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Posts posted by brandice

  1. Even if it's just some emo phase/ritual, it's something that is going to affact these kids for the rest of their lives. This is a pretty serious problem and I don't think you should have to try to figure it out on your own. You really need to talk to your cousin's parents or guardians. Talk to your own parents, first, probably, and work out how you should approach this. You definatly need to get grown-ups involved in this. Perhaps the adults in your life might not know about cutting. You might want to get some information together on the subject to show them how serious it is. Visit some websites with them or print out some articles on it. These girls might need to go into therapy.

  2. How old is she, by the way? Lots of girls go through sorts of crushes on celebrities when they are younger. Maybe older girls as well, but usually by the time we're a little older we know how to keep things to ourselves. Especially if we're in relationships! If you've been going out for this long it just seems very disrespectful towards you.

  3. That's terrible to have to go through something like that and be in the confined space of a car. With a bunch of other people who were all probably complaining. :) I will always remember a camping trip to the Colorado River that my family took when I was a kid. It was very hot and my sister (the one whose husband busted the air conditioner!) got sunburnt and I had to share a tent with her. I don't remember anything about all of the fun we had on that vacation, I just remember her constant bellyaching.The air conditioner people are coming out tomorrow! Exactly 16 days after this all began. I was almost starting to get used to this heat. :P About three days into this mess, I was so miserable that I had to turn down a job interview. I thought there was no way I could get hired anywhere feeling so horrible. I tried to keep a positive attitude about everything, though. Everything works out for the best, things happen for a reason even if it takes a while to figure out what the reason is, all of that stuff. A week went by and I got a call on a different job. Thank goodness the man hired me over the phone! (I did have to go down to sign some papers yesterday) New air conditioner, new job... things might be starting to look up.

  4. There's this weird thing that girls go through when they are that age, maybe boys too. They think they are as grown up and mature as they are going to get. It's really a shame that she's gotten into this situation. It's easy at that time when you think that you know everything to get involved with these creepy and sick older men because they say things like how mature you are and you fall for it. The real reason that a guy will go after an underage girl is that they will put up with more. Women their own age won't put up with those guys' crap. Seriously, that's the only reason. This goes for men who are 22 and men who are really old (not really old compared to me, but compared to the poor girl) like the one in this sad story. Yes, I have strong opinions on the subject. If I were the girl's parents, not only would I "put an end" to the relationship, I would prosecute the man- probably after beating the daylights out of him.

  5. Our neighbor weed whacked the wires a few weeks ago, but I fixed that without a problem. I guess my brother in law didn't want to do the same thing so he ended up pulling the wires out of the inside of the unit with his hands. I still don't know how it happened, and it's still a touchy subject. It's been exactly a week now, and a different brother-in-law is coming to the rescue, he's got a friends who install air conditioners. Such a relief. It should be fixed by the weekend, hopefully.I'm trying to stay positive and not complain. I know there are a lot of people who don't have A/C in the first place who live in hotter places. I was talking to a friend of mine in chicago who hasn't got one, and it was the same temperature there as here the other day.I live in the middle of Texas. So, yeah, it's been pretty hot here. The only times that I've almost lost my mind in this time is when I've tried to get the dogs to drink some water and they won't. I've found that frozen french fries are a lifesaver.

  6. I don't know why I watched it, I think we had free HBO that weekend- the worst movie I've ever seen was called "Ed" and it starred Matt LeBlanc as a minor league baseball player who somehow has to take in a baseball playing chimp (a guy in a costume, actually! lol) that belonged to Mickey Mantle. In second place would be "Lost in Space", which also starred Matt Le Blanc.

  7. I try to look on the positive side. It only feels about 100 here. At least I am not in South Dakota or something! I've lost 10 pounds- that's not bad. I've been keeping as hydrated as I can. I have the ability to shut everything down and go into a semi-comfortable coma. On friday afternoon, a day and a half after it happened, he called the insurance company and they told him they would send out an adjuster to see if they would cover it in 1-2 business days. My sister's been complaining that it's going to be 2 business days before they say they aren't going to cover it. So last night, my brother-in-law was talking about how it was amazing that a few little wires could control the air conditioner in the whole house. There must have been something else wrong with the unit! These statements will be funny to me one day.

  8. Last night my brother-in-law was mowing the lawn and he decided to get on his hands and knees to be careful and pull weeds around the air conditioner. Anyway, he ended up pulling all of the wires out of the thing, breaking the air conditioner on the hottest day of the year. He came in the house and said, "does the air conditioner seem to be working ok? Because I was down there and..." he didn't finish. Later he changed his story and said he was no where near the thing. My sister then claimed that the air conditioner has been broken for several days. We would have felt it! She would have been bellyaching long before now!It's just frustrating. Not taking responsibility so you don't have to do anything about fixing it. They could call someone out, but they won't. If I didn't have to worry about my poor dog, I would be sitting in the freezer section of the grocery store or something. I have a way of conserving all of my energy so I can at least try to be a little more comfortable than everyone else. And then they try to make me feel guilty about it. The only thing worse than being miserably hot is having to listen to someone complain about being miserably hot. I try not to say anything. But here I am rambling.

  9. Just being yourself may suprise you, ive pulled amazing looking girls who I honestly didnt think I stood a chance with just by acting normal. If they like you great, if not its their loss - thats how I look at it.

