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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. smf is a php-based system already.Try the previous suggestions to see if the language files are placed in the correct place and also that they exist, first.
  2. MKPortal has a very active community at their site. Have you checked there to see if anyone has already done what you need to do? No sense re-inventing the wheel here. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. codebox bbcode tags _linenums:0'>Post the code from the reithonry.php file inside <strong class='bbc'>codebox </strong>bbcode tags and do you have an .htaccess file for that account? If so, post it as well.
  4. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/This takes me to a Chat page Log-in screen. Should it?
  5. Do you realize that the index page for that site has 293 Warnings on it?I'm not so sure a site offering valid html and css files for download should have that many warnings, but that could just be my opinion.The Templates look good, and I'm sure the warnings on the Index page should not reflect on those Templates, but really, if the site is serious about attracting Web Designers that adhere to the standards, you would think they would work on fixing the errors on their main page.
  6. I think we'll need more code than that. The public_html Folder is the same as you would have at a 'lesser' Hosting Service as your account root folder. The www Folder is merely an alias Folder of public_html. DO NOT DELETE ANY FILES FROM WWW FOLDER, or they will be gone from the public_html Folder, too. Learned that the hard way once. When the php script throws that error, it cannot find the file you requested for the include. There is something wrong with your paths or permissions. You seem to have handled the permissions side, so let's focus on the path.. Post up the php source for the index.php you are using and are all the files in a single folder? public_html? Do you have anything in your .htaccess file that might be affecting the includes? mod_rewrites? Where is the script from? a CMS? Also, where does the anchor tag get created here: td valign="top"><?php include ("$id"); ?></td>There is not an anchor tag here to cause the link to happen, unless the include does that. What does your source view tell you? are the anchor tags getting created or not?
  7. I use a pdf creation software named cutepdf to enhance my pdf output. Actually, i have the cutepdf paid version, might be the paid version which has all the nice features, but I think the basic, free version can 'stamp' pdf pages, too. http://www.cutepdf.com/
  8. did you mess with the css file at all? or just the html / php side of the files?
  9. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Happy Hallowed Evening!
  10. on the main forum page http://forums.xisto.com/
  11. In my youth, if I had've exploded like that by screaming what you did, I would've been picking myself up off the floor about Tuesday of next week. Grounded is probably a better solution. I seriously hope that you have some time to consider that what you said was not acceptable and is worthy of the punishment you deserve. Consider it a bit of a lesson for the future when you are under a similar set of circumstances and need to refrain from such actions. There are things we can control in life. The circumstances leading up to having the urge to scream obscenities are sometimes beyond our control.Screaming obscenities is on the list of things we do have control over.*end Grampa Haslip lecture here*
  12. the Xisto has a sister company at Qupis. which may me suitable for your requirements
  13. Technically, I am not (yet) a Grampa... only to those members that are in need of a figurehead... That's okay... I don't mind.

  14. First off, change the "image" tags to "img" and that will eliminate 4 errors on the page.Then run the page through the w3c validator to see if the other warnings tell you anything.Post back here after you do those two things.*edit*###Newsflash###IE6 doesn't do png images. So, the problem is solved by changing the png's into jpg file types or, if you need transparency on them, into gif images.Alternately, there are javascript solutions, but it is simpler to alter the images into gif's.
  15. That's okay, Demonfire... not a big deal... Hidden First chance I get.... BAM!... Banstick Boogie...
  16. Serverph, Thanks for the fashionable headwear...and that Aussie is coming for the Snowboarding... not to celebrate my B'day...
  17. Only you would know that. The cpanel password *might* *should* be different than your Forum sign-on.
  18. Hey, dodgerblue, welcome back. Yes, BuffaloHELP is still around, and is now Admin for the Xisto and Xisto, too. https://xisto.com/ is the place to go. I am certain Opaque will do whatever he can to assist with the transfer. He is the guy to talk to, or possibly velma. I will defer the remaining questions to Opaque, Velma or BH.
  19. Please submit a report to https://support.xisto.com/ Thanks.
  20. Everyone's partying for my B/d Thanks, SM... when is yours???
  21. Sounds similar to the "Poor Man's Patent". When you have a good idea, write all the details down on paper, including any drawings you sketch up. Then mail it to yourself as Certified Postage, or registered Mail, in a sealed envelope, making sure that the Clerk at the Post Office stamps their "stamp" across the seal, or some such thing that requires special handling at the Post Office. Upon receipt of the package or envelope, stash it somewhere safe. DO NOT OPEN IT! You then have a dated verification that you actually had the design/concept prior to the date on the envelope for when somebody else comes up with the same concept and implements it at a future date. Sometimes the simple things are over looked, like just use the Postal Service. But your suggestion would be good, too, for things that are electronically transferred.
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