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Posts posted by brandice

  1. Seeing as how this is in the google forum, I thought I would do a search. My quick research has told me that they can not eat vegetables, but they do eat the insects that might destroy crops. So, if you were hoping that toads would eat the vegetables that your parents are making you eat, you are out of luck. They are responsible for helping us have MORE vegetables in the world. :)

  2. I sense from your posts that there is a lot of stuff inside of you that you need to get out. You need to figure out a way to channel it into something productive. Find time to be alone- preferrably outside. I've learned this my my recent experiences. I wouldn't say that I have severe anger issues or anything, I've just been very annoyed with a lot of people. Walking to the park and sitting under a tree has worked wonders for me. Keep a journal and keep track of the things that set you off. That's sort of self therapy. If that doesn't seem to help, you might want to talk to a professional.

  3. Since google is my homepage, I usually accidentally search for whatever website I was trying to get to. :) I've always loved researching things. The internet and google make it so much easier. I'm usually looking up the names of songs, or lyrics. I never seem to bookmark any of the myspace profile editors, so I look those up a lot. Sometimes I search for my own name or my friend's names. Lately I have been entering a lot of the names of the malware I've been finding on my computer so that I can find out how to get rid of it.I think I do google image searches more than anything. The search I do there the most seems to be Whiplash the Cowboy Monkey. haha.

  4. BOAW! That's shoplifting! At fast food places, the refills are supposed to only be for that visit only. If you bring in a cup from last time- that's stealing. I'm not sure what the policy for refills at 7-11 is. I know this is probably not a popular view at all but I think they really should have some sort of marking system where the cup expires after a certain time. They weren't meant to be used over and over and I've seen people with some pretty grungy cups. I know a guy who would drop a baby before he'd let something happen to his foam cup. He washes it out with water but it's still just disgusting. I've thrown a couple away while he wasn't looking.

  5. Myspace is a great place for people with no design skills to show off that fact to the world. I got a myspace page about a year and a half ago because I saw it as a place where I could have some free space to put up some entries from a long forgotten blog. I went through the phase of adding every fake tom and every cartoon character. But now i use it as a way to keep in touch with people that I already know. I don't accept friends requests from strangers, certainly not one's from anywhere within driving distance of me.As far as online predators and all of that goes- I really think parents need to have some sort of idea of what their kids are getting up to on the computer.

  6. The part about rubbing a nickle on it might not work, but "not looking back" part will. Putting duct tape on them for a week is probably part of the same principle. It's all about not thinking about it. I know it seems weird, I had one on my thumb when I was probably 6 years old, and then my sister had one on her foot when she was a teenager. My dad would put a band-aid over them and say some kind of rhyme or something. He made us promise not to think about it once the band-aid was put on. we thought he was joking, but we played along. For whatever reason, it worked. Not thinking about it or looking at it worked better than that smelly Compound W stuff. That would only get rid of them temporarily.

  7. I use Blogger for the blog on my website. It's a good choice for someone who doesn't need a lot of extras on their blog. I've finally made a theme for it that intergrates right into my wesite so you don't notice it's from some other place.I have it set to publish onto my site here. I've found that this is a better option for me than installing wordpress or geeklog (what I was using before) from fantastico because 1) it takes up less of my space at trap 17, and 2) That part of the site will still run if the sql ever goes down.I do have some complaints about Blogger though, There are some pretty shifty sites using it. If you have that search bar on the top that says "next blog" that takes you to something random, sometimes your page might be linking to something x-rated or not suitable for the people who go to your site. You can turn of that bar in the template section of the control panel, though.

  8. The sex scene thing has been going on since they started allowing nudity in less than x-rated films, back in the early 70's maybe. And back then, they showed much more durnig PG rated movies. It's weird how what is acceptable for each rating has changed over the years.I do agree with you about how they don't care to much about plots now that they can use so many special effects. That gets annoying.

  9. That was just one theory I had there. I could have been totally wrong, I wasn't in the most positive mood when I wrote that. :rolleyes: Thinking back to when I was a teenage girl, although there were boys that I thought were cute or whatever, I had no interest at all in having a boyfriend. the thought never really occured to me. I had all kinds of friends that were boys, most of my friends were guys, but I never thought of any of them in that way.So if that's how she is, just be understanding. Someday she may decide that she's like to date and hopefully she'll turn to you.

