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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Becca, I modified that sample file above to include your css and code. I added one td tag also, to show that the first css descriptor does actually work. Your css changes the colour of the first table cell because of the reference to the id = mini for the cell. The cell next to it reverts back to black because of the first line of your css where the td's colour if defined. The id=mini can only be used once on each page, whereas the class = red can be applied as many times as you want. That is a signifigant difference between using the id= and the class=. Any guess to what would happen when id= mini and class=bold? So now the first cell has id=mini (to make it red) and class = bold (to make it bold), so it could be done using both an id and a class. Except, it can only be done once on a page, and we now have three things to deal with. One name-id and two classes. If we drop the name-id, it can all be done with the two original classes anyway, so how come the single use id??? I would use classes only.
  2. Multiple Classes in Css Styles Classes are used in html pages to give certain defined attributes to elements. They are useful when the attributes are to be used in more than one place on a page. (Named Id's are only allowed once per page, but I digress... might have a tutorial on that some day.) Sometimes you want Red text and sometimes you want Bold text. Easy enough to do, simply define a class and apply it to the element you want red or bold. Use this class where you want on the page, since classes are enabled to be used in several spots, for different uses on a page. Meaning you could apply the class to h3 tags and selected spans, for example. .red {color:red}.bold{font-weight:bold;} Once in a while, you want Red and Bold text. Does this mean you must define a third class and use it? Nope. Css allows you to apply multiple classes to the same element by including both (in this example) classes to the element. <p class= "red bold">red and bold</p> Be sure to leave 'white space' between the class descriptors or the method will fail. ie: a minimum of one blank space between 'red' and 'bold'. Here is a sample link to show whether it will work in your browser. Notice that this file shows the Multi-class being used in both paragraph and span tags, and twice on the page as classes are designed to do. This code has been tested and confirmed working in the following Browsers: Opera8, Mozilla 1.7.3, IE5 Win, and IE5 Mac, with no hacks required, so it should work in most browsers. Multi-class Link Here Listing of the Sample file contents: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Multi-class Tutorial Html</title> <style type="text/css"> .red {color:red} .bold{font-weight:bold;} </style> </head> <body> <p class= "red">red</p> <p class= "bold">bold</p> <p class= "red bold">red and bold</p> <span class= "red bold";>red and bold</span> </body> </html> I hope this is helpful.
  3. Hmmm... this is getting more and more curious, because I migrated all over the "Web Designs by Donna" site and could't find a '404' anywhere. Even downloaded a set to have a look, but didn't raise any 404's.One page had a big hole in it where the background colouring was absent, but a refresh brought it back, no troubles. My browser is old and tired, so it is just as likely that the flaw was at my end. It doesn't happen often, but it has happened before.By the way, did you solve the table background issue?
  4. Oh boy, this'll certainly put George Dubya's knickers in a knot. Look what he did in Iraq? and they only used Poison Gas on their own population. Iran openly admits to the potential to have Weapons of Mass Desctruction? I wonder how the gang at the CIA will interprete this. Is there enough reason to act upon this potential? Do they have the method of delivery available? Are there any other compnents they are capable of producing which might lead to the actual threat of manufacturing a Nuclear Warhead or Bomb? Can someone Google to find out how much Oil production Iran has, please.
  5. I have recently built (by hand coding) a web site that includes about 27 pages and a two-level folder structure, and since I've been learning a few things about php includes and that sidebar-ul link generator (and hopefully some more stuff soon), I am thinking that I will re-create the same site using these new-found tools. What I would like to get out of this topic is your opinion about whether I should go about this by one of the following two methods:First, I could start from scratch and use Includes and the side bar generator and build an entirely new site, or, Second, I could slowly mod the existing site a section or so at a time to include the php coding.If anyone has had the same situation and could shed some light on the decision, I would appreciate them posting something here in this topic.
