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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Un-install the originl phpbb using the cpanel. Then re-install it, but do a database back-up first. You should not have any problems doing it this way IF the phpbb's are the same version
  2. It is a Browser setting I believe. Nothing to do with the Cpanel. Look for a setting in your preferences that asks about warnings when you access non-secure Internet pages. I forget the exact words and I don't use IE, so I don't have the actual phrase, but it should be under your security settings, I think.
  3. Duplicate topic as your one posted here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/35504-centering-page-of-html-at-various-display-widths-viewing-screen-shots-no-matter-resolution/ I'll be closing this one.
  4. I think you are over-emphasising the wrong part of the message. I would emphasis this part:
  5. For reference, read this topic from start to finish: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/34433-accused-of-hacking/
  6. Inspiron, all that got discussed by shoutbox and PM earlier. The member has a form already. I'll close this topic now. Thanks for your interest.
  7. There was recently a situation where this same issue was raised in the midst of a Member installing a 'Trial" version of IBP and it seems to me that it would not be allowed due to IBP's position that the only acceptable versions are those which they currently support. There were some security issues with the older versions of IBP and they no longer recommend using the version you are discussing, so I would have to suggest that installing it on the Xisto servers would be a bad idea if you wanted to continue your account here. This is a politically correct way of saying NO.
  8. Tyssen: yes, into the 'sandbox', I know that it takes a while for that aspect, but the site has been in place for about a year already under the shadow of the 'frameset' and it doesn't show at all when searching on google.W and W : The site has the meta tags for description and keywords in place on every page, but it doesn't appear to be getting the search engines / spiders to see them, so I doubt if the engines a) search the provider because most of the sites hosted there are personal sites or:angry: there isn't enough traffic to the Provider to have them visited often enough orc) the content isn't changed frequently? Once every two or three months might not be enough???
  9. I have a 'contact/email' form that will do that for you, but there is no sense in both Nova and I working on it. I will pm him a link to a zip file and it will be a good starting point for the form and it also writes the info to a file and emails to you, too. Just have to add the drop-downs.
  10. A friend of mine has a site Hosted at a 'regional' Internet Provider. The service is next to free I think because the service also provides the connection at their home, so I think she has used the 'free' hosting from that, but at any rate, she doesn't seem to be able to 'find' the site throught Google searchs, so I suspect the answer to this question is already a known, but here it is: She has a domain name. "http://www.coachinsideout.com/;, and the link to the site is http:http://www.coachinsideout.com/. If you link through to the site and do a view > source, you will see that they wrap her site and the subsequent pages inside a 'frameset'. This, I think, stops the spiders from indexing the pages, but I would like to have someone else confirm this before I make any recommendation to her about how to improve her site by moving to a provider which will offer better indexing by dropping the Frameset. The full source of the html page is available by linking directly to the sub-domain http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. It is table-based and heavy with graphics, but a decent enough layout with some content which is growing and improving all the time, but I feel she is missing out on the possibility of improving her exposure by not getting indexed properly. A move to Xisto - Web Hosting might be a good reccomendation?
  11. The css you have used is this: <!-- /* */body {margin: 0;padding: 0;position: top center;background: silver;font: 80% verdana, arial, sans-serif;}In order to center the page regardless of the screen width, use auto for the left and right margins. And text-align:center for some of the Older browsers. Like this: <!-- /* */body {margin: 0 auto;text-align:center; // for older browserspadding: 0;background: silver;font: 80% verdana, arial, sans-serif;} And I have removed the (position top,center), also, in order to remove any potential conflicts.
  12. TThe procedure that WindandWater refers to can be found in the Xisto Readme file. The link is here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/24588-for-those-who-cannot-wait-for-dns-propagation-dns-propagation-takes-time/. It sets your Host file to point to the nameserver independent of the propagation for the domain name you have selected. Try it and let us know if it works.
  13. Clarifications: 1.) This is the "Show-off" Section for non-Xisto hosted sites, so there will be an element of 'advertising' occur here.2.) The ban against promoting other web-hosting services is in full force and effect, however, since this site is promoting free Forums and not free-hosting, it does not apply since Xisto doesn't provide free forum hosting (directly).
  14. I'm not so sure they will let you pay in quarters unless they are rolled.I have been using Cutepdf for a couple years now and never have had any difficulties with it whatsoever. It also acts as a "printer" on your system and as you "print" stuff to that output device, it captures it and creates a pdf formatted file. Then you can email it to others, save it to your harddrive, whatever. Awesome software.Freeware, too.
  15. If there was another way that worked and I knew about it, I would have mentioned it.Also, don't forget a Doc Type Declaration.
  16. What permissions are set for those files? You might have to change the permissions to allow for read and write access for all (777) to see if that will eliminate the errors.
  17. There is a technique known as "faux columns" which would apply to solve your problem of the height of the left column being less than the Main Content. Look it up at http://alistapart.com/. And the other thing you would want to add to the css for the page you list up there would be a margin on the right - hand div that is equal to or greater than the width of the left-hand column. The margin would be in the same direction as the floated column. ie: margin-left. It would be un-neccesary to float the right hand column on the page. <div id="main"> <div id="left"> just some </br> stuff over </br> here! </div> <div id="right"> but...</br> over here </br> I have </br> even more stuff</br> to </br> display</br> </div> Css for the page: body { margin:0; padding: 0;}#main {}#left { float:left; width:20%;}#right { margin-left: 20%;}Plus the code required for the faux-columns.
  18. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ takes me to the Account Default Index.html and when I add the /cpanel it wants to know the account password, etc, so I'm still going to suggest there is a problem with your end or the ISP you are coming through. I have no problem whatsoever getting through to your sub-domain at the Xisto.com Hosting Service.
  19. phpbb1 loads fine for me. Flash graphic will slow a site somewhat. Depends on the server load at the time, Line speed, etc, but it loaded pretty quick for me just now.
  20. Post some good posts to show the Members and the Mods/Admins that you are capable of being a good member of the Community and, in time, the warning level will go down. Expect it to stay where it is for at least 3 weeks, though. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, most warns last a minimum of 4 weeks.And you will have to go without another warning for that period of time in order to have the warnings removed.Others have done so. You can, too.
  21. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting Caution! Adult language.
  22. Acupuncture is the word you ae looking for.
  23. Works fine for me, again. There must be something happening on the route from your local connection, through the ISP and to the Server, because your site has worked everytime I have tried on the first attempt always, so there isn't anything that I could imagine that might be a problem at the Server. I would contact your ISP and question them about this problem.
  24. Original: if ($action == sticky){mysql_query("Update topics2 set sticky=yes where topic_id=$topic[id]"); echo "<a href="forums2.php?view=topics">back</a>">}Try: if ($action == sticky){mysql_query("Update topics2 set sticky=yes where topic_id=$topic[id]"); echo '<a href="forums2.php?view=topics">back</a>';}Notice the single quotes on the outer parts of the echo and the semi-colon at the end.
  25. nn 7.02 for the imac still works great... for nn7.02... buggy, but it works.
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