out to the class without giving out my name, and it was met by a giant "nuh uh!" But it's how I feel, even now, so many years later with homosexuality getting more attention in mainstream entertainment, most high school students are afraid to speak out about these sorts of things.In the end, I sort of told one of my friends that I had written the essay and the next day more people than usual wanted nothing to do with me. :huh:

  15. That's a tough situation. The only thing that I can think is that you have to stay away from him for a while. That doesn't mean you have to go hook up with some other dude to keep your mind off of him. Find something new that interests you, like taking a new class or going someplace new on your own where you can be completely distracted from thinking about him. It's going to be hard to make those sorts of feelings fade if you are buddy-ing around with him all of the time.

  16. HI , Im new to Xisto . But i have seen the config this hosting offers . I really wonder Y would some1 try THIS hard to INSTALL PHPBB ?? wierd

    You have something called FANTASTICO ( in cpanel = which i wonder if ppl even peep into )

    just go there , That is one soft that i really lookout for , in almost all hosts . This thing , lets u AUTOMATICALLY install all OPENSOURCE ( free ones ) softwares . :huh:

    using that , you can create a phpbb in SECONDS

    This isn't just a regular phpbb though, it's fully modded. Which I think is a great idea, since everytime I try to start up a phpbb I end up screwing the whole thing up because I try to add to many mods on my own.

  17. I guess the basic thing to remember is to be nice and try not to be obnoxious. Here's something you should never say to a girl (or anyone). The other night I was talking to this friend of mine and I told him that he'd just made me lose my appetite. Never, ever respond to this comment with "You're welcome." It was such a terrible reply that I thought it was funny, and the fact that I don't see him as dating material probably helped, but there are a lot of girls who might be seriously offended by that.

  18. I do see why the symbol is taboo in the western world. Whatever meanings the symbol had in the past have forever been replaced. As for the building, it appears to be four buildings with a sort of courtyard in the middle. But someone along the line had to have caught on to what was going on with the shape.Interesting edit- I've looked up what is in that area and it seems that it is a US naval base. Can that possibly be right? :huh:

  19. When I was little, I used to have long bangs that would hide my eyes sometimes. The teachers used to yell at my mom to cut my hair because I couldn't see. She would cut my hair but I still couldn't see! It took until I was about in the eight grade and I had a completely different hair style that someone caught on, maybe I needed glasses.And then, being in school, I was very self-conscious about how everyone thought I looked (hardly anyone at all wore glasses) so the only time I ever wore my glasses was when I knew this boy I had a huge crush on was going to be walking by the window of my english class and I wanted to be able to see him.Now, I wear glasses all of the time. I don't mind how I look with them, but I would like some new frames. I'd get laser eye surgery if I could though. I am afraid of contacts.

  20. I think Snape is good. as I may have said somewhere before here, I believe that Dumbledore was actually dead/dying for the entire book 6, as seen in his decaying hand. Snape was keeping him alive with the potion that he explained in his first class of the first book. This Fawkes is a horcrux theory sort of explains why Dumbledore had Snape 'kill him' at the time that he did, he's still got a lot to tell Harry.

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