  6. Building an Unordered List of Anchors from a Folder of files This script reads files from the named folder and then builds a list of links from the filenames using the contents of the first <h3> tag as the link description and the file-name as the anchor href. The file should be a web readable file such as html or php. This script may come in handy for creating a list of clickable links for use in sidebars and on 'sitemap' pages. Simply build a series of html files and store them all in a single folder, ensuring that the description inside the first h3 html tag is suitable for using as the display field for the anchor list. The Folder name you use must be altered in this script to match your folder name, of course. This script could be used to generate a list of links in sidebars or on sitemaps. Be creative. This script is freely available for use by all who recive it. Sample page using this script (php coding based on a script supplied by Tyssen)(Thank you Tyssen) <?php $fileCount = 0;$folder = "folder-name-here/"; // change the folder to your folder nameif ($handle = opendir($folder)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {$filename =$_SERVER['DOC_ROOT'].$folder.$file;$fp = fopen($filename, "r");$contents = fread($fp, filesize($filename));$pos1 = strpos($contents,"<h3>");// look for the h3 tag position$pos2 = strpos($contents,"</h3>");// look for the ending h3 position$str_length = $pos2 - $pos1;// calculate the length between tag positions$title = substr($contents,$pos1+4,$str_length-4);// create a string based on tag position and offset$title_array[] = $title;fclose($fp);$file_array[] = $file;$fileCount++;}}}closedir($handle); if ($fileCount > 1) {print "<ul>\n";// start ul tag$iterator = 0;// this section prints the li tags, use css to define the attributes of the ulwhile($title_array[$iterator]) {$file = substr($file_array[$iterator], 0, (strlen($file_array[$iterator]))); print '<li><a href="'.$folder.$file.'">'.$title_array[$iterator].'</a></li>'; $iterator ++;print "\n\n";}print "</ul>\n";unset($file_array);unset($title_array);}?> Sample File Contents: <head></head> <title></title> <body> <h3>An article name</h3> </body> Sample page using this script I hope you find this useful. I may spend some more time on this and make a few modifications. If I do, I will post them here.
  7. Hey, that is cool. You could reheat soup and cruise the net at the same time. Sell the microwave and give yourself a good reason to sit at the computer... "I'm cooking tonight, honey..."
  8. ? Middle Eastern Holiday ? ? George went on a vacation to the Middle East with his Family including his mother-in-law. During their vacation in Jerusalem George's Mother-in-law died. With the death certificate in his hand, George went to the American Consulate Office to make arrangements to send the body back to the United States for a proper burial. The Consul told George that to send the body back to the United States for burial is very, very expensive. It could cost him as much as $5,000.00. The Consul told him, in most cases the person responsible for the remains normally decides to bury the body here in Jerusalem. This would only cost him $150.00. George thinks for sometime and answers, "I don't care how much it will cost to send the body back; that's what I want to do. " The Consul says "You must have loved your Mother-in-law very much considering the difference in price." "No, it's not that," says George. "You see, I know of a case many, many years ago of a man that was buried here in Jerusalem. On the third day he arose from the dead! I just can't take that chance!
  9. That Library computer may have been firewalled, but I think probably they had images controlled on it to avoid 'Adult' material from coming through. In Browsers, there are privacy and security settings which stop various features on the machine. In a public setting, or if childen are using the computer, it might be a good thing. On a Mac using IE5, select edit > preferences > security zones or ratings.On a Windows 98se O/S using IE, select tools > internet options > security or content.On Mozilla Browsers, edit > preferences > privacy&security > imagesWhere those settings are in the various browser, who knows?
  10. And if that fails, I'd be going back to the vendor and asking them to assist with this problem. If it is the script or the host, I am not sure, but the script supplier would be most familiar with the install of their product ( or should be), whereas the Host might not be.And furthermore, leaving you hanging isn't going t do their business ant good.They should be able to tell you exactly what that error message means and how to correct it.Good Luck. I'm off to bed now.
  11. I understand that. It may be that something is messed up from the first install.An un-install and re-install may correct that.
  12. Darkblizz,First thing I think I would try is to un-install the script and then upload it to the public_html folder. sometimes these things don't like to be anywhere else.Try that and post back here. Or ask if they can send you a new version. It might have gotten damaged as it was uploaded?
  13. Here is a sample file showing server absolute, relative, and absolute links. Jim's sample of linkingl Do a viiew source of test2-1 to see the worst case scenario. It can get ugly. Hope this helps some one.
