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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Lists which consume the bulk of the posting content shoud be placed in bbcode list tags or use "quote" tags to avoid cheating the credit system.
  2. Read all of this previous topic, please. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/35921-i-need-help-with-attaching-a-keylogger-2-a-file-how-do-i-do-it-help-me-plzzzzzzzzzz/
  3. via the cpanel, select File Manager and navigate to the folder by ckicking on the icons.
  4. First thing to check for are mis-matched curly braces. Post the code or submit a link to the source saved as a text file.
  5. What do the errors say? Post the error message here and then we will know what it is. Might be something that you can do something about (or maybe not). But we need to see the message first.
  6. Both were loading fine for me, too.And I'll repeat what SM said, that Splash page needs to entice people to sign-up to your program. Nice Graphic, but it doesn't tell me anything about what you do or how to sign-up for the re-seller plans you offer. Marketing the name isn't enough. Describe your services and add some links to the sign-up page.
  7. The "Darwin" approach to solving the problem of stupid people doing stupid stuff. I like it.
  8. Your first question is answered in the above posting. The answer to the second question is to have a page or link which: SELECT(s) the DB entry you want to edit, displays to the user the specific SELECT(ed) information for editting which you currently have in the DB, allows the user to make the changes, accepts the form when the submit button is clicked, validates the information against the range of acceptable values, performs security measures (ie: stripslashes, htmlentities, etc) against the input, then writes a query to update the row (either partial or full row) of information back into the DB. Again, I assume that you have opened a DB connection properly, built a form, etc. I am not at my usual computer or I could post a complete sample, but the psuedo-code above may help you understand the process. A sample of the SQL statement to update a single partial row would be: UPDATE 'table_name' SET email='$variable_name' WHERE table_index = xx LIMIT 1;
  9. SQL Query to find out the number of items in this Table would be something like: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM 'test_table'; Assuming you have opened the DB and made a connection properly. This is not the php code, just the mysql select to count the number of items in a table. Post back here if you need the php, too.
  10. Plan on 48 hours. It may happen quicker, but there are a lot of things which could slow it down.Moving to Hosted Questions from Hosting Requests.
  11. Maybe you need to wait for IE7 for it to function properly? Read another Topic (at Xisto, I think) about Microsoft Software is going to REQUIRE an IE Browser for them to function. Another M$ brain-storm.
  12. I guess the shape of Baseball Caps and other headwear will have to be modified? Can't see it happening in my lifetime and I'm not so sure that removing the 'human element' from our decision-making processes will allow us to be called 'human beings', either. On another note, would we want it to display our inner-most opinions that we currently are capable of concealing? Remember the last time a teacher wanted to know why your homework wasn't complete? What did you really think about them at that moment? Would you be prepared to share that? Are you recommending this device still?
  13. This Topic is getting spammed, so I'm closing it down.
  14. What definition are you using for 'vintage'? Do you mean like an antique look with curled edges and a 'hazy' look to it? or more like vintage as in the '37 Chevy was a 'vintage' Automobile?
  15. Well, all the stuff they discuss on the link to spamhaus.org looks like gibberish to me. I read through quite a few of their pages and still don't understand what most of them talk about using all that Computereze with three letter short-hands. First of all, I couldn't use the site to find out that Xisto.com is listed there.Second, I just sent some email from my site that was received quite fine, thank you very much. So if the trap's DNS is blocked, the Block isn't too effective, and I wish you would stop making these allegations wthout verification. What evidence can you provide that any mail has been blocked as spam? I'm sure that OpaQue would appreciate receiving the information so that they could lock-down the account providing the SPAM, allowing for the server to continue with its normal operations .
  16. Read through this Sub-forum and check the previously posted topics. There are lots to choose from in here that meet your request.
  17. Well, yes, sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday that I used a 'card punch' machine and hoped I didn't drop the stack of cards on the way to the 'card reader' machine thingy ... Then I wake up ... and the last thirty - some - odd few years come back into the databanks.
  18. Semantically, the pre tag is for "pre-formatted" text, not neccesarly (sp?) code only. The "code" tag is semantically designated to apply to 'code'. There may be a difference in the selection of styling which the author may wish to apply for preformatted and code sections of the document, so there are two tags. Think of them as "classes", sort of. Looking back at the original WWW, the Internet was very different then. There were mostly text documents from Academics being passed around on the Web, and these were very distinctly identifiable requirements. The 'code' sections were typically displayed using a teletype style of character because the most common input device used then for remote access were modified teletype machines and their print type was very different from the print on typewriters, for example, so when the WWW came along, using the teletype font was used to indicate that code was being presented.Preformatted text could be displayed in any chosen type, not neccesarly the same font as code. Today, though, the code tag is a bit of an anachronism, I agree. You almost need to be my age to remember those times.I hope this clarifies why these two tags are used in HTML.
  19. It is said that having links on your page helps to promote the site as the Bots visit the site and points are awarded (or removed) based on the links your site contains. Theoretically, links should raise your Page Ranking, however, there are instances where the Bots actually lessen your Rank due to the links the site contains. For instance, the Bots identify known "link farms" that are sites which only contain links for the purpose of raising their, and your, page ranking. The Bots will ban these links farms and then either deduct points from those sites which link to them, or remove the sites from their index completely. A delicate balance ensues. Yes, you want links, but you must take care to include links which are valid for your site. For instance, if my site is about Hockey and yours is about Llamas, there is not a valid connection and we may lose points because of that. Which raises a question, can the Banner exchange script you are proposing include 'categories' so that we can include only those categories which might help our sites' ranking as per the last comment? Some suggested categories might be General, Computers, Programming, Communites, Gaming, similar to the breakdown of the main index topics on these Forums, maybe?Just a thought I had.
  20. I am indifferent, so I didn't vote. I don't have a site that would benefit, so, I would not be supplying a Banner for my site.. On the other hand, I WOULD use the link to advertise for those who do submit their banners. Has that been considered? And would it be allowed?
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