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Posts posted by brandice

  1. I've never abbreveated words online, so posting here hasn't changed me in that way. I have found that I tend to use more words than I I usually would to make sure I am getting my point across the first time. (I think that had more to do with all that time with no edit button and not wanting to double post)It's a bit harder for me in chatrooms sometimes because I feel like I have to explain myself and before I can hit enter the people are on to another topic.

  2. You need an invitation, I believe there is a section here dedicated to exchanging invites. like alissa, I have had a bunch of different email accounts at a bunch of different places. I can't even remember all of them. I've pretty much given them all up for my gmail. It has nothing to do with the amount of space provided (although I am an email packrat and I never delete anything) I like the way you can give one message more than one label. That's so much better than the old folder system.

  3. It can take a while to get a forum up and going with a lot of topics. Like the posters ahead of me said, ask your friends first. Sometimes it's better to be more specific with your topics than it is to have a wide variety of sections. And don't stick with the default theme with any forum software that you choose- make your place stand out.Posting at other forums is important, but don't spam- join in the conversation and have a link in your signature. When you find people that you get on with at these other forums invite them to your site personally in a PM. That was the thing that really got people coming to my forum. Once the people that I invited checked out my forum and signed up, I sent them a welcome PM and told them to let me know if they ever wanted any features added to the board. I tried to make it seem more like the BBS belonged to everyone, and that made the users that I had invite more of their friends.Extras are important as well. I intergrated a chatroom and an arcade into the board, and some people signed up just to use those features, but they eventually joined in on the discussion. Good Luck.

  4. This must be something that people think of a lot, my sister just brought this subject up with me the other day.

    There must be a way that science can know and measure how people see colors. Otherwise, there wouldn't be somthing like this website: http://www.wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/index-en.html where you can find a color scheme and then see what it looks to people who have various sorts of color blindness.

  5. It's tough though- when you know the guy in person, I mean. There's this don't hurt the poor guy's feelings switch in a nice girl's brain that goes on when a guy asks us out. :)


    Let me tell you though, as DogEater said, it will save a guy a lot of trouble if you can just say "no. I am not interested." instead of having him stew there and wonder. AND it will save you a whole lot of trouble as well. You're going to have to do this a whole lot of times in your life, and it'll really take a lot of stress out of your life if you can learn to nip these things in the bud.

  6. They seem more grown up today, maybe. Kids are sujected to a lot more things today than they were just a few years ago. The same thing could be said for when I was a teenage compared to when my mom was. But the thing is- a 14 year old girl is a 14 year old girl. It's never going to change. The stuff that we're actually ready for at that time is never going to change.Parents, though, sometimes they want to be that cool parent that let's their kids do the things they weren't allowed to do, or things have just gone out of control somewhere along the line. My parents thought they'd be those cool parents, they let my sister's boyfriend live at our house when she was 14! crazy! now she's grown up and has a family and is pretty strict with her kids to where they'd never even think of doing something like that.

  7. I had my hotmail address spoofed. The spam mails that people were getting weren't actually being sent by my account but the bounced back errors were being sent to me. It's possible for people to send email using any address that they want and they don't actually need access to your email account, changing your password really won't do any good.


  8. I'm a "grown up" that is totally hooked on Harry Potter. I saw the first two movies before I read the books. It's amazing, especially with the last two books, how much they can cut from the books and still make a movie that makes sense. That being said, the books are much better than the movies.

  9. I think that I am qualified to give parenting advice. Not only have I been a full time babysitter (I don't just mean "watching a few kids once or twice a month while their folks go to the movies") for years, I've lived with parents and their children. At the moment I am living with a family that pays no attention at all to their poor little 4 year old. I see and hear all of the things that they "do wrong." Maybe they think it's alright to use two different, yet equally inconsistant, parenting styles, to never listen to their kids while they are talking and to reward them with donuts for have fits. They pretty much don't recognize that children are real people. *breath* There are just a few basic things that all children need. Attention, a sense of security and consistency, and encouragement. These things are more important than anything that Santa can bring. These are the things that will turn your little people into decent grown-ups. I know that I can't interfere. I have to let them do what they think is right. And this will produce grown-ups that are just like them, I suppose.

  10. phpbb is very good because a lot of people are familiar with it. But I would recomend SMF, you can install it through fantastico in your cpanel here. With SMF, you can add features like a chatroom or arcade to your board directly through the SMF admin panel. They've got a few chatroom mods that only take a few clicks to install. I've been using the Everywherechat mod in my SMF for around a year now. It's nice because people can also access the chatroom from an IRC client if they feel more comfortable with that.

