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Everything posted by skynet

  1. Ow, sweet... Now, I would not miss any important news again, thanks to google :DGoogle rox !
  2. Argh, My eyes hurt... But, admit it, the designer of that website is really creative ^^by the way, I love the pack man game, it's so small and cute,
  3. he really deserve that Since, I hate spam so much, I got about 10-20 spam mails per day in my gmail account alone
  4. My favorite drinks are:- I'm almost like all fruits juice- 100 Plus and all it's kind- Hot Chocolate Milk- Mineral Water (No day without it)That's all...I guess
  5. Not exactly working tough Tried it, and it forward me to used activation gmail link , Despite at the page it says they still have 5,653 invite
  6. That's what I mean Haha, sorry If I'm confusing you
  7. dude it's supposed to be Space Shuttle not "space shittle".Yeah, it's gonna be the first lunch after Columbia accident, according to NASA they've fixed and changed some of the Shuttle part, that NASA assume that's the cause of Columbia Blast off. So it'll be way safer...Anyway, I'm looking forward to see if they make it or not, I hope they make it this time too!
  8. Looks Interesting...I'm wondering what kind of treasure under there, must be more worth than "6 Million dollars" then. Since, people waste that as much as money just for it.Now get that hoe and start diging!
  9. What the name of the host? I want to see it myself...Seeing is beliefing
  10. Yeah, I still remember a woman sell their bodies for advertising on ebay, and a casino company won over it.
  11. a bit scary tough... luckyly it happen extremely rare and far from our galaxy.What? Will fry anything in our orbits? Ow man that's terribleMy lovely hubble telescope
  12. Well I get approx 1-2 virus per month, I don't know where it come from. But I think kazaa is surely one of my suspect, I've seen many people complaining got spyware, virus after installing this program I think I'll just uninstall it later, I didn't do much on this program tough ;)Thankfully, my norton internet security make my computer safe from any attack.
  13. Well I'm a fan of Science Fiction Movieand I've lot of favorite scifi movies, the obvious one is Artificial intelligence, iRobot, Independence day, Terminator, Minority Report, well actually so many but I can't remember every one of them.By the way, is Robocop Counts?
  14. Ops, so sorry about that... and actually that's not mine, that's my brother's... I'm just get it from his room, and have a snap on them, coz I think it's cool
  15. wh00t! Never thought that any neopets player around here Haha, I'm a millionaire in that game *evil lough* I've about 5mill np.But, I'm not playing it anymore...since, I'm really busy. and I think to many *n00b* and the game is too boring...It was then till I found my life on a MMORPG game...and I admit, I used to many neopets plushies from Mc Donald thing, and I've sold it all at yahoo auctionbtw, the runer of that game is really creative and has lot of idea, I admit that!
  16. You're not the only one who had the same problem.about 3 days ago it takes me more than 10 seconds to load every page on this forum, but I think now is better, just take me about 3 secs-5secs to load.btw, I'm using broadband, as fast as 2000Mbps.
  17. Alright...New Operating SystemNew Internet BrowserNew HotmailNew MSN searchNew MSN MessengerWhat next?
  18. wh00ps! Apearently I'm the only one who voted for xbox 360.Well, I think xbox 360 is will be better, it will have interesting game, wireless controller, and I love the looks of xbox 360, like futuristic gadget or something like that.who cares about how powerful is it! the main conclusion you buy a game console is to make you fun, I don't really care if a console with have equal power with super computer, but the game is lousy
  19. Camera phone, obviosly...Well the quality is not the problem now, I've seen phone with 2 megapixel in this case SE S750i, and I think it's good enough to catch some unforgotable moment.and when I forgot or lazy to bring my lovely digital camera, I can still use my phone to take some pic.
  20. Wow thanks guys, for the suggestion :)I will view one by one the program that you all suggested to me You're all really helpful
  21. What FTP program do you use to login?I suggest you use SmartFTP
  22. *dreaming if that my bedroom* I'll be there all day long...
  23. In no numbering orders:- Call of Duty- The Sims 1 & 2- Age of Empires 2, maybe...
  24. Well, since I'm starting to learn some PHP programming and editing, I need some recommends about what program should I use, and if possible what's advantage and disadventage of the program, how easy to use it, the interface. etcSome of my friend, encourage me to use Dreamweaver, since I'm new and will not do much in it.
  25. Haha, not really. I copied it from spymac.com tough
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