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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. jlhaslip

    Hey All

    Welcome to the Wonderful World of Xisto, [ JOHN ].Good to see (yet) another Canadian on the Forum. It is a big place. Which section of tthe country are you from?I'm from over near the Left Coast, in the Hills on the east side of BC.Enjoy your stay, and the Hosting is worth the effort spent here on the Forums...
  2. Think about it this way,,, Would a large International Bank use a free email service for their confidential contacts? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Check the email address in the above Contact Information.
  3. This email smells funny, like SPAM... or is that SCAM?If I were you, I would blacklist that email address, dis-continue any further contact, and DO NOT give out any personal banking Information.
  4. Members are reminded that discussing hacks, posting links to Warez, or other illegal activities are against the rules of the Forum.
  5. Yahoo! has apparently refused the original Bid, and Microsoft plans to continue the pursuit.Stay tuned, folks...
  6. If you want a 'common' snippet of php code added into all of your site pages, the system needs to know that the php is in there and that it needs to send the file to the php parser.Two ways to do that:1. rename the files with a php extension. ( you don't want to do that)2. Add the above to your htaccess file. (you will need to do this)Without the file extension, or the application/type redirect in your .Htaccess file, the php code will be treated as text and display on your page as raw code, possibly displaying stuff you don't want public, like Database Information.You need to do one or the other.
  7. I wonder if the reason you can't delete it is because if the Apache Server creates a file, the Apache server 'owns' it. You might need to have a script written to delete the folder since only an Owner can do certain things to certain files/folders on Apache.you might be able to have a script written to chown() the folder, not sure.But I am not an Apache expert, nor am I a Joomla guru.
  8. In order to have your 'html' pages parsed as PHP, you will need to create an .htaccess file and change the list of file extensions which should be parsed as php. This is done by adding the htm and html file extensions to the php application handler. There have been several Tutorials about how to do this. Here is one of them that is quite well explained. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/46392-do-you-want-to-use-php-code-in-your-html-pages-within-two-minutes-you-will/
  9. "Flat-file" Databases were used for a long time by lots of people to do lots of things. They work.For a small application you won't have much trouble and the speed won't be an issue. Flat file access is 'sequential', meaning you need to read from the start of the file to find the 'data you are looking for , whereas Databases are 'indexed', so read access starts at the data record you have the index for.As long as the product lists are not too large, or the requests for data are small, you will be okay. There are several Packages out there that might fill your needs. Check out Mylittlecms and Cutenews. Both of them run on Flat files, and might help you out. Check out their coding to see how they do stuff.As the site gets larger, and busier, you might need to bite the bullet and convert to a Database. On the otherhand, you might actually enjoy all the coding that you will need to do.
  10. jlhaslip

    Cms Book?

