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Posts posted by brandice

  1. (when it comes to raping, that is different and is a part of different discussion)


    No, I don't think it is a different topic. There are times when the girl has no choice of whether they are pregnant in the first place. How do we stop rape and incest? Like I said, in a perefect world, all sex would be consentual, all people who did not want or couldn't support a child would use birth control that would be effective 100% of the time.


    Abortion should not be used as the sole form of birth control. It would be great if there was no abortion, but it's needed in the world.


    I have a close friend that is married and has a baby. But she nearly died after giving birth. Now, There's another situation where, as many precautions as she takes, if she does happen to get pregnant- abortion will be the only answer. When the mother's life is at risk, abortion is completely acceptable in my mind. And that's not a different topic either.

  2. There is a great deal of cheesiness at myspace, but I think it's pretty cool. The errors and downtimes can be quite annoying. (on a side note, I didn't know about rupert murdoch owning it. *edits out rant about what he did to the dodgers*) I've started to use the blog there more than the one at my own site. My favorite part about all of it is going in and changing the layout and design of my page every week or so. I'm thinking about sort of intergrating my myspace page into my personal website a little more. That way, I might start thinking about my page a little more. instead of filling out all of those personal survey bulletins.

  3. I don't go to shock or porn sites, I don't click on links in forums from people I don't trust. Like chuya, gmail has eliminated my hatered of spam since I never have to see it anymore. But I really don't have to think to hard to know what the worst thing on the internet is-Just like in real life, it's annoying people. But the annoying people on the internet have ways of looking into your personal stuff and spreading rumors much easier. And people on boards who have to post every little 'dramatic' thing in their lives like the world would stop if we didn't know that their new dog was house trained or that their boyfriend just said something cute. Or the people who rack up 19000 posts that mostly consist of a single smilie.All that, and pages that are too wide so you have to scroll sideways.

  4. It's called Pro-Choice because women should have a choice. We're not all out there wanting everyone to 'kill their babies." In a perfect world, there would be no need for abortion. Young girls with no alternative would not get pregnant, there would be no rape, women would not have life threatening conditions that would end in death for themselves or the child if they stayed pregnant. But the fact is- we need that option, we need to have the choice.

  5. The whole thing about Kerry changing his mind over the war was blown out of proportion by the Bush campaign. They called Kerry a flip-flopper when what happened was Bush's people had congress convinced that they knew where weapons of mass destruction were and that they were going to be used at any time. And then he came to his senses and admitted that he made a mistake. Kerry's platform was sort of, "We shouldn't be there but we can't just leave now that we've gone in and mixed everything up. But let's try to get out as soon as possible"Bush didn't get the most votes in the first election, but you've got to aknowledge the electoral college, even if it is a bunch of hooey and a subject for another long rant. The second time he won I think there were more sinister things going on than the first election. Many voting machines in democratic areas didn't work or sent out the wrong information. It also didn't help that a lot of the people who were into that whol P. Diddy "Vote or Die" thing only registered for merchindise and didn't actually vote. :)I agree on the hating the sound of Bush's voice. Even when he was the governer of Texas I couldn't stand him. He just sounds so dumb. I can't watch him when he comes on television, I need to read things later on. He's embarrassing. He won the first term as governer here due to the fact that his father had been president, and people are into nepotism 'round these parts. He won his second term (where he promised not to leave to run for president!) because people aren't really into change when things aren't going so bad in their own lives. His platform for the second term that he used in his commercials was extremely scary to me. "If you are a teenager and you are pregnant, get married. Everything will be okay" Really dumb, but that was his whole campaign.

  6. I have run a few chatrooms over the years and it's a lot of fun when I am talking to someone I know from a board or something, but when strangers come in I sometimes don't know what to say. Just hopping into a public chat and trying to converse with 'strangers' is kind of scary.To be on the safe side, I try to stay away from talking to anyone who lives within a four hour driving circle of me as well.

