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Posts posted by brandice

  1. It's been a few months. I saw Fantomas and Melt Banana back in March. One of the best shows I've ever been to. I think I might be going to see the Melvins/ Trevor Dunn Trio next month. I'm not supposed to know yet since it's my birthday present!

  2. I'm sorry. I will take the joke out of my post and answer the question in a serious manner. I see that the title of the thread has been edited as well. Please forgive me if I offended anyone.I bought my mom a cd for her birthday four months ago and I haven't bought anything since then since I haven't been paid for my "work" in months.

  3. A few years back I went on a vacation with a incredibly boring person I met on the internet. (that was a really bad idea, never meet people on the internet, kids. I was lucky he was only boring and not a serial killer!) We visited my grandma and my aunt, and then we went to San Francisco and Las Vegas. I'd like to take the same vacation again someday, maybe alone or with a lively person.

  4. Ed- starring Matt LeBlanc and a guy in a chimp suit playing baseball. I'll never get that time back! It angers me to think of it. The Devil's Advocate was bad too. I hate it when you start to watch a movie and it seems alright and then it falls apart right at the time (about 4/5 into the movie) when there's no turning back. I actually stopped watching the movie Unbreakable when there was only 10 minutes to go. I didn't care about how it ended.

  5. So many different types of music out there is just congieled together to be called rock that I can't really say one band is the ultimate rock band because there are so many types of rock.

    exactly. Almost anything could be classified as rock.
    But you guys should listen to Tomahawk. :P

  6. Some of the best books ever written are children's books (like, anything by Roald Dahl) Having said that, I never planned on reading the Harry Potter books when they came out because they were too hyped up. I saw the first movie on dvd and it was good. Still didn't want to read the books... then I took my little sister to see the second movie at the theater and this lady behind me was explaining what was about to happen to her friend! So I planned on reading the books before the third movie came out just so that wouldn't happen to me again.I ended up reading all five books in five days. I thought they were fantastic. They turned me into a junkie. :P

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