  14. This member is hosted at Xisto - Web Hosting and as per the new format for the forum, he is here asking our advise and opinions. darkblizz: In order to assist you, please outline a few more details for the Xisto members to use in aiding you through this problem. What does the script do? What programming language is used? Are you connecting via ftp okay? Are the permissions on the account folder set correctly? We would like to assist, but need more info. Thanks.
  15. You are correct. The "../" tells the path to go up one directory. There can be multiple occurences, too, like "../../" to go up two levels. Do a Google on "relative links" because that is what they are. Also, search the forum here, because this has come up before. Also, on Apache servers there are "Server Absolute Links", but they aren't recognized on all servers, so use them carefully. Here is a link from our Xisto forums that might help. Relative Links - URLs
  16. I'll try to put things in perspective here for all you youngsters. In 1988, I worked for a Company that was running a remote computing system off of a PDP11, tape based machine. Then we got a "new" computer system. (A couple of 386 machines). Not connected to each other. We had to store info on disks and hand them to the other person for them to load into their machine. The machine I had to work with had a whopping 10 Meg Hard Drive. And I think 64 K of RAM. We used an IBM-Dos operating system that came on a single floppy. ONE of them. Not the High capacity hard shell disks, a real floppy disk. Anybody remember them? How much space does windows xp require to run these days? Of course, Windows XP lets you do a whole bunch more than the o/s's we were using. Any of the current Operating systems with the GUI's are better than the 'command line' os's.
  17. I think the previous poster meant really low.Does the ISP give any explanation as to wht the php is not working? Have you contacted the Customer Support centre? Maybe they are not aware of this? On the other hand, maybe they decided to no longer allow the php?
  18. Here is a link to a tutorial which explains using zip files how to upload a bunch of files and folders. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/23181-how-to-save-upload-time-in-cpanel/
  19. There is also a Freeware program called WINK that takes a series of screen captures and then blends them together. Might want to try that.
  20. Ummm, cpanel has to do with your account here at the trap. I don't think there is anything in cpanel that you can use for the website password thing unless you use cpanel to build a mysql database for that purpose. In any case, the cpanel password should not be confused with the access to a section of your site. The cpanel password is for YOU to access the cpanel. I guarantee there will be trouble if you give users your cpanel access. they will then be able to add / delete files, change security settings, all kinds of nasty stuff. Do a search for login scripts here on this forum by using the search feature found in the breadcrumb list near the top of every page to see what you can come up with. Here is a link to the search feature: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/68-web-design/
  21. I think there is a way to set and check cookies or session_id's using a php script in the password verification part of their first log-in. I am not a php coder, so I am only suggesting an alternative. I've seen some scripts that do that, but I don't have a link to a tutorial for it. sorry.Then, whenever a user enters a password protected area of your site, check to see if the cookie or session_id has been previously set. If it is good, then bypass the log-in portion of the script.
  22. Start here. This is a link to the Apple site. https://support.apple.com/en_US/downloads?cid=OAS-US-DOMAINS-guide.apple.com There is a link on the page for more information. Next thing you know, Apple will add the 'backspace' key,too.
  23. Must be something else happening there, because the w3schools has a sample here using a jpg as a background in xhtml. What Doc type are you using, Mich?
  24. Mich, I don't know if there is a good definition of Spam posted here, mostly because it is a contextual thing. Posts are expected to be a minimum of 25 words, but sometimes your answer would be acceptable if the point could be properly made in less than 25. On the other hand, a 200 word answer that adds no valid content to the topic could be spam. For example, if you are simply repeating what others have said in a new form, then it might be spam. As Moderators, we use 'guidelines' to determine spam, not neccesarily a strict definition. There are about 100 characters in the text box I am currently viewing. This may be different for your browser/display combination. I try to include a minimum of two lines in my replies. That would ensure a reasonable answer. If I don't feel that I can type that much in as an answer, I do not reply. Generally. Also, if you post a list of links, such as you have, it is preferred that they are inside quote tags, such as you have done. The 'guideline' would be a list of information is okay to about 30 percent of the content of the posting. After 30 per cent, it could be editted to include the quote tags, thereby reducing your credits received for the post..
  25. Maybe post a bit of the xhtml code and the w3c validator message that applies? Or post the URL for us to view the source?
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