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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. PostNuke is a Content Management System (CMS) along the same lines as Mambo, Joomla, WordPress, and others. It can be used to create a web site where several people are capable of managing the information on the site.
  2. I am thinking that the php script that I wrote for the Hoverbox Image Gallery could be adapted easily enough for the creation of the street. It reads all the files in a directory and then displays them. Of course, the script is used to display using the Hoverbox on-hover css, but it could be displayed without the css affecting it.I'll tackle this one and see how it goes.
  3. jlhaslip

    Sup Guys

    Plazma, I have editted the url out of your sig. NO WAREZ on the Xisto in any way, shape or form.All the rules and acceptable content information can be found by reading the Readme file and the Terms of Service.Verbal Warning Issued!
  4. No email notifiacation occurs for suspensions or terminations. It is the member's responsibility to be aware of their credit status and post accordingly. The servers admins and mods are busy doing other stuff and really don't have time to send out email notices.
  5. the php mail() is enabled on all Xisto Accounts except Xisto dot NET. ( free hosting with ads)As long as the servers aren't bogged down, the mail function will allow a site to use it. If you are too demanding of the system resources, then the Server admins will stop the mail function from working on your site, but using it to register members for a forum shouldn't be too much demand on the Server.The specific number of emails and the size of the emails sent I don't know what the limits are.
  6. If you have a Firefox Browser and the Web Developer's tool, check the html structure closely.There are several forms, several tables and a div inside a td element which, of course, is inside a tr element. And all nested, so the interpretation is going to differ (guaranteed) between the Gecko Browsers and IE. IE is (as you most likely know) terribly buggy and since the nesting of tables and tr's, td's etc, is confusing.... it probably isn't getting it right.One thing you might do is evaluate the DTD for the page. Some DTD's put IE in Quirks Mode, which means there are no standards used when the page is rendered and IE will *guess* at a lot of the element's positioning.I don't use any IE Browsers, but Google on "IE quirks mode" to see if there is a DTD which will force IE to NOT use Quirks Mode to see if the output is more suitable for you.
  7. <from action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\" name=\"\"> Is this a typo? Should it be: <form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\" name=\"\">??? also, there must be more CSS than what shows in your posting. Try setting the margins and padding to zero and then re-view the code. Is this page up-loaded to a public server and could you post a link, please? It is easier to diagnose these things with the full html and css available, but the margins and padding settings are something to start looking at, based on what I can see here.
  8. Try reading Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce sometime. Wiki here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnegans_Wake
  9. MXweb (and Others, too),One way to handle the IE css problems is to create a second css file and use this sample of HTML to direct the user's Browser to implement the second CSS file if they are in fact using IE. I find it simpler to do this than to have a whole whack of hacks for the different IE (and other) Browsers. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"><html lang="en"><head> <title>Purcell Crossing Consultants Group : Page: </title> <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type" > <meta name="expires" content="0" > <meta name="description" content=" A description of the pccg site needs to be included here." > <style type="text/css" media="screen">@import "./fixed4all.css"; </style> <!--[if IE]> <link href="./fixed4ie.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"> <script type="text/javascript">onload = function() { content.focus() }</script><![endif]--></head>
  10. I believe others have asked about this and I believe Opaque has continued to say no to ASP.
  11. Or modify your .htaccess file such that index_cm.php is the "home" page for the directory/account. Either way would work.I believe there is a Tutorial on modifying the .htaccess file to perform such a task.On the otherhand, the above posting would also work, your call.
  12. SQL is a standardization of Database Procedures. In the 'olde' days, everyone used different commands and features and then there were always problems adapting code, retrieving information, etc from various databases. SQL solves some of these problems.MYSQL and PostGresql are two implementations of SQL by two different groups, both of which are Open Source, although the Mysql is also available as a commercial product. Postgresql is available from Sourceforge, the Open Source site.PHP5 comes packaged with an 'SQL-lite' which doesn't have all the features of these other packages, but is quite effective for smaller applications, ie: a cd library, address book, mailing list, etc.
  13. Wait until the new one hits the Release Stage. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/41292-phpbb-30-beta-2-free-forum-software-have-a-look-at-the-features/
  14. The song that was playing started out okay, but then got louder, however, I found your audio volume control and set it down a little and actually liked the tune.
  15. He found them. Good job. I like the text improvements you made in the second version, too.
  16. Oh, gee, just like in your avatar?
  17. Email to member:Please return to the Forum (http://forums.xisto.com/) and read the pinned topic about graphics requests. There are certain conditions which must be met before sig requests are made visible. For example, the requester must have 10 or more posts on the forum. You currently have zero, so the request will not be made visible.Thanks for understanding and be sure that when you have met the requirements, the request will be reviewed and made public.
  18. Hype,Don't worry about anything. I am sure that IE knows all about the problems with IE's non-standard rendering of CSS. They are in the middle of fixing it, so relax. The only fix is for me to have some time to research the CSS and I simply do not have the time until probably this weekend. I promise to get to it and advise you when it is available for testing and you can do the beta test for me.
  19. Thanks for the screenshot, HYpe and the confirmation, DarkPsycho.I will definately look into this problem. It is probably something to do with an IE6 hack and IE7 that doesn't need the hack. Usually, this can be solved by using a conditional statement for IE and different CSS file for those browsers which need it.Stay tuned for the modifications to come.*by the way*, does the 'on-click' okay work in IE7?
  20. I experienced some very good response to having Tutorials published here (and on other forums). Because of the activity on these forums, the bots hang around and pick up leads from them and I believe that has enhanced my site's bot activity a great deal.Also, your Hosting service can be an influence, too. A friend's site is with her ISP and has 'zero' bots. We suspect that the Host has banned them, whereas here at the trap, the Host encourages the Bots.
  21. If you can't say the word during a conversation with your Pastor/Preacher/Reverand, it shouldn't be used in everyday speech. That's the way I see it.
  22. HYpe,Either I don't understand the problem you are having, or I can't duplicate it.I have checked this script with three browsers and two versions of php and it all works well for me.Only thing that I can't check is the function in Internet Explorer 7 because I do not have that Browser installed. What browser are you using? Please post it here or pm me and I will see what can be done. Thanks.Sprnknwn and Flakes,Thanks for your comments and good luck with it.
  23. I created this Tutorial several days ago, but the codebox information was getting a weird control character inside it which wouldn't let the contents display correctly.It may have been something to do with the editting and transfer of the text to/from a mac machine and then to the Linux server, although I have done it that way before, so go figure?Enjoy.
  24. Having watched these computers we use grow over the years, and with the current growth not expected to slow down any time soon, I would imagine that in 32 years from now, the only 32-bit machines will be in Museums.I think this 2038 problem will go away with new chipsets and new codes. Thirty two years is still a long time away.
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