  11. I been a babysitter for several years, and before that I worked in a toy store. I've always been an observer. I've sort of compiled a list of some basic things parents should remember. I know a lot of you might be too young to have kids right now, but these are a few things to keep in mind when those days come.-Hitting your kid isn't going to make them stop crying.-Counting only works when it's used in conjuction with a consistant form of punishment. It never works if you are just using it so you don't have to get off your backside and take the scissors/rope/wasp nest away from the child.-You are the grown up. Don't get into name calling fights with your babies.-On that note, kids are going to see how much they can get away with, never take their "insults" seriously. And certainly don't cry because a 3 year old tells you that you have a fat butt.There are several more things. t this in Vent right now by a little drama that is being played out in the next room. My sister and here family live in the same house as me. The 11 month old baby just had a dirty diaper, ripped it off and made quite a mess of things. "It happens to all babies, doesn't it?" my sister just said between screams.Sure, maybe. But it doesn't happen when the parents are LESS THAN THREE FEET AWAY. If you are that close to a baby in a diaper, you usually notice when that sort of thing is going on. To have the baby redecorate the room and while the parents don't notice is crazy.They need to get out of their own world and look over at the baby every once in a while.

  12. Right, see how much people will do just to be on tv. I think reality shows might be the least real thing on television. Let's see how people who are too rich or good looking for their own good do when we follow them around with a camera. Life really isn't like that. If it isn't scripted, it is edited to make people usually look worse than what they really are.I remember watching the first two seasons of the real world on mtv. Back then, things were a little closer to real life. The whole genre hadn't become known and so people were sort of acting how they really were. Just trying to get through three months or whatever with people they didn't know. Now I turn it past those shows and it seems that the kids on there are going out of their way to create drama, to become the one people remember from the show, you know? Within the first day they've all got it planned out to who they're going to hook up with and who they are going to hate.

  13. Take a little time. Being a little shy about this sort of thing can work to your advantage right now. If he just broke up with his girlfriend he might need a time. Just stay friendly with him and when he's ready he will have you on his mind, right? After a bit of time, if you get to a point where you feel you can't take it any longer, you just have to "bite the bullet" as they say and ask him out. You don't need to profess your love or anything :lol: Just ask him out. Take it from me, it's a lot harder thinking about doing it than actually letting the words out. Don't just say, "would you like to go on a date/be my boyfriend/marry me?" Be specific about something. "would you like to go see (whatever movie) on Saturday" or, "would you like to hang out at the mall on Sunday" something like that.

  14. I probably wasn't clear enough. Since I made the original post, my sister and I have purchased a plan at Xisto - Web Hosting for a website we have going together. I know that if I was to get paid hosting for the site I have now it could easily be moved over. What I am wondering now is if it is possible in the future to move my Xisto site to the space we just bought. I would probably have to manually backup and re-install my database on my own?

  15. I really don't know if I like either one. I have enjoyed each actor a little more in their least slapstick/wacky roles. That going off/nutty improv stuff drives me up the wall. A good example of this with Robin Williams is in the movie The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, where it all seems so well planned out and put together and the he came in and stuck out like a sore thumb.

  16. There are some basic situations in dreams that are universally known and have certain meanings, naked at school is a fear of being exposed, or not being ready for a test means you are afraid that you're unprepared for something. There's the chase, looking for a bathroom... all those sorts of things. But I think most of the time it's just a jumble of things that you've seen (even in passing) recently, things you've overheard, and sometimes things that are related somehow in your brain- like a six degrees of seperation thing. I don't know how to say it in a way that makes sense. Your brain takes all of this information, shuffles it up, and puts it into a story that is sometimes trying to help you work out a problem in your life. Sometimes I wake up from a dream and I know that it was meant for me to figure out a problem. The descriptions in books are not going to help there because when it really comes down to it, it's a "what does it mean to you" thing. Other times, I know that the dream I just had was meant purely for entertainment. Sometimes it's just a joke my brain is telling me.One of the weirdest dreams I ever had, though, had my mom, sister and I living in a car. We saw the space shuttle flying really low over where we were and a bit of it broke off and my sister and I went over to touch it. Soon it was found out that we were sick from touching the piece of wrekage. Then, my mom moved into a townhouse and when my sister and I showed up to check it out, none of our stuff was there and a lawyer was giving her a big check that she had got in a lawsuit from NASA. Sadly, the next week the space shuttle fell apart over Texas (where I live) and the news had all sorts of warnings about how you should not go near the wrekage if you found it because the radiation or something could make you sick/kill you. I really didn't know that could happen before then.

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