    Rather than takle a major CMS like Drupal, there are other smaller ones around that might be simpler to understand.Check out Nanocms or MyLittleCMS or sNews CMs is a good one as well. Snews is larger, with more features than the others, but is very customisable.
  11. First thing you need to learn is the location of the Caps Lock.
  12. The script you write will need to check the value of $_POST[name] and increase the counter for that name. Easy enough I suppose, but consider that I could sit at my computer all day and vote a number of times. This will skew the results, so I would do some checking of IP's and allow only one vote per IP. Another method to control the 'duplication' problem is to set a Cookie or a Session value to control duplicate votes. Or a time-based solution, allowing votes only after a period of time. There are likely several voting or Poll scripts available around the 'net all ready to go. Check at Hotscripts.com or Google on it. No sense re-inventing the wheel. Or search around the Xisto. looks like someone else had the same question once: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/35066-any-idea-where-i-can-find-a-good-voting-poll-script-multiple-topics/ Another possible solution is to start a Forum. Most of them include some sort of Voting or Poll system. Check out AEF Forums at http://anelectron.com/
  13. Very nice. A quick suggestion, a small one only... That is the only flaw that the Validator finds. Seems there is a stray p-tag running around loose... not a biggie, but as it is a 'Portofio' site, you should put your best foot forward and clean that little boo-boo... not a big deal, but since your About page suggests that you code to the standards, I would clean that up. No telling where it comes from because the page is php-driven, but I'm sure you can squash it easily. Excellent presentation. Very clean design. Nice work. OH! by the way, that IE6 png thing can be fixed. PM me if you want to give it a shot. A small javascript script runs on-load and fixes the IE6 Alpha layers. Not a biggie, either...
  14. The above Replies are exactly correct. It is typical of a Hosting Server that MySQL Databases be used to Create the Database and Users. Then you use phpMyAdmin to create the Tables, Manage the Data Records, etc.MySql and phpMyAdmin in a Hosting environment are different than the copy on your Localhost machine. Locally, you can use phpMyAdmin to do all of that, but not on a typical shared hosting Server. Too risky. It is actually a Security of data issue. And it in no way limits your access to or number of Databases available.Hope this answers your questions.
  15. Meta Tags go in the Head Section of your site and the Bots/Spiders read them to understand what your site is about. Also, the Meta Tag Description is often used as the Description found on Search Engines. When you Google and see the short line of information on the google search results, you might be reading their meta Tag information. The short answer is that "meta" information is "information about information", so in this example, you need information in your meta Tag about the information found on your Web Site. Link to read : http://www.highrankings.com/metadescription https://searchenginewatch.com/sew/how-to/2067564/how-to-use-html-meta-tags from Google, of course
  16. Google is your friend. http://www.searchengines.com/metadescription.html 250 characters, maximum.
  17. We will also need to see the contents of the CSS file, too.Post it up here...
  18. To centre the entire html layout, change the outer wrapper from being a class to being an id. Then add the css for the id=wrapper as below. The html for the outer div is easy to change into a div by simply replacing the class= with an id= and then the hash mark (#) says to handle it according to the rules for the id = wrapper. <div style="width: 800px;" id="wrapper">The suggestion to use align is not a Standards Compliance approach, although IE6 will require you to follow the margin settings with a text-align rule, because IE6 messes the margins up terribly, so the complete set of attributes for the outer wrapper becomes: #wrapper {clear:left;margin:0 auto;text-align: center;padding:0px;width: 800px;}That will handle the centering nicely. To draw the middle down, simply Google "faux columns" (no quotes). That is a proven technique to 'extend' columns. Might work for this application, not certain. It requires that you set a repeating background-colour for the wrapper div with the id to the colour for the middle side columns. The area which is not extending then shows the correct colour. One thing I noticed, too, is that the centre middle div has some padding-top which the side middle div's do not have. Either drop the padding-top from the middle section, or add it to the middle outer div's so they will then all be the same height. Hope this helps. *edit* <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/; xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <!-- Source is [url="http://forums.xisto.com; --> <head> <title> Div Practice </title> <style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/ html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100%; background-color: #ececec; } #wrapper{margin: 0 auto; width: 800px; } .topLeftCorner {margin: 0px; padding: 0px; float: left; height: 100px; background-color: #ff0000;} .topCenterBanner {margin: 0px; padding: 0px; float: left; height: 100px; background-color:#0000FF;} .topRightCorner{margin: 0px; padding: 0px; float: right; height: 100px; background-color: #000000;} .sideLeft{margin: 0px; padding: 0px; float: left; height: 100%; background-color: #666666;} .mainCenterContent{margin: 0px; padding: 0px; float: left; height: 100%; background-color: #000099;} .sideRight{margin: 0px; padding: 0px; float: right; height: 100%; background-color: #666666;} .bottomLeftCorner{margin: 0px; padding: 0px; float: left; height: 50px; clear:both; background-color: #CCCCCC;} .bottomCenter{margin: 0px; padding: 0px; float: left; height: 50px; background-color: #000033;} .bottomRightCorner{margin: 0px; padding: 0px; float: right; height: 50px; background-color: #CCCCCC;} #footer { height: 50px; clear:both; } .left { width: 50px; } .right { width: 50px; } .middle { width: 700px; } /*]]>*/ </style> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div style="width: 800px;" class="wrapper"> <div style="width: 50px;" class="topLeftCorner"></div> <div style="width: 700px;" class="topCenterBanner"></div> <div style="width: 50px;" class="topRightCorner"></div> </div> <div style="width: 800px;"> <div style="width: 50px" class="sideLeft"> L<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> </div> <div style="width: 700px;" class="mainCenterContent"> Content<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> </div> <div style="width: 50px;" class="sideRight"> R<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> </div> </div> <div> <div style="width: 50px;" class="bottomLeftCorner"></div> <div style="width: 700px;" class="bottomCenter"></div> <div style="width: 50px;" class="bottomRightCorner"></div> </div> </div> </body></html>Validates as xhtml strict at the w3c Validator. Still could be tidied up a bit. Checked in FF2, IE7, Safari on windows, Opera 9.25 and they are all good. IE6 that I have installed is not dependable for analysis. You will need to get that checked by someone else.
  19. Please read the Xisto Readme file (again). Warez and Cracks are not allowed here. Period. No exceptions. Posting the link will be a good way to lose your Hosting and your posting privileges... guaranteed.
  20. Go into your Cpanel and confirm that your Database user is "GRANTED" permissions on the Database in question.Use mysqlAdmin to define and grant the permissions, I think, and phpmyadmin to confirm that the permissions are granted for the user on that Database. Also, the Xisto prefixes the database and the user-names with the cpanel user names... just a reminder...
  21. I would suggest you contact https://support.xisto.com/ and submit a Support ticket. The re-instate script may be faulty, or your account may be under suspension for another reason. Not sure. mods do not have the complete picture sometimes.
  22. I have both IE6 and IE7 running on Windows XP using this link: http://tredosoft.com/Multiple_IE IE6 will sometimes look okay, but it behaves the same as IE7. Internet Explorer was not designed to allow different versions running on the same machine, so, expect a 'problem' or two with the pages once in a while. It will appear that a page is Okay in IE6, but when a real IE6 Browser finds the page, it will display "normally" (for IE6) and be messed up still, so I do not depend on the IE6 I have installed. Who does? On the positive side, IE6 is losing it customer base as IE7 and Vista gain strength. And Firefox/Opera, too... Check the Stats over at the w3schools site and see the 10% reduction in IE6 for the last year or so. About 50% of what it was 4 years ago. http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/default.asp Of course, these Stats are skewed by the nature of the people who visit the site. Many 'web-aware' Designers and Coders use alternative, more standard compliant Browsers, so you would expect the numbers to be higher for the non-IE browser because of that. At a Forum I run, the IE Browsers are still at 70+% but the Users are content with what they have. Many Users have the original browsers (IE) they received with the machine. So be it.
  23. You will need to earn enough credits by making good, quality posts to bring your account total back to +4 credits and wait for the re-instate Script.That information is in the Xisto Readme file.
  24. Several things to discuss, First of all, you will need to add/improve your use of Meta Tags for the site, Second, submit the site to google, DMOZ, Yahoo, etc. Third, tidy up the page structure. There are multiple Head tags, remove the embedded and in-line CSS. Fourth, Eliminate all the errors/warnings by checking the page at the w3c Validator Fifth, Add a DocType Declaration Sixth, and probably the most important, make sure your site has good content. Period. Lastly, circulate your Domain Name across the web, like at Forums. I see you have it in your siggy. Excellent, but make c eetain to add it elsewhere, too.
  25. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-yield_investment_program Nope. Read the article from Wiki. This stinks of SCAM.
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