  10. There are way too many topics here to get hung up on a few threads. I try to stick to the things I might know a little about or might have some interest to me. Slighty related point: it kind of bothers me when I make a long post explaining something and a day or two later I see a post in the same thread after mine that just looks like they took out a thesarus and rewrote my post. It bothers me when it happens to other people, too. But then that's all part of how this works. Another one: when you see an interesting thread that you might contribute to and you read three pages in only to realize that it's a bumped thread from five months ago that you already posted in. :rolleyes:

  11. Going way back to the original post (woman goes out with 4 alcoholics in a row...), I think that all people who choose to have relationships with other people go through a cycle of going out with the same exact person until they realize the mistakes they are making. As for the rest of it, way to stereotype everyone! It makes me think of an example from an old philosophy class. Say you have it in your head that all old people (for lack of a pc term) are bad drivers. You are driving along and someone cuts you off, you look over and it's an old lady. "Of course, old peopple are bad drivers," you think as several other old people drive past you obeying all of the laws, but you doen't notice them.Now back around to my first point, these aren't just dating relationships that we play over and over. Sometimes it's your own attitude that is making the people who choose to interact with you do so. You're only sending of a vibe to make the worst of the worst feel that they need to talk to you.

  12. I do have a chatroom on my site, but it's for people that i know and have talked to before. That's how I prefer to talk to people online, It's better than IMing because more people can get involved. It's a very scary idea to just go into a major chat site and chat with strangers to make friends or whatever. If you aren't chatting with some perverted old man, you are probably talking to a police officer! There's been a lot of coverage lately on Dateline about catching online predators when they show up at the "kid's" house. It's amazing- in a bad way- how many people they round up each time. And each show is only in one geographical area. It's terrifying to think about. If I ever have children they are never going online without me sitting right next to them.

  13. I would turn them in, of course. Whether it was an accident or not, the police should be involved just so everything could get sorted out. The longeer someone hides from the police over an "accident" the more their story looks suspisious.The $5000 would be a bonus :)Now, if this was changed to be a sister or someone in my family I might change my opinion on the matter. Let's hope that none of us really ever has to make a decision like this!

  14. It's a good idea to run a scan, or to look around and see what you actually have on your computer.It's possible to have viruses and stuff and not even know about them though. Things were going super slow on my computer a while back and I ran a scan. Somehow, we got this thing on our computer that was just constantly downloading files from Kazaa. The "My Downloads" folder had almost 7gb of stuff in it that nobody would have ever downloaded. I didn't know we had kazaa... one of the downsides of sharing a computer.

  15. We are not allowed to drink beverages or any alcoholic thing, it's the religion, How does it tastes?

    If you have ever smelled alcohol, it tastes just like that. Kind of yucky.

    I don't drink very often, but when I do I like kahlua or the starbuck's coffee drink. I don't remember the first thing I ever tried. My dad used to give me sips of things when I was little. (I know that is horribly wrong!)

  16. There is a default account set up with your main account and each of your subdomains automatically. You can check in the "Default E-mail account" section of your cpanel to see how many you have. I am sure there's probably a way to delete them. Since I don't give out those addresses and have never planned on using any of them, I have them all set up to forward all incoming messages that I might get to a gmail account. "Aliases / Forwarding" is the section you should check out to set that up.

  17. I looked at your page source to see if there were any problems that I might pick up on. I found a couple of misplaced html, head and body tags throughout the page.

    <td colspan="12" bgcolor="007A00" valign="top"><center> <html>
    <font size="+2"><b>Welcome to Dn Games!</b></font><br><br><br>

    You should take out everything between <center> and <font...>

    and again, the body and html tags don't need to be here

    Dagoth Nereviar / 10 Apr 06</body>
    </html> </center></td>

    Did that help anything, no. (sorry) but it might help avoid some problems in the future.

    My suggestion is that you split your page into three tables. With the title, and header navagation in a table with a width of 100% above the two tables that you have for body of the page. sort of like this:

    <table width="100%" height="75"><tr>

    <table width="74%" height="400" align="left">


    <table width="24%">


    You may have to work out the 74%, 24% bit to make your page work. Those were the values I used when making an old webpage of my own line up properly. Good luck.

  18. I agree with you. And people think I am crazy when I say that I don't think it's any of my business to know about a celebrities private life. I really don't care about who is hooking up, or where they are going on vacation.They have a VH1 show now where they just show footage of celebrities buying coffee and stuff. "Let's see what Heidi Klum has in her shopping bag!"How is this going to make any difference in anyone's life?

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