    This is part being yourself, part having confidence in who you are (which all girls love!) and part seeming not to care either way. <_<

    My mom once gave my sisters and I some advice when we were younger, "The quickest way to get a guy to be crazy about you is to not be crazy about him." The number one way to get someone to be more interested in you is to seem as though you aren't trying so hard for someone to be interested in you. I don't mean that you need to ignore someone and brush them off. I just mean you need to be yourself and friendly but you have to go in with the "whatever happens, happens" attitude.

  10. I think the site looks pretty good. I would probably use a different font though. There's nothing wrong with a simple and easy to read font, especially when the site looks so professional anyway.as far as polls go, I just looked into the thing called "advanced poll" that you can install through fantastico here. It seems to have everything you might need in a poll system, you can have mulitple polls and change the templates.

  11. I was just having some problems with a certain type of pop-up over the past couple of weeks. I'd been doing regular scans with ad-aware and spybot search and destroy, so I thought that was all that was wrong with my computer. I sent in my log to one of those helper forums and, boy, was I ever wrong! I had all kinds of viruses and spyware on my computer that weren't actively doing anything that I was noticing. It took three days of instructions to clear everything of my machine! And now everything works much better. I had just gotten so used to the way things were running.

  12. There are only scoreboards in the really fancy places. :)There are couches at nice department stores and Las Vegas casinos. I'm going to give up all of the bathroom secrets right now, so don't read the rest if you'd like to keep your happy ladies room illusions in place. ;) You know what it is? I think that a lot of girls don't want to announce that they need to go to the bathroom, so when one is bold enough to do so, the rest of the girls will go along because they have to go as well. As far as the amount of time spent in the bathroom- what boys might not know is, at public places that lines in the girl's bathrooms are very long! Most of the time is spent waiting in line, hopping from one foot to another. And then, after "the racing." We will sometimes fix our hair and makeup, check to see if there's anything in our teeth or nose, and then ask the other girls the same questions we asked when it took us 3 hours to get ready to go out (because things could have changed on the way over) "do I look fat in this?" "Does my butt look big?"Oh, I just remembered. As far as bathroom cleanliness goes, first off, it depends on the cleaning staff and then it has to do with the people who use the bathrooms. My mom used to be a janitorial manager at a big fancy company. There were three levels of workers and they each had their own bathrooms. With lowest paid workers, the men were much messier that the woman. The mid-levels were the same. And the highest paid men kept their restrooms clean while the executive woman were almost worse than the lowest paid men.

  13. I just found this topic after being a little disturbed by how quickly the relevant ads for anything I've just sent off pop up in the RSS feed space. I've found some really strange ads during the time I've used gmail, I don't really mind too much, I think they are very curious. For example, there's so much space in gmail that I like to use it as sort of a notepad and I often send letters to myself, to-do lists and such. Sometimes I'll look back on my checklist and find that they've placed ads for suicide counselers in there! "How to win back the girl who dumped you, even if she doesn't want you back." I didn't know my grocery list was so morbid.As for having any personsal info shared or any of my stuff read, I might be paranoid or something- but I've always just believed that anything that I send over the internet is not going to ever be completely safe.

  14. I'm trying to see if I can not go onto my own message board, which isn't very easy. I've checked in, but haven't signed on. My little "break from the internet" has turned into a "let's see how long it takes for people to notice I am gone" and it's really knocked me down a notch or two. :) Granted, it's only been about three days. But still, it's starting to get a little annoying. I need to go read a book or something.

  15. exactly, Johnny. It's the parents who should know better. You don't take small children into the theater. and if you do, you have to know that your kids are going to behave. If they don't, it's time to leave.I remember taking my little sister to the movies when she was very young, she was very well behaved but at a certain point she turned to me and said that she was finished watching this movie. I knew what might of happened if we would have stayed, so we left. The only thing she did that might have distracted anyone from the movie was turning around to the screen as we left, waving and saying, "thank you!" As a movie goer, people need to think about the times they are going to see movies and which movies they are going to see, as well. If you are going to see Cars, there will probably be young children. If you are going to something PG or PG-13, it might be a better idea to wait until later in the night.

  16. Reading this back, what I wrote does seem a little morbid! What I meant was- does anyone feel like giving up the internet and all of the things involved in it?Life's okay, it's just the dependence on the computer that was bringing me down. I was thinking about it a bit last night- I think I am going to take a break for a while. I've got enough days on my hosting to not have to check into my own forum for a while, I don't need to go to any other forums or answer email or sign into myspace. Maybe I can come back in a week or so with a fresh outlook. Or maybe I'll find something better to do.

  17. I've made all sorts of online friends in the past, and I got bored and just moved on. Now there's a new group and I just don't know. Maybe it's because I've spent this Saturday night having a few drinks and sitting on the internet with nothing to do. Does anyone else ever feel like just giving it all up? I feel like I am stuck in a rut. I haven't learned anything new design wise lately, either. That usually makes all of this exciting again. Has anyone else ever thought like this? What did you do about it? I'm such a nerd. :)

  18. And the police will have to spend all of their time tracking down grannies and stuff while people are getting beat up in the streets. There's are many slippery slope arguements that can be made for why tabacco shouldn't be illegal. Everyone knows that it's a horrible thing, but people have been using this stuff since the beginning of time. I disagree with part of what glamour trash said about pot smokers. Tabacco might mess with their health more than pot. I don't know. But pot messes with their brains, seriously. They just don't realize it because they are hanging out with other stoners.

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