  7. I use Simple Machines. You can put one on your site here through the Fantastico thing. The really neat thing is the package manager, where you can upgrade and add mods to the site through the admin panel- no messing with the code and getting lost trying to add mods on your own! The SMF help board is really friendly and quick as well, so if you ever have any questions they get answered right away.

  8. It's funny, because to most of the people in the world (and maybe most people on here?) 'football' is soccer. :huh: Anyway, I stop on soccer almost anytime I see it on television now that my sister has gotten more interested in it (she started playing a few years ago so she likes to watch to see how "real players" play) I haven't picked a favorite team or player though. I think her player is Ruud van Nistelrooy.

  9. When I was little I used to spend about a week a month at my aunts house in El Centro, California. It would get around 120 there- sometimes a little more. I remember I would actually play outside!I live near Austin, Texas now, and it gets just about as hot here, but it's more humid. Last week it was 115 degrees! It's Fall, it should be cooling down. I stay inside most of the time now. During last year's heat wave in August though, our air conditioner broke for a week and a half. That was horrible beyond words.

  10. I think it probably wasn't because the guy was shy. Some guys (most guys? I don't want to start lumping everyone together here but...) just don't think girls should know certain things. It's happened several times with my brother in law- my sister and her family live in this house with me. Even though he works at a gaming store, he doesn't think that girls know anything about anything technical. He bought a cable modem and didn't know how to hook it up. I told him, very simply, how to do it. He kept it in the box for almost a month until he could ask some guy at work, who told him exactly what I said. Really stupid things that anyone should know, he has to always get an opinion from a boy. I'm a very calm person. I handle pressure situations well. But when he somes home and explains what he needs to do to get the wireless router to work, and it's what I told him three days ago, I actually feel violent. :huh:

  11. Well, I don't think i gave him any real hope that he would be able to come back whenever he wanted. I totally cut him off and stopped talking to him. I finally let him come over last weekend. He was pretty heartbroken over me not wanting him back, I couldn't feel guilty though. It was a situation that he got himself into. One of the toughest things about breaking up is when the other person wants to have a long talk and go over everything that was ever wrong or right. So now that that's finally over with, I feel totally free! Woohoo!

  12. My sister once told me, "the reason I pick on you is that i know you can't take it." I changed the way I reacted and she stopped.This girl trying to get you all razzled, that's the fun in it. Act as though you do not care and she will get tired and move on to something else.

  13. Doesn't it always seem to happen that when you drop by to see how many credits you have, and it's really low (like right now I am at an all time low of 4 days) those are the days when you just can't find anything to post in? let's see... to topic #2- my sister is always dowloading things, I always like to think that someday we will buy all these things legitimately if we were ever to get enough money to spend on such things. Of course that will never happen. :ph34r:topic #3- a combo of any good cleanser, any astringent (like sea breeze or even aftershave, I guess) to clean out and tighten your pores, and then a mosturizer or lotion, no more than twice a day along with a mask once or twice a week should be all you ever need.

  14. A couple of days ago a guy swore around me and started to apologize. I asked him why, and he said he tries not to swear around girls. I thought that was sweet. Do the kids today take whether or not there are girls in the area into account when they cuss? But then girls swear just as much as boys. A girl throwing the f-word around is like a girl spitting.

  15. geez, Dawid. you must be having a great time in college. I hope you are keeping notes on all of this for a movie script. lol.sangdukseo, this reminds me of my first date ever. It was many, many years ago. This boy and I went to the movies, I let him choose what we were going to see. We got in the theater early and decided to sneak into one of the other movies for a scene or two. That movie we snuck into happened to be "Ghost" and it was the love scene where Demi Moore and Partrick Swayze are doing pottery. There's the song and the kissing and the clay everywhere, we start squirming, look around to see everyone making out or crying... then we looked at each other and started cracking up. Then we ran out and went to the movie we paid for, Steven Segal's "Marked For Death" haha.You have to have a bit of a sense of humor about the whole thing. Acknowledge the awkwardness and things will work out the way they should.

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